Mitt Romney: Bill Maher is too white to be a comedian


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
The man is just not funny.

Mean as hell...



Someone put on some classic Cosby. That Fat Albert always cracks me up... Hey hey hey!
Chiefs . . . must hate to play football.

At least the Spayeders gave it a go.

The Birds made it innerestin' agin the 'Boys.

And the Pecks showed up, finally.
You know, four, five years ago, they brought Pioli, Vrabel, Cassell and others in in order to turn this thing around and turn us into the Patriots West...

You watch the game on Sunday and all you see is the BROWNS West.


They have found just about every single new and innovative way to turn the ball over imaginable!

Reminds me of THE Drive...
I wonder if Peyton will be playing in Hemi Orange tonight.

At least you guys didn't draft JaMarcus.
I wonder if Peyton will be playing in Hemi Orange tonight.

At least you guys didn't draft JaMarcus.

There is still time to trade for him, pick him up on waivers, something; I have a feeling the fans don't like the other guy all that much any more...

I will never understand why people let Maher spin them up so much. He does it on purpose ya know.
I know, they could pick him up, start him, and then cheer when he gets hurt.

Okay, that was mean of me to say.

Does this mean that I am mean?

Am I a mean kind of mean, or something over the top?
They're gonna cheer when the new guy gets hurt.

If he wants any sympathy, he had better go down on the road!

Maybe they can get Collin Klein to come out early; no way will they give a wheater the Heisman any way...

;) ;)

(Johnny, this really has nothing to do with Maher - he is a POS... It is just parody.)
They're gonna cheer when the new guy gets hurt.

If he wants any sympathy, he had better go down on the road!

Maybe they can get Collin Klein to come out early; no way will they give a wheater the Heisman any way...

;) ;)

(Johnny, this really has nothing to do with Maher - he is a POS... It is just parody.)

:D Fucker. I miss a lot when I am not here. It's all good.
Meanwhile, my stimulus check hasn't arrived.


Off for a day of stimulus anyway, since we can trust that it's "in the mail".