Mobile Masturbation Method


Always very curious...
Apr 18, 2002
Specifically driving in the car. It came up that this is probably easier for chics. Do you have any suggestions or stories?
CoolidgEffect said:
Specifically driving in the car. It came up that this is probably easier for chics. Do you have any suggestions or stories?

They sell vibes that plug into the cigarette lighter. Wear a skirt with no undies, plug it in, and hit the gas!:devil:
Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

Shadwann2 said:
They sell vibes that plug into the cigarette lighter. Wear a skirt with no undies, plug it in, and hit the gas!:devil:

See it was suggested that this was a good reason to be a chic.

Any hope for the guys?
Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

CoolidgEffect said:
See it was suggested that this was a good reason to be a chic.

Any hope for the guys?

Um, grab some lotion, untuck your shirt, use it to cover up what you're doing and make sure you're driving an automatic.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

Shadwann2 said:
Um, grab some lotion, untuck your shirt, use it to cover up what you're doing and make sure you're driving an automatic.:D

It's manual all the way.
I just don't see that anyone can masturbate (unless its w/o reaching orgasm) while driving a car, without stopping the car. Every guy I ever gave oral to while driving had to pull over, it was too much.

Maybe if you're prone to little tiny orgasms...I dunno.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

juicylips said:
*Slaps you on the back*

Are you ok there?

Do you need a drink?:D


Wanna go for a drive?

:devil: :rose:
intrigued said:
I just don't see that anyone can masturbate (unless its w/o reaching orgasm) while driving a car, without stopping the car. Every guy I ever gave oral to while driving had to pull over, it was too much.

Maybe if you're prone to little tiny orgasms...I dunno.

Maybe I just shouldn't want it all. My car, my orgasm and my remote.

Oh and I want my MTV.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

Take the freeway, babe.

Once you hit 5th gear, pull it out and go to town. Or wherever it is that you're going.

I love to drive and masturbate. It makes those long stretches of road bearable, plus there's the illicit thrill of being seen with hands in pants.

CoolidgEffect said:
It's manual all the way.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

juicylips said:
There is if I'm in the passengers seat.

Dang. Why can't I ever come up with the good replies like that.

*scratching head and wandering away*

Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

CoolidgEffect said:
See it was suggested that this was a good reason to be a chic.

Any hope for the guys?

Actually, I would think it would be easier for kind of just sticks up there begging for attention. Easy to reach. Easier than having to get between the thighs. Same with sitting at the comptuer.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

superlittlegirl said:
Take the freeway, babe.

Once you hit 5th gear, pull it out and go to town. Or wherever it is that you're going.

I love to drive and masturbate. It makes those long stretches of road bearable, plus there's the illicit thrill of being seen with hands in pants.

There you go! See, there is hope!:p
intrigued said:
I just don't see that anyone can masturbate (unless its w/o reaching orgasm) while driving a car, without stopping the car. Every guy I ever gave oral to while driving had to pull over, it was too much.

Maybe if you're prone to little tiny orgasms...I dunno.

Oh, trust me, it's entirely possible to have a great orgasm while driving.

Mr PCG is from Minnesota. There's very little to do that's entertaining while driving across Iowa. Many miles of interstate have been crossed with his cock in my mouth, and he always came.

CE... carpooling is the answer. ;)
pagancowgirl said:
Oh, trust me, it's entirely possible to have a great orgasm while driving.

Mr PCG is from Minnesota. There's very little to do that's entertaining while driving across Iowa. Many miles of interstate have been crossed with his cock in my mouth, and he always came.

CE... carpooling is the answer. ;)

OK, I believe you, but I was thinking about the last time I did it. All was fine for about 3 minutes, and then I recall a sudden jerking of the car that left me sprawling around like a baby rooting for its bottle, hearing a few "Uh, oh's'", "get out of my way!"..."wtf are you doing, man?"...then when all was said and done and I came up for air, I discovered we were way off the highway, haphazardly parked in a field.:D

There wasn't a chance in hell he was driving through that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile Masturbation Method

Shadwann2 said:
Um, grab some lotion, untuck your shirt, use it to cover up what you're doing and make sure you're driving an automatic.:D

and I thought sell phones ware dangerous ... good luck on grabbing the steering wheel when you need to :D
oh yeah I guess I can share this ( I copyrighted it :) )... make a small vibrator. Take out motor from bepper, find something small enough for it to fit in ... a cap from a pen is a good choice. Seal it so nothing can get to rotating part and it's a good idea to make it water prove.. Put the device on a "sweet Y", roll on a condom, connect 1.5v Energizer to wires and keep going, and going, and........ ;)
pagancowgirl said:
Oh, trust me, it's entirely possible to have a great orgasm while driving.

Mr PCG is from Minnesota. There's very little to do that's entertaining while driving across Iowa. Many miles of interstate have been crossed with his cock in my mouth, and he always came.

CE... carpooling is the answer. ;)

And to think of all those times I drove across flat Illinois alone.
