Moonlight Knife


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2011
This is a private thread intended for my use only. Do not post anything on this.

I have decided to write a story by myself, and I think being able to see the views will help get me to write more. My first posts will just be character details and other things to help me write, but soon I'll have the beginning up!


Name: Draugwen
Age: 25
Species: light elf
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Face/head description: piercing blue/grey eyes, long neck, narrow jaw, gentle curves of face, soft full orange-pink lips, wavy red hair, striking face, often an upturned smile on face, small button-nose
Physical characteristics: soft pale skin, slender but muscular body, straight-line body, slender calloused fingers, small feet, takes proud confident steps, petite form, small breasts, gentle curves though few, very strong arms and legs but slender shoulders
Usual clothing: tunic, legging, and leather boots in neutral or dark green colors; sometimes at more formal meetings she wears a silk dark blue dress
Speech: soft low voice, but commanding and beautiful
Occupation: assassin
Relationships: none
Personality: rough, unfriendly, very guarded; a strong leader but also a loner; charismatic when needed, but can also be convincing through means of violence; easily angered; sarcastic but very serious; doesnt take things lightly
History: Abandoned in the woods as a child, she was nursed by a wolf, who she called Lupa later on. She was taken in by a hunter around seven years old and taught how to hunt, survive, make fires, build shelter, and other things she would use later in her life. Her surrogate father died when she was fourteen and was forced to survive on her own. She started out as a thief but eventually became a skilled assassin.
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