Most popular sub genres


Jul 31, 2013
What are the most popular sub genres here?
Better still, where can I find the stats?

As a new writer here, I'd like to know what folks most want to read and compare it to what I like to write.
Most popular - far and away - is mother/son incest. Following that is everything else incest.

Right behind that is Loving Wives, but that comes with a price. Read the comments on stories in that section and you'll discover the price soon enough.

After that, there are high points and low points ( Age difference stories do well, for example ) but there's nothing really leaps and bounds above anything else.

Then you have a few genres that have limited readership. Sci-Fi & Fantasy, non erotic, letters and transcripts... Things of that nature.

No matter what you like to write, there's a readership here for it. Lit's a big enough pond that there's always someone to nibble on whatever you drop in the water.
If you go to the 'Stories by Category' screen, you'll see a total (in brackets) at the end of each line. However, I'm not sure that it tells you what people like to read; just what people like to write.

Oh, and welcome :)
There is a decent enough following for long and detailed Romance stories.
Have you seen the Top List?

You can flip through the Most Read stories on top, for the past 30 days & 12 months.

You can also scroll down and look at the different categories to see how many views a typical story gets within the last month.
Thank you for the warm welcome and the info. Much appreciated.

It doesn't surprise that incest is a big draw. Amazon and their competition do not allow them in their bookstores.
I've been reading stories here for years. I finally signed up to participate. I've been published before and consider myself a competent writer. I find erotica and erotic romance to be a lot of fun to write am gearing up to sell my work via ebooks. I'll be posting here shortly, as well.