More women in Government?


Dec 31, 2009

Female representation remains low in US statehouses, particularly Democrats in the South
ABC|2 hours ago
Nearly 130 years since the first three women were elected to state legislative offices in the U.S., women remain massively underrepresented in state legislatures

You would think it would help on some key issues. But then you think of Ivey, Reynolds, Noem, Macey, Boobert and the Neanderthal to name just a few and they aren't any better than the Orangutan.
Particularly Democrats in the South? There are only so many Democratic officeholders left in the south, regardless of party (and good riddance).
Particularly Democrats in the South? There are only so many Democratic officeholders left in the south, regardless of party (and good riddance).

Almost every city in the South is blue. You know, where the educated and prosperous people live.

There would be more Democrats in state legislatures in the South, but the Republicans gerrymandered the fuck out of the voting maps. Fortunately that has begun to change because the Republicans have been losing lawsuits in some states.
There will be opportunities for a wide variety of people as the incompetence and greed of the old ruling class drives it off a cliff and a new ruling class rises. The opportunities will be less internet clicks and more personal meetings at grange halls, county fairs, etc.
You cunt define one either
Oh sorry. A person with a vagina who wouldn't let you within a million miles of it. That help?

You'd do better turning gay dude. Guys (on the whole, #notallmen) are way less discriminating.
You cunt define one either
And you can't spell can't. This was kind of funny 20 years ago BB. But like Elk, it's lost it's amusement. Maybe come up with something new, otherwise you're just an old wore out 45 record. We all remember've just become one.