More REPOH LIES! Its amazing how fraudulent they are!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 23, 2011
Surprise! Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain

Posted by Jammie on Sep 06, 2012 at 1:41 pm

I know, it’s hard to believe the same folks who who pawn off “Republican” women in a pro-Obama ad would be so duplicitous as to trot out a fake at the DNC. Amazing how quickly the so-called “fact-checkers” pointed this out, huh?

So in less than one hour they had a fake Bain employee and a fake Indian. Nice work, folks! Hey, maybe they can bring out Joe Soptic tonight just for shits and giggle.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

They each told compelling stories about jobs lost, allegedly because of the actions of Bain under Romney’s leadership.

But it turns out one of those employees never actually worked for a company controlled by Bain Capital.

David Foster was supposedly one of those former employees on the convention schedule. He told the story about 750 steelworkers who lost their jobs when the Bain-controlled company GST steel filed for bankruptcy in the early 1990s.

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

But Foster, according to a former spokesman for GST Steel, never actually worked for the company.

“David Foster was never an employee of GST Steel’s Kansas City plant. He was employed by the United Steelworkers of America as their regional union director to represent GST Steel, but was not employed at our facility,” according to BC Huselton, who was head of HR at GST.

Instead, Foster was a union organizer, who negotiated for workers that did work for the company.

It’s painful how fraudulent these Democrats are.

Dealing With Unfavorable Polls the Chicago Way

When Gallup released a poll showing Romney leading the Manchurian Moonbat 48–43, the powers that be were not pleased:

[T]he White House … asked that a Gallup staffer “come over and explain our methodology,” which was apparently perceived as a subtle threat.

A Gallup official said in an email he thought Axelrod’s pressure “sounds a little like a Godfather situation.”

“Imagine Axel[rod] with Brando’s voice: ‘I’d like you to come over and explain your methodology… You got a nice poll there… would be a shame if anything happened to it….’”

Sure enough, failure to come up with numbers more pleasing to the Regime resulted in punishment:

[W]hen Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, the Obama administration’s Justice Department revived a 2009 whistle-blower lawsuit against the firm by joining the suit, a senior Gallup official alleges.

The suit was filed by former Gallup employee Michael Lindley, who claims the firm violated the False Claims Act by overcharging the federal government for its services.

You know something is fishy when Obama et al. make a stink about overspending.

If we are still Americans, we won’t tolerate being ruled by these thugs indefinitely.