Mommy and Daddy


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 1999
There is a guy at my job whom I sit close to, and he is constantly on the phone with his parents. He's in his mid-thirties, but he still refers to them as Mommy and Daddy. Is it me, or is that just wierd? I know a lot of women who still call their fathers Daddy, which is more the norm, but is it okay for guys as well?
I call my ma mommy when I feel like makin her get exasperated.
I call my dad asshole... does that count?
I don't have a problem with it. It's just a matter of habit for some people, I think.

I call my mother "mummmmmmmy!" and my dad by any variety of silly names. My husband calls his mother "mom" except for usually being silly when she first picks up the telephone. He calls his father "dad".

Actually, now that I think about it, everyone who knows my dad calls him by any of a number of silly names, no matter what sex they are. He's just that kinda guy. =)
I've known a man who called his parents "mommy and daddy". BUT this guy only saw his parents once a year or so, didn't talk to them on the phone that often. It was just the term of endearment. They called him "sonny". All this brothers and sisters did the same thing.

I never thought it was weird.

Aquila said:
I call my ma mommy when I feel like makin her get exasperated.
I call my dad asshole... does that count?
Always call my Mom, Mom. Dad always gets called "Dude". It started out as a childhood jab due to growing up in So Cal. We always referred to each other as "Dude" in a smart-ass kinda way. Now it's become the norm. Funny how that sort of thing happens.