Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

When I write
It never feels right
Like I’m a foreign author
Asked to use a language
I don’t understand
To get my point across
Which I don’t very often.

I can diatribe
About the mundane
About how I feel
The char scraped off toast,
Left flaked on the side of the plate
As a bite into the flesh of the bread
Mastication occurring
With me to watch

Can I expect
To be included
When I know
It may be only out of pity
Because I don’t belong
And it is so obviously
Dripping from me
That even vanilla
Smells my spice.



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I close my eyes
And behind them
I feel your palm
On my cheek,
Your thumb runs across my lips
Before using your finger tips hard
To lift my face to yours
And your lips press against mine
Soft at first,
Slowly turning hungry
As your body moves
Closer into mine
And I lose myself
In the feel of
You next to me: we.
My thighs pressed against yours
Tense, hard
Feeling the smile
Behind your lips
My heart beating so quickly
Your lips, tongue slowly follows my jaw line
Down over the places you yearn for
To my shoulder
Which you’ve laid bare
By pulling
The collar of my dress
Down to the side
Kissing my skin
As you whisper
Exactly what I need to hear
Against my skin
I shiver with your breath
And those words
Your hand moving into my hair
Pulling my head back
Arching my body
And more skin proffered
Hips pressing
Cahcaufony of us
In the darkness
Behind my eyelids.



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Your words do reach a certain place within me that gives such pleasure.....and your breathtaking delicious :rose:
I close my eyes
And behind them
I feel your palm
On my cheek,
Your thumb runs across my lips
Before using your finger tips hard
To lift my face to yours
And your lips press against mine
Soft at first,
Slowly turning hungry
As your body moves
Closer into mine
And I lose myself
In the feel of
You next to me: we.
My thighs pressed against yours
Tense, hard
Feeling the smile
Behind your lips
My heart beating so quickly
Your lips, tongue slowly follows my jaw line
Down over the places you yearn for
To my shoulder
Which you’ve laid bare
By pulling
The collar of my dress
Down to the side
Kissing my skin
As you whisper
Exactly what I need to hear
Against my skin
I shiver with your breath
And those words
Your hand moving into my hair
Pulling my head back
Arching my body
And more skin proffered
Hips pressing
Cahcaufony of us
In the darkness
Behind my eyelids.

This is so erotic. If I close my eyes, I can feel your neck against my lips and your hair around my fingers.
Don’t speak
Stop letting
Thoughts out
Quiet or you
Will be made silent
In other ways
Stuffing inside
Pulling apart
Reaching out
Suffering but
Unable to speak
Bite block
Riding bit
Muffled cries
Silence wanted
Pulling hard
Reaching down
Grabbing out
Resurrected from deep
Plunging wet
Soaking, dripping
Puddling inside
Saliva dripping
Soft falls
Of sweat
Mixing together
With tears
Salty smells
Of exertion
Heightened taste
Metallic touch
Fucked hard
Without sound
From parted lips


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Don’t speak
Stop letting
Thoughts out
Quiet or you
Will be made silent
In other ways
Stuffing inside
Pulling apart
Reaching out
Suffering but
Unable to speak
Bite block
Riding bit
Muffled cries
Silence wanted
Pulling hard
Reaching down
Grabbing out
Resurrected from deep
Plunging wet
Soaking, dripping
Puddling inside
Saliva dripping
Soft falls
Of sweat
Mixing together
With tears
Salty smells
Of exertion
Heightened taste
Metallic touch
Fucked hard
Without sound
From parted lips

Every thing about this post thrills me.....
I see the bit, where’s the bridle and reins, spurs and crop.

I love your self nipple abuse, but I think my teeth might be better.
Curious as to your choice of bits. I know why I might choose a full cheek, double jointed, snaffle with a copper roller for a horse. For a person on the other hand? Was it just the aesthetics?

I was visiting my sister who has a farm. Her tack room inspires me. Perhaps it is the smell of leather and the thought of metal. This was one of the only bits not on a halter and easily photographed.
I was visiting my sister who has a farm. Her tack room inspires me. Perhaps it is the smell of leather and the thought of metal. This was one of the only bits not on a halter and easily photographed.

I am on a bus to London. Old guy next to me got a glimpse and headed to relieve himself. Stained pinstripe suit just returned after 20 minutes with smile on his face. Thanks on his behalf!
I am on a bus to London. Old guy next to me got a glimpse and headed to relieve himself. Stained pinstripe suit just returned after 20 minutes with smile on his face. Thanks on his behalf!

*snickers* I do enjoy pinstripes.