More domestic terrorism in Atlanta.

How could the Biden admin not be aware.
Because the instigators didn't make them aware?

Unlike the proud boys and many there on January 6, antifa folks don't seem to have a website dedicated to their rioting schedule.
Because the instigators didn't make them aware?

Unlike the proud boys and many there on January 6, antifa folks don't seem to have a website dedicated to their rioting schedule.
So Jan 6 is justification for all future violence from leftist organizations.

I get it!... You're well versed in WHATABOUTISM!

So much for the SPLC being an anti-violence organization, and I write that in jest, we all know what they're all about.
So Jan 6 is justification for all future violence from leftist organizations.

I get it!... You're well versed in WHATABOUTISM!

So much for the SPLC being an anti-violence organization, and I write that in jest, we all know what they're all about.
What does that mean? I merely stated that the antifa assholes are better at being assholes and not getting caught. I don't support these assholes at all...fuck em all..throw em in jail.

One guy worked at SPLC and all of a sudden it means they all are terrorists. You dipshits are predictable. What about the places that the other instigators worked for? What if one of them worked for Chick FIL A...does that mean that Chick FIL A is part of the attack too?
By the way, the protest didn't suddenly "turn violent". There was a protest and then there were people who showed up to cause damage.and destroy shit.

It is the same shit that went on during the Floyd protests and during January 6. People showed up respectfully to protest what they thought was wrong and then assholes showed up to fuck shit up. Grouping the two together is stupid and dishonest and diminishes the rights of people who want to publicly protest.
Cop City doesn’t need to happen, and the majority of Atlanteans don’t want it to happen.

At least their protests are based on real issues, unlike Jade Helm 15.

So SPLC guy wasn't there to wreak havoc, he was there to observe.

As always, when the Right start squawking over shit like chickens in a pen, there's more to the story they don't wanna hear.
It doesn't matter.....they see things they hate and assume it's all connected because to them, it's all some sort of good vs evil battle in their cosplay bullshit brain
The funniest thing to me is that many of those antifa fuckers also believe themselves to be a good vs evil cosplay champion
By the way, the protest didn't suddenly "turn violent". There was a protest and then there were people who showed up to cause damage.and destroy shit.

It is the same shit that went on during the Floyd protests and during January 6. People showed up respectfully to protest what they thought was wrong and then assholes showed up to fuck shit up. Grouping the two together is stupid and dishonest and diminishes the rights of people who want to publicly protest.
23 people arrested for domestic terroism. Most were out of state. Interstate, makes it a federal crime, where’s Merrick Garland, he stumped on curbing domestic terrorism, crickets! Too busy chasing concerned parents at school board meetings

Im not concerned about peaceful protesting hypocrite tree huggers. It’s the Molotov cocktail throwing POS. The left argues ANTIFA is not organized and yet they show up from different states and countries. These are anarchist cop haters. I hope theses clowns are considered a flight risk and are denied bail.
Interstate, makes it a federal crime, where’s Merrick Garland, he stumped on curbing domestic terrorism, crickets! Too busy chasing concerned parents at school board meetings
See? Should have put him on the Supreme Court.
23 people arrested for domestic terroism. Most were out of state. Interstate, makes it a federal crime, where’s Merrick Garland, he stumped on curbing domestic terrorism, crickets! Too busy chasing concerned parents at school board meetings
So your position is that it's Merrick Garlands fault that they engaged in domestic terrorism.

Got it.

Im not concerned about peaceful protesting hypocrite tree huggers. It’s the Molotov cocktail throwing POS. The left argues ANTIFA is not organized and yet they show up from different states and countries. These are anarchist cop haters. I hope theses clowns are considered a flight risk and are denied bail.
Yes, but your links are the ones that conflate the two. And you should be calling them out on it as much as I am. (And have for both right and left leaning protests)

I personally don't care if they are organized or if you call the "organization" domestic terrorism or not...if they engage in the planning or execution of violence, they should be in jailm
Im not concerned about peaceful protesting hypocrite tree huggers
They're not "hypocrites" and you should be concerned. Because they're employing the same right to peaceful assembly that your side likes to indulge in whenever they get sand in their diapers over things like drag queens reading storybooks to kids.

but then when you muddy the waters with histrionics that conflate bad faith actors and people deliberately intending to disrupt with ordinary citizens rightfully protesting, it fucks your side's shit up as well. Now, nobody wants to listen to you or care about your concerns.

by the way, if it weren't for trees, you wouldn't be able to huff and puff properly when your steam rises in getting needlessly indignant. When they're gone, so are you.
Well then, dangerous idiots!
Sometimes, yes. Both sides of the cosplay fence had it out in a Portland suburb early last year....was the most pathetic display of childishness I've ever seen.
They're not "hypocrites" and you should be concerned. Because they're employing the same right to peaceful assembly that your side likes to indulge in whenever they get sand in their diapers over things like drag queens reading storybooks to kids.
This is about anti cop, defund cops veiled in forest preservation. Gimmy a break.
but then when you muddy the waters with histrionics that conflate bad faith actors and people deliberately intending to disrupt with ordinary citizens rightfully protesting, it fucks your side's shit up as well. Now, nobody wants to listen to you or care about your concerns.
One of your supposed tree huggers shot a cop, but any excuse will do. Peaceful protest doesn't give anyone or group the right to illegally occupy space. The city council voted 10 to 4 on the project which was pretty much brought on by the 2020 anti police violence.
by the way, if it weren't for trees, you wouldn't be able to huff and puff properly when your steam rises in getting needlessly indignant. When they're gone, so are you.
I'm all for trees, plant billions of them, that'll help control carbon emissions.
Sometimes, yes. Both sides of the cosplay fence had it out in a Portland suburb early last year....was the most pathetic display of childishness I've ever seen.
Violence isn't an answer.