Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

I am in need of a handprint on my ass...

Preferably yours.

That is all.

...For now.

And a bite mark...*growls...💋
Wow, deja vu. So much of this is so real for me.:eek:

I am here to shake things up I guess. This was supposed to be a look at an expression of love. I hope that rang through.

Wow dear girl, that is some wonderful piece of writing, about 15 years ago I was in this very situation and you captured it perfectly, the confusion, the fear.....Christ you have left me quite breathless.....bravo, your talents know no bounds :rose:

You’re far too kind. Thank you for reading and commenting. I’m sorry to hear it struck home for you, though. No one ever wants to be in this story.

you start


I don't know anything

You know plenty of things, Fade. You’re always teaching me something new... I mean, you taught me gifs! That’s a huge thing to know.

...Happy, content sighs as we don’t discuss a damn thing
But tell each other everything we need to know.

I love that, the unspoken but at the same time saying everything that needs to be said just by contact.

Have a great Saturday lovely :rose: xxx

I had quite a lovely Saturday, thank you. Some lovely breakfast and coffee, a parade and then cleaned my garage. It was relaxing but also productive.

This is the thing I miss most. Just holding someone snuggled in tight, caressing some skin in a non sexual way. No words need to be spoken as the body contact says it all.

It really is one of the best things in the whole world. 💜

*sighs...perfect. ❤️💋

*wistful grin*

Very eloquently put - and I can relate...

“O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frightened thee. That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down, And steep my senses in forgetfulness?”
― William Shakespeare

I do very much like quoted Shakespeare. Thank you.

Felt like you read my mind.
There's someone I'd love to say this to. *sighs*

I often say things here when I can’t seem to say them directly... it is a bit of a silly thing for a couple reasons... but either way, it’s nice to just air things sometimes.
I have some good spots.
But none like this one where I linger.
This place I dream of,
Think of often,
Long to be so very much
And stay for as long as I’m allowed.

My spot.
Where I feel like I belong.
Where I know I’m exactly where I need to be.
Where I do what feels natural.
Where I will always be welcomed.
Where I don’t worry.
Where I want to be again and always.
I wore birds today.
Birds that fly upside-down for anyone but me.



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*Spank* Such a delicious ass *rubs gently* such a beautiful ass *spanks harder*

*grins and sticks out my bum playfully*

How about one print on each cheek?

At least *evil smirk*

I know that will look good on you., here’s a start. :caning::caning::caning::caning:

Sometime soon imma get what I ask for and remember to ask Him take a picture... 😈

And a bite mark...*growls...💋


Well, if that's what you need, then how could I refuse?

Simply, but we haven’t discussed consent in a while, so perhaps a refresher course is in order? Hi, by the way! You seem like a new name... *waves cheerily*
Fabulous and you are very intriguing....:rose:

I feel bratty and kinda just wanna say “No I’m not.” But figure that isn’t perhaps how you want to be replied to considering you’re pretty new here and we have never interacted before.... so instead, thanks............:cattail:
He was handsome. A young 60-something. He didn’t eat quite the diet he should, but took his vitamins and went for walks with his girlfriend daily. He was planning to ask her to marry him during their cruise to the Caribbean coming up in April.

She hadn’t made it to the emergency room yet, but knew something must have been really wrong if he went willingly to see a doctor without her pushing him to.
The nurse on the other end of the line wouldn’t tell her what was happening when she called, just that it was important for her to get there soon and that he needed her. She called his two adult daughters. One was able to pick her up on the way to the hospital. Her hands shook as she sat in the passenger seat. She wasn’t sure why. She held one hand in the other and pressed them to her lap, clutching her purse handle to steady them as best she could.

Laying on the emergency room stretcher, he kept hearing so many words he didn’t understand. There was something wrong. What was wrong? Was it his heart? No. His bowels, it seemed. Something about a big blood vessel? Wasn’t the aorta part of the heart, though? He was able to grab a nurse by the sleeve, pulling her face down to his. The nurse smelled like vanilla or something sweet... not like the hospital at all, and she was quite pretty. Too young and pretty to be there in the middle of his nightmare. He asked her to call his girlfriend. The nurse patted his hand and smiled, reassuring him she already had called and that his girlfriend was on her way. His vision kept narrowing. He was hyper-focused on listening for her. Her soft voice. He needed to hear her now over the din of the beeps and squeezing noises of machines and bustling people all talking so quickly around him.

They had to move fast. They told her she had only an elevator ride with him and then they would need to rush to surgery. Surgery? What was wrong? Someone explained, but she still didn’t understand, and everyone had that look in their eyes that made her core go cold. She went into the room with the nurse who started moving the stretcher he was on immediately. She grabbed hold of his hand. It was chilly. Walking next to the bed, she shouldered a bag of his things along with her own purse. In the other she held his hand, wanting to feel a connection with him as best she could. He was limp. She was just saying things now. Talking at him about anything and everything she could think of... she said things she needed him to hear as they entered an elevator. The seconds she had left with him before surgery were slipping away. He was covered in wires and the beeping filled the elevator with them. There seemed like so many people in that elevator. Too many. What was even happening? This was all wrong.

He squeezed her hand or thought he did, and tried to focus his watery eyes on her. He could feel her there. She was so upset. He could tell. He wanted to tell her it was all going to be alright. That he would always be here and hers, but for some reason it was all he could do now to breathe.

In and out.
... and out

Her voice was his last real memory.


Such sadness.

... out

Quiet so that no one can hear her but him.


So much truth in it.

... out

It was all he needed to hear.


“I need you. Please, Don’t leave me. I love you.”

So real, so poignant yet hopeful. Very moving Moochie! :rose:
I’m worried.
Always anxious:
Did I say the wrong thing?
Do the wrong thing?
Write something upsetting?

And I know it’s not important
Or shouldn’t be
To look to anyone else for real discussion,
But I do crave it.
I Want to talk about so many things
I want you to pull me up onto your lap,
Cuddle me close
And just discuss anything with me...

Or not.
We could just snuggle.

Let me head fall in that spot it is meant to be
Right on your chest under your clavicle
Your arms around me holding me
Hands absently, slowly running up and down my arm or thigh.

Happy, content sighs as we don’t discuss a damn thing
But tell each other everything we need to know.

Lovely :rose:
I have some good spots.
But none like this one where I linger.
This place I dream of,
Think of often,
Long to be so very much
And stay for as long as I’m allowed.

My spot.
Where I feel like I belong.
Where I know I’m exactly where I need to be.
Where I do what feels natural.
Where I will always be welcomed.
Where I don’t worry.
Where I want to be again and always.

Lovely poetry to help Monday along.

I wore birds today.
Birds that fly upside-down for anyone but me.


I feel like I have seen this print somewhere before but can't for the life of me remember, though I am sure they were the right way up :)
Kind of Esher...ish.

Lovely neck....and shoulder :rose:
I feel bratty and kinda just wanna say “No I’m not.” But figure that isn’t perhaps how you want to be replied to considering you’re pretty new here and we have never interacted before.... so instead, thanks............:cattail:

All the more reason to get to know you....:rose:
Sleep aided and alone

And so I am left
With naught but thoughts of you
...they are lovely thoughts, though.

I think of that look in your eye
The one of wonder, greed, longing, and ownership.
I think of the feel of your palm, whole hand
On my face and body soft, then hard, digging, and pulling.
I think of your kiss
On my lips, neck, décolletage, and moving downward.
I think of my body’s reaction to you
In your presence I am meek, strong, scared, and a warrior.
I think of our moments
Spent in the past, present, imagination, and future.

So many things to be left thinking of as I lay in bed wanting your body closer to mine.


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That beautiful ass is made to be spanked. Repeatedly. :devil:

I agree whole-heartedly...

Where's the line forming?? :devil::rose:

*starts moving the rope for a winding queue like outside a ticketing line*

This is an incredibly sexy pic...

Thanks. It turned out pretty nice. The soft lighting from my closet is usually what I like to use for photos, but this was meant as simple a “look at the panties I’m wearing today” pic that turned out nice. (That’s usually what my bum pics are here)