more mischevious new pics


back to mischeviousness
Jan 8, 2002
I'm baaaackk ;) its been three weeks since i had inira and i've been feeling better and better about my post baby body as the days go by, so i thought i'd share some pics. i was feeling exhibitionistic this morning and while inira was sleeping i finally got some pics taken. i'll add more and more pics as i get a chance to take them.



edited to say: there are pictures on pages 4-6 as well


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heres one more for now, my little monster just woke up. gotta go tend to her. i'll be in and out of lit today.......:kiss:


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Hey now.....

And a happy new year to you. Love the photos, how about letting your hair down?
Welcome back Misti! I've missed you so. Please keep those pics coming. I love them!
So very nice...

It would be horrible if you droped that towel.... nudge nudge wink wink
thanks ed and hippie :). i toyed with the idea of brushing my hair and eveyrthing before taking the pics but htought i'd better take the time i had and use it. it will be down in my next set of pics i'm sure. ;)

here is a link to my old pics thread........misti's mischevious new pics
wow, what a response!
thanks so much meth, fire, joey and sweet, kisses and caresses for all of you:devil:

heres another pic ;)


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here is the last pic in this series. you get to see my new labret piercing; as soon as it is healed further i'm going to get a ring around my lip instead.


  • shower5.jpg
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Wow. Three weeks after giving birth and you look like that!?!?!?

You DO know that every mother on the planet is going to hate you now, right?

VERY sexy. Unbelievable.
Very beautiful pictures Misti...Anyone would love to shower with you.:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
RawHumor said:
Wow. Three weeks after giving birth and you look like that!?!?!?

You DO know that every mother on the planet is going to hate you now, right?

VERY sexy. Unbelievable.
lol, i only had an hour and a half labor too:p seriously. i was lucky..........but don;t hate me please hehe

thanks raw:heart:
Not now, I'm stalking you *stalk stalk*

Have I said yet how nummy your nipples are looking?

Tell that husband of yours to stroke that soft belly for you.
*too cuddly*
There's a good girl ;)
Yep, they're gonna hate ya, Misti. You have GREAT karma! And Definately, lookin' good. Love to see that Mischievious twinkle in your eyes.

So things with Inira are doing well? How's she sleeping? How goes breast feeding?

:kiss: to that stud muffin of yours too. Can't forget him.
mischeviousmisti said:
lol, i only had an hour and a half labor too:p seriously.

Okay, just one more reason why I'll never show my wife Lit.

Her first labor was literally about 5 days long - before they did the C-section.

With the second, they just scheduled the C-section from the start.