Most embarrassingly stupid campaign ad EVER


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
I honestly, truly hope EVERY voter in America gets a chance to see this ad. I really do.

Please, please, Mr. President, run this ad. Run it over and over again. ;)
I seen it this morning. Not impressed. The article I read was speaking of Lena Dunham as if she was some type of mega superstar. Never heard of her until today.
the outrage over this youtube ad is hilarious

yet meanwhile, the Koch Bros spent nearly 2 million with the Shawna Holmes TV ad , you might remember her... she had a " terminal brain tumor" that the Canadian government " refused " to treat

turns out " terminal" was code for " benign" and " tumor" was code for " cyst"

and " refused" was code for " she opted out of coverage by jumping the line, and then tried and failed to sue the government to pay for her US treatment"

right wing outrage = zero
the outrage over this youtube ad is hilarious

yet meanwhile, the Koch Bros spent nearly 2 million with the Shawna Holmes TV ad , you might remember her... she had a " terminal brain tumor" that the Canadian government " refused " to treat

turns out " terminal" was code for " benign" and " tumor" was code for " cyst"

and " refused" was code for " she opted out of coverage by jumping the line, and then tried and failed to sue the government to pay for her US treatment"

right wing outrage = zero

Who can be outraged over desperation and abject stupidity?

By the way, the ad is a rip-off of an ad Putin ran.

the outrage over this youtube ad is hilarious

yet meanwhile, the Koch Bros spent nearly 2 million with the Shawna Holmes TV ad , you might remember her... she had a " terminal brain tumor" that the Canadian government " refused " to treat

turns out " terminal" was code for " benign" and " tumor" was code for " cyst"

and " refused" was code for " she opted out of coverage by jumping the line, and then tried and failed to sue the government to pay for her US treatment"

right wing outrage = zero

No mention of Paul Ryan pushing a woman over a cliff?
Or Allen West bullying a white woman?
Or Mitt Romney killing a woman by taking away her health care, when they had it anyways?
It never ceases to amaze me how each side in these contests is "outraged" by the advertizing of the other side. Quite hilarious actually that anyone would find this offensive.
It is an appeal to young women, not old fuddies like you and me.

Next week some other ad by the challengers will have the incumbent declaring some sense of feigned moral repugnacity.

The solution here is to have at least 4 people/parties running for the job. Then the advertising becomes less of a focus point.
Yeah, I didn't really find it offensive, just really stupid. Also, this person is a celebrity? She looks like the kind of girl that would use the word "repurpose" and give money to mimes on the street.
Yeah, I didn't really find it offensive, just really stupid. Also, this person is a celebrity? She looks like the kind of girl that would use the word "repurpose" and give money to mimes on the street.

Giving money to mimes should carry the death penalty. We simply can't encourage that kind of behavior.
No mention of Paul Ryan pushing a woman over a cliff?
Or Allen West bullying a white woman?
Or Mitt Romney killing a woman by taking away her health care, when they had it anyways?

Does the ad claim Paul Ryan actually push a woman off a cliff?.... Shawna Holmes actually claimed she had a terminal brain tumour that she wasnt going to get treated

Did Allen west actually beat up a woman? .... Shawna Holmes ad actually claims she wasnt going to be treated

as for the last... guess what, even Democrats have expressed outrage at that SuperPac ad.... but that doesnt fit your narrative, so you'll ignore it

welcome to campaign 101....lies and smears, and everyone claiming the higher ground
I think it's more because it is more, and it is stupid, because he and his campaign are stupid, and dumb like you.

I know I've only been around for 20 years (or 70, depending on who you ask), but this might take the position as the worst insult I've ever heard in my life.
I know I've only been around for 20 years (or 70, depending on who you ask), but this might take the position as the worst insult I've ever heard in my life.

It's par for the course with Vette. He's famous around here for his lame insults.
I know I've only been around for 20 years (or 70, depending on who you ask), but this might take the position as the worst insult I've ever heard in my life.

If he had called her a poo poo head it would have been more articulate