Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

Dancing flames
Call my name
Wrap me in warmth
Of past
Or possible future
And so walking coals
Seems saner than
Previously thought
But then reminders
Of how hot fire burns
And why I chose
To walk away
From the pit
That last time


Devastatingly sexy :heart:
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Walk with me

There is a clearing I want to take you to
One that isn't anywhere physical
But an amalgamation
Of all the beautiful wooded clearings I have been

I want to walk with you
Hand in hand
Stopping whenever feels right
To kiss and be kissed
Perhaps we will make it there
But it isn’t so much the destination
Drawing us
But the time spent
Just being together

I am lacking in punctuation
And find myself reaching for more
Of the memories which hold them
And when you remind me
Of the path and my feet
I smile and squeeze your hand
Or rest my head briefly on your upper arm
In such a relaxed manner
You wouldn’t have a clue
About how quickly my heart was fluttering
And all the things I want to say




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There is a clearing I want to take you to
One that isn't anywhere physical
But an amalgamation
Of all the beautiful wooded clearings I have been

I want to walk with you
Hand in hand
Stopping whenever feels right
To kiss and be kissed
Perhaps we will make it there
But it isn’t so much the destination
Drawing us
But the time spent
Just being together

I am lacking in punctuation
And find myself reaching for more
Of the memories which hold them
And when you remind me
Of the path and my feet
I smile and squeeze your hand
Or rest my head briefly on your upper arm
In such a relaxed manner
You wouldn’t have a clue
About how quickly my heart was fluttering
And all the things I want to say


Wow.. God Damn!
There is a clearing I want to take you to
One that isn't anywhere physical
But an amalgamation
Of all the beautiful wooded clearings I have been

I want to walk with you
Hand in hand
Stopping whenever feels right
To kiss and be kissed
Perhaps we will make it there
But it isn’t so much the destination
Drawing us
But the time spent
Just being together

I am lacking in punctuation
And find myself reaching for more
Of the memories which hold them
And when you remind me
Of the path and my feet
I smile and squeeze your hand
Or rest my head briefly on your upper arm
In such a relaxed manner
You wouldn’t have a clue
About how quickly my heart was fluttering
And all the things I want to say



You leave me breathless......:rose:

I like to pretend I live a different life
One where responsibilities
And the need to be an adult so often
Are not as pressing.

I like to dance in the rain
And feel the heavy drops
Fall on my head
Wearing nothing but a cotton dress.

I like to eat too much
Of the things that aren’t so good for me
And savor every moment
As chocolate melts.

I like to stand by an open window naked
And watch people pass by
Wondering what I would do
If they glanced up at the second story.



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I like to pretend I live a different life
One where responsibilities
And the need to be an adult so often
Are not as pressing.

I like to dance in the rain
And feel the heavy drops
Fall on my head
Wearing nothing but a cotton dress.

I like to eat too much
Of the things that aren’t so good for me
And savor every moment
As chocolate melts.

I like to stand by an open window naked
And watch people pass by
Wondering what I would do
If they glanced up at the second story.

Something I like to do around dusk when I happen to be out. Watching upper windows for lights inside and blinds open, hoping for a naked female on display.

Maybe you were seen by someone.

This blindfold
Heightens my senses
As you lead me
Through the forest
I hear and feel everything
Small branch against my thigh
Croaking twitters of an animal
Your hand on the small of my back
And the earth under my toes.

I hear and feel your movements
So that when you stop,
I do too.

With a soft kiss on my lips
You step into me
And I feel a tree behind me
As you press me against it
Kiss becoming harder
The feel of your hips
Pinning me in place

Your hands run up
To the sides of my face
Making sure my blind is secure
Then to the tops of my shoulders
Where the suggestion
Makes me smile and lower
To my knees in front of you
Back to the large tree.

I can’t see the spongy ground
That my knees land on,
Or the soft, warm light on my face
Streaming through the canopy,
I can’t tell whether you’re smiling
Looking down to see me there,
But I imagine you are.

My hands go to your belt
Intuitive hands
To your knees
Exposing you
waist to thighs
And I feel as I do,
That spring, pulse in the air between.

I know what’s next
And lick my lips in anticipation.



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This blindfold
Heightens my senses
As you lead me
Through the forest
I hear and feel everything
Small branch against my thigh
Croaking twitters of an animal
Your hand on the small of my back
And the earth under my toes.

I hear and feel your movements
So that when you stop,
I do too.

With a soft kiss on my lips
You step into me
And I feel a tree behind me
As you press me against it
Kiss becoming harder
The feel of your hips
Pinning me in place

Your hands run up
To the sides of my face
Making sure my blind is secure
Then to the tops of my shoulders
Where the suggestion
Makes me smile and lower
To my knees in front of you
Back to the large tree.

I can’t see the spongy ground
That my knees land on,
Or the soft, warm light on my face
Streaming through the canopy,
I can’t tell whether you’re smiling
Looking down to see me there,
But I imagine you are.

My hands go to your belt
Intuitive hands
To your knees
Exposing you
waist to thighs
And I feel as I do,
That spring, pulse in the air between.

I know what’s next
And lick my lips in anticipation.

I hold my trousers to stop them falling and step backwards, leaving you to wonder what is happening.

Actually not true, I would place a hand on your head moving it forward knowing you would carry out your task without words being spoken.

I’m not sorry.



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If you ever did a poetry reading I would totally go

I remember Dominique Moceanu!

She was amazing and I admired the heck out of her too way back when even though I had "retired" from sports by 1996.

She is still amazing though like you said and still doing so much good for women's sports! I wouldn't mind buying her a glass or three of wine too and then inviting her back to my place either to open another bottle and take a dip in the hot tub together!


I really do love reading your poetry btw! :rose:
If you ever did a poetry reading I would totally go

I remember Dominique Moceanu!

She was amazing and I admired the heck out of her too way back when even though I had "retired" from sports by 1996.

She is still amazing though like you said and still doing so much good for women's sports! I wouldn't mind buying her a glass or three of wine too and then inviting her back to my place either to open another bottle and take a dip in the hot tub together!


I really do love reading your poetry btw! :rose:

I had the biggest crush on her. <3
If you ever did a poetry reading I would totally go

I remember Dominique Moceanu!

She was amazing and I admired the heck out of her too way back when even though I had "retired" from sports by 1996.

She is still amazing though like you said and still doing so much good for women's sports! I wouldn't mind buying her a glass or three of wine too and then inviting her back to my place either to open another bottle and take a dip in the hot tub together!


I really do love reading your poetry btw! :rose:

I had the biggest crush on her. <3

She definitely is still a hottie... and I wouldn’t mind joining you, Liz. That sounds like a private party I wouldn’t want to miss!

Unmistakable flavor
Reminiscent of cool mornings with a good book on a deck
Reading as the sun rises
And sipping

Soft and smooth
Comforting feeling of pulling the blankets up over our heads
Staying in bed all day
And melting

A flush of the cheeks
As two sets of lips meet becoming one for the first time with that taste
Running through minds
And settling

Cartwheels flipping
A nervousness returning with every promise of more time in that space
Subsiding with a touch
And reassuring



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Unmistakable flavor
Reminiscent of cool mornings with a good book on a deck
Reading as the sun rises
And sipping

Soft and smooth
Comforting feeling of pulling the blankets up over our heads
Staying in bed all day
And melting

A flush of the cheeks
As two sets of lips meet becoming one for the first time with that taste
Running through minds
And settling

Cartwheels flipping
A nervousness returning with every promise of more time in that space
Subsiding with a touch
And reassuring


Sounds like the start of a perfect day
There’s a story behind this bruise.
A story that involves blended memories
And lusty thoughts.
Which is why I smile when I feel something
Press against it
Or see it in the mirror after a shower.

Even an hour without you
Is too long.




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Falling Petals

When I was young,
I looked at everything
Without this skeptical eye.

Books I read became other worlds
Where I could escape reality,
Notebook paper became intricately folded
Notes between friends,
And flowers became barometers
For whether a crush was also interested.

He loves me,
He loves me not.

I would peel a petal and recite,
Back and forth until all that was left
Was the yellow center,
The final petal telling me the truth
About what was in someone else’s heart.

He loves me...
...He loves me not.

Now I’m older physically,
And I usually know better mentally,
But sometimes I pick a flower victim
To start pulling petals off of...

...He loves me...

And think the words in my head
As I cast each aside

He loves me not.

Like an unnecessary emotional roller coaster
Only one person really knows the answer to.

He loves me?

Now I know better,
And logic helps along with the little things
He does to quell the doubts.

He loves me not?

But still, when I find myself
With a handful of fresh-picked daisies...



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When I was young,
I looked at everything
Without this skeptical eye.

Books I read became other worlds
Where I could escape reality,
Notebook paper became intricately folded
Notes between friends,
And flowers became barometers
For whether a crush was also interested.

He loves me,
He loves me not.

I would peel a petal and recite,
Back and forth until all that was left
Was the yellow center,
The final petal telling me the truth
About what was in someone else’s heart.

He loves me...
...He loves me not.

Now I’m older physically,
And I usually know better mentally,
But sometimes I pick a flower victim
To start pulling petals off of...

...He loves me...

And think the words in my head
As I cast each aside

He loves me not.

Like an unnecessary emotional roller coaster
Only one person really knows the answer to.

He loves me?

Now I know better,
And logic helps along with the little things
He does to quell the doubts.

He loves me not?

But still, when I find myself
With a handful of fresh-picked daisies...


That was a truly beautiful read and as ever the visual accompaniment wonderfully perfect x
There’s a story behind this bruise.

I love a story, so I'm sitting quietly waiting for you to begin.