Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

Kiss of an Angel 19

She didn’t know how long,
And she lost count of how many
After rolling into the double digits.
Each taking their turn
While the others held her,
Stroked her,
Kept her body wanting, needing.
When inside her,
She could feel they were not
Like any man.
They bottomed out inside her with each thrust,
Leaving her gasping and writhing
In a pleasurable pain.
Each took their time,
Seeming to enjoy the way she couldn’t help herself as they kept going.
Kiss of an Angel 20

“But you don’t understand. I let them. I didn’t know. And I liked it.”
She was crying harder now.
I did my best to comfort her from a distance,
But it was obvious we weren’t going to make more progress that day.
I reluctantly left her alone
When she asked me to
A few moments later.
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Kiss of an Angel 21

It must have been hours.
She lost complete track of the time
In the feeling
Of being loved
By so many.
It was when the lights of the cavern
Slowly came up,
And her eyes slipped from their blurred,
Nebulously sexual state,
Back to a more realistic one,
That she got her first, true glimpse of them.
Kiss of an Angel 22

The reports from her suicide watch
Were that she cried throughout the night,
Sobbing under her thick covers,
Until finally seeming to find deep rest
From exhaustion
Around 3 in the morning.
This wasn’t unusual behavior for her,
So no one bothered
To check under her blankets
Until morning,
When she didn’t stir
With the breakfast tray.
Kiss of an Angel 23

Her righteous angels and the energy of the entire room,
Had transformed with the light:
No longer luminescent gods,
They were beastly, bat-like monstrosities.
Her body covered in their claws still,
She screamed and kicked herself free of their grasp.
They backed away from her sudden change in demeanor,
The creature inside her,
Pulling out for her to see
It’s dripping, bulbous organ.
Overcome with nausea at the sight,
She vomited.
Kiss of an Angel 24 (The End)

She sometimes worked as a phlebotomist
In the lab of the family practice,
And had knowledge about human anatomy.
About where major arteries of the body were.
She had made an improvised blade
With a broken safety razor
And a plastic cutlery knife.
Straight into her right femoral.
The last she remembered
Was feeling hot blood pooling between her legs
And how it felt so much like the fluids
That collected
After giving birth to that...

When the angel finally unwrapped her,
Everything was dark.
Very dark.
She could tell it was a cavernous space
With many small, twinkling lights,
But as her eyes adjusted,
The lights grew shadowy bodies.
She was in a room full of glowing eyes
And still, the presence of the angel,
Close next to her now,
Kept her calm as she took in the otherwise daunting sight.

I seem to be reading this backwards!!!
Very erotic and sensual!
Wonderful, and very dark. Thank you. I think that bared more of your inner self than anything else you've posted.
She had made an improvised blade
With a broken safety razor

Not exactly light reading, but thankfully balanced by your beautiful photos
Wonderful, and very dark. Thank you. I think that bared more of your inner self than anything else you've posted.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. You’re quite possibly correct about that last sentence.

Very well crafted story.

Thank you. You know I always seek your thoughts on big stories like this one. I’m glad you liked it (even though some bits were too much, which I completely understand). 💜

She had made an improvised blade
With a broken safety razor

Not exactly light reading, but thankfully balanced by your beautiful photos

What if I don’t post another picture. Would you, along with everyone else, forget me? No longer follow? Are my stories too dark to stand alone? Do you feel like this thread will become unbalanced?
What if I don’t post another picture. Would you, along with everyone else, forget me? No longer follow? Are my stories too dark to stand alone? Do you feel like this thread will become unbalanced?

I'm gonna say something a mite controversial: I think A LOT of people would not be as interested in this thread's other contents if it weren't for the fact that you're hot.
Personally I love your writing and if you were to go that route sure I would be sad as you are a delight for the eyes, but I would absolutely follow your words wherever they went......even the little dark corners of your mind ;)
What if I don’t post another picture.

That would be pity, as I love your beautiful photos, but I generally posted positively about your accomplished writing, at times I have been a bit puzzled by your prose but have been spellbound by the wondrous poetry.
You are one of a few contributors I eagerly sign in for, and love that you have given your time to give full answers to my queries, and put me right on my misunderstandings.
Heard and sang to Daddy in His car yesterday (seriously? Just yesterday? My heart aches already):

Poet -Bastille

I have written you down
Now you will live forever
And all the world will read you
And you will live forever
In eyes not yet created
On tongues that are not born
I have written you down
Now you will live forever

Your body lies upon the sheet,
Of paper and words so sweet.
I can't say the words,
so I wrote you into my verse.
Now you'll live through the ages,
I can feel your pulse in the pages.



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What if I don’t post another picture. Would you, along with everyone else, forget me? No longer follow? Are my stories too dark to stand alone? Do you feel like this thread will become unbalanced?

I enjoy your pictures. I really do. You are creative and provocative. If you stopped posting pics, i would miss them. However, I would still be here for every post to read your writing. Someone said something like " If You want to paint big pictures you have to use dark colours."

Write on.
Heard and sang to Daddy in His car yesterday (seriously? Just yesterday? My heart aches already):

Poet -Bastille

I have written you down
Now you will live forever
And all the world will read you
And you will live forever
In eyes not yet created
On tongues that are not born
I have written you down
Now you will live forever

Your body lies upon the sheet,
Of paper and words so sweet.
I can't say the words,
so I wrote you into my verse.
Now you'll live through the ages,
I can feel your pulse in the pages.
