Mod Review Question From a Newbie


Jan 20, 2013
Hi -- I'm new at submitting material to Literotica, but I've posted extensively on other sites. I submitted four previously completed chapters of a story in fairly rapid order (less than a day). It seems very odd to me, but Chapters 1, 2 and 4 have been approved and are up. Chapter 3 is still pending. That's problematic because the entire story requires they be read in the proper sequence or the entire thing is screwed up. I've received over a dozen comments on it so far. Since it's my experience that less than 1% of readers ever comment, that suggests it's a major issue that may well be costing me audience right from the start. Not a good way to start a relationship.

Has this happened to any other authors here? Is it a common problem? Is there anything I can do to remedy it other than space out submissions by a week or two?
Responded to this on the Editor's Forum. You only need to ask in one place.
Right. And we all had to be gently how certain things worked here because the FAQs here aren't all that helpful--or accessible.