Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

Hi young lady.

Well... count me in... I will be sure to drop by and keep an eye on proceedings.

Looking very great. :)

Be safe.
Straighten up
Don’t fall, melt away
The way it happens
When his hands
Move up to your wrists
Holding them there
You against the wall
His eyes, the way he sees you
Like no one else ever existed
Then you glaze over
Become a hungry monster
Needy for everything about him
Wanting flesh against flesh
Fucking deep, hard
Wet delicious delirium
As fingers move over
Hips bucking inside
And remembering, thinking,
Standing straight
Becomes a thing of the past
As the points dig deeper.


Inventive, beautiful and potentially lethal..
I want a picture of my lips around your cock.



That would be fun episode to shoot. The excitment of creating sexual art. I have done and created some and the sexual tension is amazing. Especially if one person takes creative control.
I am going to trace it back
To when the rock of their family,
His father-in-law,
Was found pulseless in his truck that morning.
That’s when the world started falling apart for him.
His wife got sick a couple months later
And he took care of her
As best he could.
Took her to the doctor after it got really bad
Autoimmune disorder kicking her ass
So he took off from work
To stay home with their two kids.

They are here alone
Moved states away from any other family who has their accent.
And the loneliness,
The not having his father-figure,
The not having his wife,
The not having real friends
Started to get to him.

Once she was feeling better,
He started going out after work
Told his wife he was picking up extra,
But really, he needed to blow off some steam.
He drank
A lot
And ended up doing some things he wasn’t proud of.

He’s been banned from two bars
For fighting
And intimidating the waitstaff
Because he’s not a small person
And he cares too much
It seeps out into his aggression
And looks like anger to an untrained eye.

He’s yelled at work
At managers
At other employees
And his time is numbered now,
Which he knows
Because his wife told him
That she can’t do it anymore:
The lies
The bruises on his knuckles
And she’s been talking to an ex
Who is a nice man
Who doesn’t yell at her to show that he cares.

He confided in me last week
Because I have that face
Which says I understand.
I am going to trace it back
To when the rock of their family,
His father-in-law,
Was found pulseless in his truck that morning.
That’s when the world started falling apart for him.
His wife got sick a couple months later
And he took care of her
As best he could.
Took her to the doctor after it got really bad
Autoimmune disorder kicking her ass
So he took off from work
To stay home with their two kids.

They are here alone
Moved states away from any other family who has their accent.
And the loneliness,
The not having his father-figure,
The not having his wife,
The not having real friends
Started to get to him.

Once she was feeling better,
He started going out after work
Told his wife he was picking up extra,
But really, he needed to blow off some steam.
He drank
A lot
And ended up doing some things he wasn’t proud of.

He’s been banned from two bars
For fighting
And intimidating the waitstaff
Because he’s not a small person
And he cares too much
It seeps out into his aggression
And looks like anger to an untrained eye.

He’s yelled at work
At managers
At other employees
And his time is numbered now,
Which he knows
Because his wife told him
That she can’t do it anymore:
The lies
The bruises on his knuckles
And she’s been talking to an ex
Who is a nice man
Who doesn’t yell at her to show that he cares.

He confided in me last week
Because I have that face
Which says I understand.
A slice of life its own self. Wish there was a like button this would be easier and you'b be spared my commentary. Go out and have some fun today.
Only you...

Straighten up
Don’t fall, melt away
The way it happens
When his hands
Move up to your wrists
Holding them there
You against the wall
His eyes, the way he sees you
Like no one else ever existed
Then you glaze over
Become a hungry monster
Needy for everything about him
Wanting flesh against flesh
Fucking deep, hard
Wet delicious delirium
As fingers move over
Hips bucking inside
And remembering, thinking,
Standing straight
Becomes a thing of the past
As the points dig deeper.

attachment.php can put color into white panties and bra! Love it.
continuing to enjoy the skill you display in your rope work, hope the steel pins did not leave lasting bruises.
Moochie, the beauty of your body is evident in your pictures, but the beauty of your soul is so apparent in your words. Thank you for sharing both.
I want a picture of my lips around your cock.

I have a thing for lips of the natural looking variety, not the artificially plump up type, yours are beautifully formed.

Thank you for creating a new thread, as you were summing up the previous thread, I had the feeling this was a statement of your threads closure: So many brilliant threads have either ended abruptly or just faded away, two that comes to mind was AlliaPotestas and Murmara.
For some who create threads it may be for therapy, or you can say things here that you would not share with friends. Hope you stick around for some time to come, as you would be sorely missed.

Soft breezes
Rustling, rippling stalks
Stronger than words
Delicately spaced
Warm, ripe
Pressing skin of
Full firm fruits

Lips parting
Grazing, flickering
Over the blooming
Sensitive surface
Easily torn, bruised,
Plucked foliage blushing

Falling open for you
Amongst my thorns


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Soft breezes
Rustling, rippling stalks
Stronger than words
Delicately spaced
Warm, ripe
Pressing skin of
Full firm fruits

Lips parting
Grazing, flickering
Over the blooming
Sensitive surface
Easily torn, bruised,
Plucked foliage blushing

Falling open for you
Amongst my thorns


Lovely picture and lovely prose!! :rose::rose::rose:

Soft breezes
Rustling, rippling stalks
Stronger than words
Delicately spaced
Warm, ripe
Pressing skin of
Full firm fruits

Lips parting
Grazing, flickering
Over the blooming
Sensitive surface
Easily torn, bruised,
Plucked foliage blushing

Falling open for you
Amongst my thorns


Beautiful Moochie !!

Soft breezes
Rustling, rippling stalks
Stronger than words
Delicately spaced
Warm, ripe
Pressing skin of
Full firm fruits

Lips parting
Grazing, flickering
Over the blooming
Sensitive surface
Easily torn, bruised,
Plucked foliage blushing

Falling open for you
Amongst my thorns


A bit out of season for roses, but they look good against you threaded amongst the rope.

Soft breezes
Rustling, rippling stalks
Stronger than words
Delicately spaced
Warm, ripe
Pressing skin of
Full firm fruits

Lips parting
Grazing, flickering
Over the blooming
Sensitive surface
Easily torn, bruised,
Plucked foliage blushing

Falling open for you
Amongst my thorns
Wow.. This is just beautiful Moochie. :heart::rose: The picture and the words.

:rose: Karaoke night with you must be fun. So pretty.
I miss karaoke.
Or should I say,
I miss going to karaoke,
Because I still sing
In the car,
At work,
In my closet,
In the shower,
On long walks with my kid...
I just don’t go to,
Haven’t yet,
Even though they re-opened last week
Because I’m still too afraid
Of the things I’ve seen
And can’t imagine
Being able to safely sing into a mic
That was just used by someone else
Moments before me.
Not yet.
And yes,
I am afraid
Of something I can’t see
Enough to give up
Something I love doing.

I haven’t gotten very good with the autoharp yet.
I miss karaoke.
Or should I say,
I miss going to karaoke,
Because I still sing
In the car,
At work,
In my closet,
In the shower,
On long walks with my kid...
I just don’t go to,
Haven’t yet,
Even though they re-opened last week
Because I’m still too afraid
Of the things I’ve seen
And can’t imagine
Being able to safely sing into a mic
That was just used by someone else
Moments before me.
Not yet.
And yes,
I am afraid
Of something I can’t see
Enough to give up
Something I love doing.

I haven’t gotten very good with the autoharp yet.

I don’t blame you. As someone on the front line, you will have seen the worst of the effect of this unseen killer. I know I would do all I could to keep away from any risk, no matter how minimal it may be.