Modern family : blacked


Feb 10, 2024
Im writing a fanfic about Modern family characters getting blacked, beginning with claire and Gloria. Its my first time writing something, and english aint my mother language so it prolly wont be that good. At the Moment this is the summary of what ive got : Gloria tells claire her Yoga teacher Mr Jackson is behaving weird, spending more time with her then the other woman in the course and being a bit touchy. Claire says Gloria is probably imagining things and agrees on joining next weeks class to prove Gloria wrong (which in the long run will lead to mr jackson spending more time with claire which makes Gloria jealous + claire having sex with the yoga teacher). Before that tho, Manny, who has got a little crush on Gloria, Comes home with a black eye. He wont tell her what happened, but she says if it happens again shell take Action and do something about it. It does happen again and Gloria goes over to the Browns (mannys bully) house. But the parents are gone and only the bully, tyrone, is home. He blackmails (not sure how yet) Gloria into sucking him off and she Regrets it after wondering how she could fall for it. If you have any ideas / criticism please dm me or help me out
The first part of your idea is fine. Hot even. The second part with the bully, I'd leave out.
The black bull is a pretty popular trope that fetishizes the BBC stereotype and in most cases (I think) is not intended to be racist. It's not my bag, thought.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Theres literally thousand of kink posts including interracial on this Page and Mine is bad ? Its literally not even racist
I write characters. I write people. Just like in real life I know people and I have friends.

Whenever anyone needs to use an identifier such as race, gender, sexual preference, treat them differently over it as well as religious or political affiliations, then that's the exact issue that the allegedly progressive types say we need to eradicate.

Yet its what they themselves perpetuate constantly. Acting like writing a character of any ethnicity is different means you see them as different, which is the epitome of racism. I have long felt, and not been shy about expressing that fetishizing someone's color is racist to me. Sticking them with stereotyped behaviors is as well. I abhor the IR category and any BBC Bull LW stories for those reasons.

Hence, I do see an issue with the OP's idea, but wasn't going to say it until you two come in with your comments, but I don't see you saying it where it should be said.

Conviction is not a thing of convenience, at least it shouldn't be.
Hence, I do see an issue with the OP's idea, but wasn't going to say it until you two come in with your comments, but I don't see you saying it where it should be said.

Again: I don't read every thread on the forum. Or comment on them.

I'll decide which ones I choose to participate in, thanks.
Im writing a fanfic about Modern family characters getting blacked, beginning with claire and Gloria. Its my first time writing something, and english aint my mother language so it prolly wont be that good. At the Moment this is the summary of what ive got : Gloria tells claire her Yoga teacher Mr Jackson is behaving weird, spending more time with her then the other woman in the course and being a bit touchy. Claire says Gloria is probably imagining things and agrees on joining next weeks class to prove Gloria wrong (which in the long run will lead to mr jackson spending more time with claire which makes Gloria jealous + claire having sex with the yoga teacher). Before that tho, Manny, who has got a little crush on Gloria, Comes home with a black eye. He wont tell her what happened, but she says if it happens again shell take Action and do something about it. It does happen again and Gloria goes over to the Browns (mannys bully) house. But the parents are gone and only the bully, tyrone, is home. He blackmails (not sure how yet) Gloria into sucking him off and she Regrets it after wondering how she could fall for it. If you have any ideas / criticism please dm me or help me out
I think my first question is, does it have to be a Modern Family fanfic? Because apart from the character names, this story could easily be told as an original piece. Though I do obviously get that everyone has their kinks and whatnot.

These are also two pretty standard cheating story ideas: the hot teacher/instructor and the son's bully demanding blackmail "payment". You would probably need to find some kind of angle to make it unique, which I think you kind of do with the first part here. The idea of one of them thinking they're being hit on so the other comes with them to see and is then themselves seduced is honestly a really hot idea. I'm not really one for bully stories, though, so I don't have much to say on that one.
I think my first question is, does it have to be a Modern Family fanfic? Because apart from the character names, this story could easily be told as an original piece. Though I do obviously get that everyone has their kinks and whatnot.

These are also two pretty standard cheating story ideas: the hot teacher/instructor and the son's bully demanding blackmail "payment". You would probably need to find some kind of angle to make it unique, which I think you kind of do with the first part here. The idea of one of them thinking they're being hit on so the other comes with them to see and is then themselves seduced is honestly a really hot idea. I'm not really one for bully stories, though, so I don't have much to say on that one.
I just like Sofia vergara and Julie Bowen and the TV Show kinda gives a better plot then just 2 celebrities having sex. Thanks for not only hating like most others. I knew upfront that this is a pretty niche topic but didnt expect it to be considered racist / create such a big Discussion.
I just like Sofia vergara and Julie Bowen and the TV Show kinda gives a better plot then just 2 celebrities having sex.
Fair. But what I meant in my original comment was that you can still base the two women on the two of them but not have it be "just" a fanfic. I spend quite a lot of time in fandom and I know people can be very protective of how certain characters are portrayed. It could ruffle a few (more) feathers if this was set in that universe, but after all it is your story idea.

And just further to the original idea, I think a slow seduction by the instructor would be the best way to play this, especially if you do keep it as just Claire given she's been married for a long time. Play it too quick and it just won't feel real.