Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

Beautifully written. It's amazing how the right person can strip away our defenses we create to protect ourselves, allowing us to be truly vulnerable and ourselves with them.

I hide truths behind
High walls with
Well-honed fortifications of


It seems, however, when I’m with you,
Or even simply thinking of you,
These defenses fall and

Substance melts,
Words fail,
Clothing is removed,
Poise puddles.

I guess what I’m trying to say is,
I need your skin against mine


I hide truths behind
High walls with
Well-honed fortifications of


It seems, however, when I’m with you,
Or even simply thinking of you,
These defenses fall and

Substance melts,
Words fail,
Clothing is removed,
Poise puddles.

I guess what I’m trying to say is,
I need your skin against mine




So beautiful when those walls come tumbling down :rose:
It helps to be kind,
To Be polite and
Offer courtesies often forgotten.

Take care of your health
Wash behind the ears
Take a multivitamin
Get plenty of sleep
Eat healthier
Keep yourself optimally fit

Don’t speak out of turn
Don’t ask for more
Don’t talk too much
Don’t show the fear
Don’t scream too loud

And for fuck’s sake, always say please.



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Off the cuff
Out of the way
Rain falls softly
And my body is a mixture
Of easily excitable,
Jittery tired,
And so very ready to see you.

I keep thinking about that first time
Perhaps it’s because
I will be seeing some of the same music soon
Or that I found out the room where we first kissed
Is up for sale soon...
Silly wistful thoughts of that kiss
Of that magic
Fill me every time I think about you
Seeing you again.

Pensive as the rain falls and I wait
For ten more minutes...



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Off the cuff
Out of the way
Rain falls softly
And my body is a mixture
Of easily excitable,
Jittery tired,
And so very ready to see you.

I keep thinking about that first time
Perhaps it’s because
I will be seeing some of the same music soon
Or that I found out the room where we first kissed
Is up for sale soon...
Silly wistful thoughts of that kiss
Of that magic
Fill me every time I think about you
Seeing you again.

Pensive as the rain falls and I wait
For ten more minutes...


That’s an excellent little piece.
I think your writing is wonderful, although it seems to have some bleak episodes, I am not sure I understand much of it, whether it is poetry or the man/men you refer to is/are someone in your life, perhaps I am just a bit thick!
It helps to be kind,
To Be polite and
Offer courtesies often forgotten.

Take care of your health
Wash behind the ears
Take a multivitamin
Get plenty of sleep
Eat healthier
Keep yourself optimally fit

Don’t speak out of turn
Don’t ask for more
Don’t talk too much
Don’t show the fear
Don’t scream too loud

And for fuck’s sake, always say please.

You listened to my advice as passed down from my parents.

Off the cuff
Out of the way
Rain falls softly
And my body is a mixture
Of easily excitable,
Jittery tired,
And so very ready to see you.

I keep thinking about that first time
Perhaps it’s because
I will be seeing some of the same music soon
Or that I found out the room where we first kissed
Is up for sale soon...
Silly wistful thoughts of that kiss
Of that magic
Fill me every time I think about you
Seeing you again.

Pensive as the rain falls and I wait
For ten more minutes...

Waiting, remembering, *sigh*

Lovely smile that I wish I could see daily. :kiss:
I think your writing is wonderful, although it seems to have some bleak episodes, I am not sure I understand much of it, whether it is poetry or the man/men you refer to is/are someone in your life, perhaps I am just a bit thick!

This is super sweet: “I really like what you do, but I don’t care for the somber bits... and I don’t really get it, or what it’s about... but it’s probably just me.”

So, thank you so much for continuing to read, and allow me to address things and clarify?

I write for me (and yes, my audience sometimes), and due to that, my writing is often cryptic and/or dark... my mind is not the best at staying all gumdrops and rainbows, and my posts here reflect that.

I have no idea if what I write is poetry. Any poets want to give their 2 cents? I just write and put together words how I feel them.

Lately (we did the math this morning and came up with 5 months since first meeting in person... which was a total WTF moment as He held my hand against my thigh and my head rested on His shoulder), I have been writing about one protagonist (other than myself, of course) pretty regularly. When I talk about and to Him, He knows.

I would like to ask a question, if I may: what difference would it make if the someone I spoke about was purely a figment of my imagination (which I sometimes worry about as I have a very active imagination, so I have a picture of His hand holding mine now... just to remind myself I’m not losing grip)?
It helps to be kind,
To Be polite and
Offer courtesies often forgotten.

Take care of your health
Wash behind the ears
Take a multivitamin
Get plenty of sleep
Eat healthier
Keep yourself optimally fit

Don’t speak out of turn
Don’t ask for more
Don’t talk too much
Don’t show the fear
Don’t scream too loud

And for fuck’s sake, always say please.


I love to wrap my self in your missives in the morning :rose:
I thought it was longer than 5 months, maybe it just seems that way.

To my way of thinking, you could be writing about a fictitious person, but to do so with continuity would be really hard. I feel that sometimes it is obvious who you are writing about, sometimes it is a little more hidden.

I still say that you could write stories, based on real life events. I know several people who have done just this and are a good mix of truth embellished with a little fantasy.
Heart pounding
Body trembling
A sweet kiss
Lips searching
Fingertips on cheeks
Which follow the jaw line
Down to the neck
Soft tops of shoulders
Supple under a press
Moving into
Pressing against
Whole body further
Back to the wall
Succulent feelings
Far away thoughts
Gone with the undeniable
Sensation of pressing
A hot, hand-spanked ass
And the warmth in lips meeting
Not coming apart
Chest against chest
Hips against hips
Thighs against thighs
My mind free of anything
But us
As there is the feature
Found pressured
Pushed as far
Deep as possible
Without resistance
Until a whimpering

With a
Breath in...
...and out

“Fuck me.”


Sry pretty bra. Panties to match?;)
Whenever you see it in my pictures,
Do you imagine what it might feel like?
What the skin there,
The scar,
The pulsing carotid,
Would do as you ran a thumb over it.
Those diesel grime thick fingers,
Encircling that delicate musculature
Before the squeeze?

I’ve never been in the position
Of such power myself,
But I do know what it feels like
To an extent from the other side.
When the ability to get air is removed
And all I can hear is heartbeat in my brain as it pulses against my skull.
When the only thought in my head is one
Of oxygen-depleted euphoria
Before my normal apnic episode
As I climax from the overwhelming fear
Uses that last bit of oxygen
Leaving an end-resulting flaccid body,

Eyes filled with stars...
...then the black behind them.

I have been there,
And the beauty behind my eyes
Was worth the ugliness he saw in me from that day on.

I would like to ask a question, if I may: what difference would it make if the someone I spoke about was purely a figment of my imagination

It makes a great difference to me, I like a simple life, and struggling with abstracts is a step too far for me, I admire your intelligence, and Wikipedia is my friend when reading your prose, as you speak of carotid arteries and apneic episodes,It makes me uneasy as I am a bit squeamish, and yet the casual reference to them makes me curious if this is something you have experienced, and in your case is it a sexual happening?
Whenever you see it in my pictures,
Do you imagine what it might feel like?
What the skin there,
The scar,
The pulsing carotid,
Would do as you ran a thumb over it.
Those diesel grime thick fingers,
Encircling that delicate musculature
Before the squeeze?

I’ve never been in the position
Of such power myself,
But I do know what it feels like
To an extent from the other side.
When the ability to get air is removed
And all I can hear is heartbeat in my brain as it pulses against my skull.
When the only thought in my head is one
Of oxygen-depleted euphoria
Before my normal apnic episode
As I climax from the overwhelming fear
Uses that last bit of oxygen
Leaving an end-resulting flaccid body,

Eyes filled with stars...
...then the black behind them.

I have been there,
And the beauty behind my eyes
Was worth the ugliness he saw in me from that day on.

There is beauty in all that you write....even in the darkness :rose:
I just had a really not-so-great night... I may need to be held, kissed, and to feel your hand move over and down my bare body for hours.


Okay, I just checked again, and I’m definitely needing that.
I just had a really not-so-great night... I may need to be held, kissed, and to feel your hand move over and down my bare body for hours.


Okay, I just checked again, and I’m definitely needing that.

🧸 bare cuddles coming your way. Hope they help.
I like bubbles
In my bathtub,
Basically everywhere.

They're like happy popping,
Little demons
Who can trick you
Into feeling secure
In the soak,
The playfulness,
The cleansing feel.

I like to wait in the tub
Until all the bubbles have popped
And enjoy the sound of them
As they crackle and burst
And as my day leaves me.

I like the feel on my palate
Of bubbles bouncing and breaking
Against my tongue
And smiling cheeks.
When you kiss me after a swig,
It’s like a pop of subtle flavor there
On top of my lips for an instant.


I didn’t realize
Until I had stripped out of my clothes
What the night had actually done to me...
I had been haphazard with my body again.
I felt it happen when it did,
But I don’t think much of it.
I am clumsy.
I bump and bruise.

Last night
I ran into door handles that wouldn’t open,
I hit my hip against the desk,
I jumped up to grab things repeatedly
And hit my knee on the table,
I banged my hand against something I didn’t need
When reaching quickly for something I desperately did,
Etcetera, etcetera...

So now, I have battle bruises
From a hellish night
On my body
As well as my mind,
Which will replay the perceived mistakes
Over and over
Even though I know
I did nothing wrong.


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A bad, if not clumsy night, mind not on your surroundings, but followed up by a relaxing bubble bath, so soothing. :kiss:
I just had a really not-so-great night... I may need to be held, kissed, and to feel your hand move over and down my bare body for hours.


Okay, I just checked again, and I’m definitely needing that.

Sorry to hear that Moochie. ((HUGGLES))
I like bubbles
In my bathtub,
Basically everywhere.

They're like happy popping,
Little demons
Who can trick you
Into feeling secure
In the soak,
The playfulness,
The cleansing feel.

I like to wait in the tub
Until all the bubbles have popped
And enjoy the sound of them
As they crackle and burst
And as my day leaves me.

I like the feel on my palate
Of bubbles bouncing and breaking
Against my tongue
And smiling cheeks.
When you kiss me after a swig,
It’s like a pop of subtle flavor there
On top of my lips for an instant.


I didn’t realize
Until I had stripped out of my clothes
What the night had actually done to me...
I had been haphazard with my body again.
I felt it happen when it did,
But I don’t think much of it.
I am clumsy.
I bump and bruise.

Last night
I ran into door handles that wouldn’t open,
I hit my hip against the desk,
I jumped up to grab things repeatedly
And hit my knee on the table,
I banged my hand against something I didn’t need
When reaching quickly for something I desperately did,
Etcetera, etcetera...

So now, I have battle bruises
From a hellish night
On my body
As well as my mind,
Which will replay the perceived mistakes
Over and over
Even though I know
I did nothing wrong.

Your legs in the bath are such a sexy sight.