Moms For Hypocrisy - Florida Style.

“I personally care about Bridget and her family and deeply regret the necessity for this course of action, but given the intense media scrutiny locally and nationally, her continued presence on the Board would cause irreparably harmful distractions to our critical mission,” Rose wrote.

The media scrutiny???
Weird that one of the RWCJ spaz posters didn’t start a thread about this:



Moms for "Liberty" co-founder and her rapey Florida Gross Old Party big-wig husband are model hypocrites ("conservatives".)

Once again: with "conservatives", every accusation is an admission .



Over on one of his crackpot threads, you enlightened people and the obamas, cermin cites this case.
He sees it as another republican being picked on.
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Over on one of his crackpot threads, you enlightened people and the obamas, cermin cites this case.
He sees it as another republican being picked on.

I must have missed that one…


Seriously though, this is the ACTUAL CO-FOUNDER OF MOMS FOR "LIBERTY" and her RAPEY GOP BIG-WIG HUSBAND. (She also sits on the school board.)


And, of course, it’s FLORIDA….


Where’s Rondo???




“I personally care about Bridget and her family and deeply regret the necessity for this course of action, but given the intense media scrutiny locally and nationally, her continued presence on the Board would cause irreparably harmful distractions to our critical mission,” Rose wrote.

The media scrutiny???

Yeah, I noticed that as well…

Because the “media scrutiny” is the main reason she should resign…



That guy should get her spot on the board. I know it doesn’t work that way, but damn!

The guy only gets one thing wrong… and it’s one big thing…:

Hypocrisy at the level that garbage right wing husband and wife were engaging in IS disqualifying behavior for people in their positions.

There are also serious character flaws present in both of them: A complete lack of empathy, conscience, and shame.


Sarasota police confirm the existence of a second menage-a-trois video featuring the Zieglers.
Posted on a freebie porn site.
Christmas cums early!
Sarasota police confirm the existence of a second menage-a-trois video featuring the Zieglers.
Posted on a freebie porn site.
Christmas cums early!

Save the children!!!

Protect them from these "straight” right wing groomers.


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