more disturbing shit


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Tootsie rolls

I make chocolates as a hobby and have yet to come up with a recipe for chocolate at the consistancy of half chewed gum..

Disturbing its maleable like silly putty, but taste like straight from the bottle liquid hersheys syrup.... dear lord god its warping my brain
Ooooh, it hurts my teeth just thinking about them. I don't like them. I prefer chocolate that you can stick in your mouth, roll around on your tongue, and melt when you rub it against the roof of your mouth.

Chocolate is too sexual to waste on silly putty.
Ginny said:
I :heart: Tootsie Rolls

weather you love them or not its still disturbing, im eating a big tootsie roll right now (about the size of a king sized hershey bar)....well eating is a kind word... im twisting it into fun shapes like pretzels and other fun things I used to do with silly putty
There was a show on the food network channel that said tootsie rolls were not chocolate.

I cant for the life of me remember what it was.
I've often wondered how they came up with that name... I mean, to think the word tootsie most often is used to refer to someone's ass... and just where does the roll come from?

Now, warm, melty chocolaty goodness, smeared, streaked and rubbed on someone... that's the ultimate in sweet chocolaty goodness.
Ginny said:
aquila cutie.......did you ever scan your cock for us? ;)

what? that Ive had that scanned for a long time now.. shit I have it printed on a business card.. (nothing like direct advertising)

Ive been working on the whole bit by bit theme though.. Ive been posting body parts one by one...
you lil tease.....;)

oh crud......"Getting To Know You" is suddenly playing in my head.....i hate when that happens......damn rogers and hammerstein....
Ginny said:
you lil tease.....;)

oh crud......"Getting To Know You" is suddenly playing in my head.....i hate when that happens......damn rogers and hammerstein....

well at least it isnt cheap 70's porno music... I only perform to cheap 80s porno music