Mitch Dard and the case of the missing models


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2011

The 16 story Oakwood Office building stood on the corner of Summer Street and Citadel Ave. It was a stately building solidly constructed. Everything you would expect from the dwarven stonemasons who had designed and built it. But the building’s better days were in its past. Formerly a bank, it was now a collection of small offices and shops. Everything from a tailor shop for Tree-folk to a cleric for your pet.

Penny from the 10th floor insurance adjuster’s office had made her way up to the 11th floor and now stood in front of the Detective’s door. The door had fogged glass in the upper half with big bold black letter stating “Mitch Dard, Private Investigator”. Like the building, Mitch’s business had seen better days.

Penny did not think so. She had a small crush on the detective, but would never ever ask him out. He was a minotaur, after all. She stood at the door a moment before knocking. She could hear Mr. Dard inside… it sounded like he was brewing coffee. Which made sense, it was 9:30 in the morning. But then she heard a hard liquor decanter being opened, liquid being poured into a coffee cup, followed by drinking and “aww”. She knew the coffee was not done as it continued to brew. She was confused.

She decided it was now or never. She knocked softly on the door. Penny was a good looking human but with so many sexy elves around, you might not think to look twice at her. She had brown straight hair and a kind face. She wore very little makeup, but she did not need a lot.

“Are you busy, Detective Dard?” she asked. “It’s Penny from one floor below.” She added.View attachment 2138929

Almost gasped when Dard opened the door. The minotaur was ruggedly handsome. He looked like a hard-boiled, tough, Private Investigator. Just like those described in those cheap dime store novels. But his face was noble, as if he was related to nobility. He wore clothing appropriate for his profession. But she could sense what his body looked like under those cloth. He was all male. Big, strong, potent and virile. Penny was almost drooling looking at him. She needed to work hard to focus on what to say. She walked more fully into the room.

“Oh, Mr. Dard, I’m not here for carbon paper.” Penny replied. She used that excuse in the past to meet with the handsome minotaur.

She paused a moment as the coffee maker bubbled in the background.

“I need some help.” Penny continued. “Robert, my boyfriend, has been coming home late. I have found another woman’s lipstick on his collar. I think…” Penny was about to cry “I think he is cheating on me.” Penny explained.

She stopped and glanced at the coffee. It was so slow, he really needed a new one.

“I know what you are thinking. Robert is a scum and I should leave him. And I know that Robert is not a saint. But I need proof he has been cheating. Can I hire you to help me?” Penny asked.

Penny saw a pained look in Dard's face as he sat on the edge of his desk. She hoped he was alright. When the detective offered to help, she was so happy. Then she heard the price. She was only a secretary and could barely afford to live in the big city. She was almost going to cry, until Dard suggested they could “make other arrangements” for payment. All she knew how to do was be a secretary. Then she looked around Dard's office. She noticed a few piles of case folders unfilled, bills unpaid. His desk needed cleaning, and of course his awful coffee machine. She came up with an idea.

Penny opened her purse and pulled out 5 dollars “Here is what I have on me right now. I’ll get you the other 5 tomorrow. As far as the 3 dollars a day… Could I be your part time secretary in leu of the three dollars? I’ll work real hard for you. I could help you keep the bills straight, papers in order, that sort of thing. I can even ask the building manager to route your phone calls to my desk downstairs. Please, I’d love to work for you.” Penny suggested

She could tell Dard was thinking about her suggestion. She decided she need to act like he was going to accept and talk about the case.

“Robert works down at the docks. He is part of the Mermaid shipping company. After work he goes over to the Sick Tuna. The pub on 3rd street. There are some goblins he hangs out with. I don’t like them. I noticed some of them had guns. Here is his apartment address.” Penny explained and handed him a piece of paper with the address.

“Do we have a deal?” Penny asked in a hopeful voice.
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“No questions. But I want to thank you! You will not regret it.” Penny gasped in excitement. She just grabbed him and hugged him. Her head rested against his powerful chest.

“Mr. Dard, I can’t tell you how happy you have made me!! Thank you, Thank you” She exclaimed. Then she released him and took a deep breath. “My break is over… I’d better go… I’ll start tomorrow!” She said in excitement. Leaving his office in a hurry, before the detective could change his mind.

Dard watched Penny departs. To his surprise his new part time employee almost collided with a very beautiful redhead walking towards his office. The detective needed to take a deep breath. The human woman was stunning and dripped with style and class. She was wearing casual but expensive clothing, her purple lowcut blouse was unbuttoned and showed off her large breasts. The minotaur detective watched as her heavy breasts shifted under her blouse, with each stride. He was mesmerized by them! Penny even did a half-turned to say “sorry” to the woman, but also, to get another view of the woman’s amazing figure.

As the woman entered his office area she asked “Are you Detective Dard?" Her dark brown eyes were examining him as he looked at her. “My name is September and I need a detective” She explained.View attachment 2139065
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September Fox

“I need your help to find some missing models. I’m the owner of four-seasons swimwear” September explained bluntly. Now, it was Dard’s turn to be surprised. September opened her expensive looking purse and pulled out a photography and handed it to him. It was of three girls drinking in the topics.

“The two of the left are missing. Their names are Sha and Codi, you probably have read about this in the paper” September explained.

At the mention of four-season swimwear, Dard knew who this woman was. The company had been under protest by religious groups, because of their “skimpy” two-piece swimwear. Recently, two of their models showed up missing. It had been in all the papers. The newspapers theory is September Fox had them killed. It was reported the company forced the models to wear the suits against their will. It had also been reported, that September, forced her models to prostitute themselves out to very rich clients as well. “The company is a hedonistic place to worship the devil” One paper declared.

“You are…” Mitch began to say. September finished for him

“Yes, I’m September Fox. The police think I had these girls killed. All the suspicion is squarely on me.” September said with some frustration. There was a pause as Mitch looked at September with suspicious eyes.

“I’m innocent in case you are wondering.” She told him. “I need someone to help me figure out who did kidnap these girls. Before the police figure out a way to pin this on me. I heard you are honest and trustworthy. I’d like to hire you.” September offered.View attachment 2139078

“Please call me September. Ms Fox is my mother’s name.” She started, “The photo was taken about a week ago. Those three girls are always together. My nickname for them is the three amigos. It was not the last time they were seen. They returned to LA together. But very soon after that Sha and Codi could not be found. The third girl’s name is Alexya. Most of us call her Alex.” September explained.

September reached into her purse and pulled out 500 dollars. “How about 500 now and another 500 when it is solved, plus any expenses you have. This case will take resources and…” she glanced into his eyes. “I know your normal rate, and you are selling yourself short. And I’m certain there is nothing short about you” She stated with a small sexy twinkle in her eye. Her innuendo was clearly sexual.

“There is another reason I’m offering you this amount of money. I will be working on this case with you. I trust you will invite me to anything I can be at. I'm not scare and I know how to handle a weapon. Sorry, but that is part of the deal. If you can’t agree, then we need to part our ways and that is no bull” September ended with a joke.

“Do we have a deal?” She asked.
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September was happy Mitch had agreed to work on her case. Her sources had been right, he was an honest man. She also liked the way he looked. The minotaur was just her type. Handsome, tough, a bit of a rebel, and funny. She had already flirted with him a little. But she needed him to help her. If anyone could help her get out of this mess it was him. She could lose him, if she let her attraction to him get in the way of their professional relationship. She did not want to be like that drooling girl she almost bumped into on the way to his office.

She needed to make an effort to keep their relationship professional.

“Mitch, I own 51 percent of the four-seasons swimwear company. My minority partner is Seta Uka. She is very shy and avoids the public eye. I teamed with her, because the discrimination after the war against fairy folk was pretty bad. She needed a job and I gave her a chance. But you make a good point, I’ll warn her about our partnership and the possible odd hours.” September explained.

“So can you start my case now? What is the first thing WE should look into?” She asked emphasizing the WE part of her question.

As Mitch started asking a series of questions, September knew the best answers were going to come from Alex.

“I can tell you what I know, but Alex has a lot more information. How about I tell you what I know as we drive over to her place” She suggested.

“Good thinking” Mitch agreed as he grabbed his trench coat and fedora.

“Really, in LA?” September asked. “You look just like a private dick on TV” Then she realized what she had said by accident “But you are my Private Dick!!” she added with a twinkle of lust in her eyes. She had just made a promise not to flirt with him… and she blew it… oops, bad choice of words, she made an error in a few seconds. “Sorry, Mitch… I was flirting with you again. Won’t happen again.” September said as they both headed out the door.

To that, Mitch replied, "That's entirely up to you September. Although, right now being 'your dick' is saving you a pretty penny on my evening entertainment expenses." He chuckled lightly as if he was making a joke, but then as they walked down the hall he discreetly adjusted his pants.

September drove a Bentley mark VI convertible. Mitch was big, but he was actual comfortable in the car. His bull horns catching the wind as she got on the freeway.

“As far as I know the three met while doing photo shoots for my company. They are special models as they have large… chests” She pointed out. Mitch had already notice that feature. “The swimsuit we sell are good for various body types, but I want to show they work on large chested women too.” She explained.

“You are talking about the two-piece ones, the bikinis” Mitch asked.

“Yes” September answered

“Those are the one the religious people don’t like” Mitch asked.

“Yes, it is so stupid, during the war, the men fought in Europe. The French girls went to the bench topless. So I thought, we can’t do that here, but what about a stylish two piece swimsuit. Most women look great in those and they are not topless. Seta helped with the designs and we were in business. Everyone was loving the swimwear men and women, but then these religious people started complaining. Very stupid.” She explained

“As for histories, Sha grew up in New York. Moved out here to do movie work, but needed to do modeling jobs until she lands her first big role. Codi is a corn-fed Iowa girl. She grew up on a farm and did all those farm things. She was discovered and appeared a local “milk” ad. I saw the ad and knew she’d be good for swimwear. I paid for her to come out here. Alex grew up in USSR or Russia. Her family immigrated to the US during the war. She was working downtown at a bakery. That is where I found her.

I know nothing about their dating. I have seen Alex with a “friend” during a shoot once. But you’ll need to ask her about that. After the kidnapping we stopped the photo-shoots until we figure out what was going on. But we did not provide any special protection to Alex” September explained. Then she felt kind of bad. “I guess we should think about that” She said as she pulled up to Alex apartment building. It was a two-story complex, with a small view of the ocean.

Mitch also thought September should think about the fact she had been tailed from his office to Alex’s apartment in Santa Monica. The black sedan car had parked a 2 block away. No one had gotten out of the car.
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Alexya answered the door. She was a beautiful girl and was wearing a floral blouse and a white skirt. Mitch might have thought the apartment was nice from the outside, but it was small. One bedroom probably 700 square feet total. But it had a small view and the bench was close.

“Oh, hi September” Alex said trying to be friendly, but she was clearly not herself. The stress of recent events could be seen in her face.

“September this is Mitch, he is helping me look into the disappearance of Sha and Codi.” September explained.

“Hi” She said and shook Mitch’s hand. “He is some serious beefcake” Alex said to September

“He wants to know how you all met, and what happened on the day they disappeared?” September asked

“Oh, we were doing a lot of swimsuit modeling and became friends. There is something about posing with very little on that opens a person up. We also needed to change into new suits… and we used a communal tent on the bench for that. We got along and started hanging out together.” Alexya answered the first question.

“We arrived at LAX. We all shared a taxi and I was dropped off first. That is the last I saw of them” Alex said

“Were they headed back to their apartments?” September asked.

“I think Codi was going to hang with Sha before returning to her place” Alex answered.

“Who is everyone dating?” September asked.

“I’m seeing Kevin, but it is not serious” Alex answered.

“And the other two?” September asked.

“No one important” She answered.

“Any names?” September asked

“No” Alex replied.

“Ok, well, Mitch might have more questions, but he thinks we should move you to a safer locations. Just in case. I was thinking the Holiday Inn hotel, the company will pay the tab.” September explained and then turn to Mitch “Any other questions?”View attachment 2139281

After Mitch told her about the tail, September carefully moved to the window of the apartment and glanced out. It appeared as if she was looking at the ocean and thinking. Then she walked back over to Mitch.

“Wow, this is getting real! Who would follow me?” September asked but it was a rhetorical question. She knew Mitch did not know. “Ok, Alex, please pack your bags. We leave in 30 mins” She ordered her young model. “I got an idea how to shake the tail” September told Mitch. “I’ll drive us into the fae quarter to The Lazy Lizard Pub. You get us inside the pub, no human’s allowed unless escorted. Our tail is human, I just looked. We sneak Alex out the back into a taxi. Then we hang out some… and get a taxi back to your place. I'll stay at your place... no one will look there! I’ll have someone pick up my car latter.”
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Inside of the bar was surprisingly nice. Cherry floors and a large fireplace in the back. Fantasy creatures of all types were spread out enjoying drinks and smoking. Standing behind the bar was a lizardman. Mitch waved to the man, he waved back. The two elven serving girls seemed to be sisters. One was pretty with honey blonde hair. She smiled at them and pointed to a quiet table in the corner. The other sister was tattooed, wild black hair, and dressed like she was a real slut.

“Alex, use the pay phone and call for a cab” September suggested. Alex got up and went to the pay phone.

“Can I buy you a drink while we wait?” September asked Mitch. He gave her a nod. “You look sexy in that fedora” by the way” She added. She had broken her flirting rule, but she really did think he looked good in it. Mitch looked directly at her for a moment and tipped his hat. Before he could say anything else, his friend appeared at the table.

The lizardman came over to their table. “Mitch… what brings you here” The Lizardman/crocodile owner hissed.

“Drinks, what else!!” Mitch joked then he introduced September “Bog, this is my friend September. We are working on a case together.”

“Glad to meet you.” Bog replied as he shook September’s hand. “Any friend of Mitch is a friend of mine. What will you have?”

“Martini, extra dirty, for me” September ordered.

Their drinks arrived and September purred as she sipped at her martini. The drink was awesome... and took her on her way to becoming more relaxed. Something about a martini’s that flooded her body with fresh life. But she needed to be careful, more than two and she would not remember where she had been. The Lazy Lizard was not too busy. But she could overhear one loud patron’ conversation near her. It was two elf women that were talking about her. They wondered if she was a supermodel and why she was with a Minotaur. September smiled to herself.

“One second. Mitch” She said to him as she walked over to the elf table and said “Because, he is hung like a bull!”

Then she walked back to Mitch. He was laughing quietly about her comment. “Elves can be a bit stuck up!” September commented. She took another sip and placed the glass back on the coaster and let her eyes fall on Mitch’s handsome face. He was a good man, she never dated good men.

''I know you are curious'' She started “But just remember some dishes are very pleasurable… but also dangerous… You will need to decide if I’m worth the danger.” Mitch’s eyebrow went up at her comment, but he waited for her to continue. “I’m not seeing anyone currently, if you are wondering that. In the past, I have dated a few actors… and other bad boys. But I always ended the relationship before it becomes too serious. So you have been warned.” She told him.

Alex waved good bye to Mitch and September as her cab arrived in the back of the place.

They waited the required time and then called for an extra-large taxi. After the war, with so many large fantasy creatures such as centaurs, ogres and minotaurs they became necessary. Mitch could fit in a regular cab, but with his seven-and-a-half-foot height and horns, they were very uncomfortable.

They got in and he told the cab where to go. She had asked him about any other women in his life and he had said “no”. But she could tell there was at least one painful relationship in his past. Some people thought of minotaurs as big bulls with no feelings, but his answer reminded September he was more complex than that.

His answer and his vulnerability drew her in. She leaned over and whispered to him “I’m glad I get to know you better” and then she kissed him. It started as a friendly kiss and then she could feel him start to pull away from her to end the kiss. She grabbed his shoulders and she kissed him more. Gentle made way to a more deep and passionate kiss. It ended in a flare of intensity that she could feel all the way to her toes!! The kiss left her gasping and tingling.

“Wow, you were right about that tongue” September whispered with a huge grin on her face.

As they entered his office on the 11th floor, Mitch checked to make sure he had opened the correct door. His office looked great. Someone had cleaned up all the piles of paper, filed everything, cleaned his desk and reception area, dusted, washed his windows, and set up his new coffee maker. The smell of burnt coffee and rum was gone, replaced by a mild lemon scent. A note by the new coffee maker written in friendly penmanship stated “Hope you like what I have done! I talked the building manager into letting me in! Penny”

“That girl like you” September said then she added “Now where were we” She kissed him again, as they had kissed the cab. It was another good one. As they broke apart, her voluptuous breasts left his chest.

Mitch had to have her now! He scooped her up into his massive, strong arms, drawing a surprised gasp from her lips as he carried her over to now clean desk. He placed her down gently. September grabbed his hat from off his head and threw it to the peg on the wall. It hung there nicely, a perfect throw.

“I landed a good one” September said and she was not talking about his hat!

Mitch pulls off his coat and tossing it aside, he grinned lustfully at her, hardly believing that this was about to happen, half expecting to wake up from a dream or something. September red hair look amazing, as she unhooked his gun holster. Then she pulled open her purple blouse. While Mitch was undoing his pants. Both of them ended up revealing their major assets at the same time.

Her heavy breasts bounced on her chest as her bra came off. Mitch watched mesmerized by her huge breasts! He gave her a Bull’s snort in approval. September just as awed by his cock. She was staring at the monster thing. It was very thick and big. It was perfect. Her mouth was watering just looking at it.

Mitch pulled off his shirt exposing his big strong chest. He was built like a Greek statue! Then September pulled off her black skirt and panties. Her naked form as beautiful as Venus or Aphrodite!

She thought about how much pleasure his cock could give her. She loved big cocks and his was the biggest she had ever held. The pleasure she felt, would be equal to his pleasure. A cock that huge, with so many sensitive nerves, must cause Mitch to go to pure nirvana when he came.

“OH FUCK” She gasped as her pussy managed handle his size. He drove his minotaur’s cock into her. September loved it and reached down and rubbed her clit while Mitch was going in and out of her.

Being fucked on the desk made the angle of his huge cock perfect. She could feel it twitching inside her. Her flawless skin was flushed red in pleasure and excitement.

“I need the make her cum now” Mitch thought as he picked up the pace of his deep fucking. September howled as her pussy quivers wildly and after a few more deep fucks, exploded in orgasm. “OHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKK” she screamed. Her pussy tightening and Mitch knew he had made another pussy explode in pleasure. Feeling her pussy contractions, triggered his orgasm. He pumped his cum into her as he came with her. In big squirts that filled her tight hungry womb with his seed. “OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTT” he grunted. But being a bull, he could cum more than once a night!

Mitch dropped his hands to cup my ass as he fucked me against the wall. He was so strong, that my weight was nothing to him. My big breasts were bouncing as pumped his great cock into me. It was a sex position I had never been in before and it felt incredible.

"Yes!" I gasped, loving every plunge. Those veins I had stroked were now stroking every inch of my pussy, filling me, opening me to take more, to take all of him. The way they dragged through my tight, wet hole was going to be my undoing.

"BY ZEUS," he moaned and nipped at my ear, "You're so wet and tight and yet, we fit. I knew we'd fit."

My legs were quaking and I was so glad he was holding me up. I wanted to reach for the wall to steady us but I didn't want to let go of him.

"Your juice is dripping down my big bull balls," he groaned and with one final shove, buried himself to the hilt inside of me.

“OH FUCK” I gasped. I squeezed him tight "Make me cum, Mitch," I begged. "Make me cum while you're deep inside of me."

Mitch licked my ear before moving down my neck, biting me, marking me as his. He made me throb in a way I had never felt before. I was completely full of him, his life pulse beating inside of me and the horns thrusting forward, I felt myself begin to spasm.

"Mitch..." I gasped

"That's it, September, cum on my cock," he ordered me.

I came hard, my pussy gushing all over him, all over those veins of his huge cock. I had never cum like that, never had anything so big buried so deep inside of me, with someone holding me so tight. I rode out the most intense wave of pleasure that I had ever known.

September woke up at two o’clock in the morning. She shook Mitch.

“Get up” she told him. “We are going to move to hotel room”

He looked into her eyes and smiled. Then September started laughing and so did he. They got dressed and walked across the street to the hotel. September was still wearing Mitch’s fedora. The human clerk did not seem to approve of a minotaur and human sleeping in the same room. He kept asking if she wanted a twin bed.

“I want the penthouse suite” September said.

“But it only has one large bed” The clerk explained

“We’ll make it work” September answered and reached over the counter and grabbed the key. “Thanks” she said. In a few minutes, they were in the penthouse suite back a sleep. It was 8 in the morning, when September brought a nice fresh cup of coffee to Mitch.

“Good Morning, and here you go.” She said offering him the coffee. They both took some sips. “Well, that was something else last night” September started “I hope we can still work together. I really need a good detective right now. And I think you are a great detective”
June (AKA September)

“Sounds like a great idea” September agreed. They cleaned up and called for another extra-large taxi. September’s car was still parked at The Lazy Lizard. They drove over to the pawn shop

The pawn shop was sandwiched between the “Ink, Ink, Nudge, Nudge” tattoo parlor, and the Exotic Unicorn Bar. The building was brick with a second floor. The was a bright yellow sign, in happy lettering which read “The Lucky Halfling Pawn Shop”

June and Mitch entered the shop. June went straight over to the clothing section and found a fog coat and a few other items. Behind the counter there was a halfling. He had golden pulled back to reveal his wrinkled face. His darting green eyes, watched as Mitch and June looked at items in the shop.

Under his right eye, a sword left a mark. The scar ran towards the tip of his nose and ending on his left cheekbone. The halflings name was Dinnus Greenwhistle, or so his name tag stated. While they looked around June ask Mitch.

“What is the deal with Penny? She seems to like you?” June asked.

“Those look perfect” June said as she came over. The halfling watch her as she approached. June had seen that look before he was a breast man.

“Is it ok if I try them on?” June asked Dinnus

“Whatever you want, Dame” The halfling replied gruffly. “There is a bathroom over there” He pointed to a door in the back of the shop.

“Oh I can just try them on out here” June replied with a very naughty look on her face.

“Oh” Dinnus said in surprise. But as the surprise wore off, he concluded why not. He was going to enjoy the show. “Where ever you’d like to change, is fine by me.”

June unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off. She looked amazing in only a purple bra. Then with a smile she unclasped it and pulled it away. Her big breasts swinging free, right in front of Dinnus’ eyes. He was hypnotized by them, he just stared at them, almost drooling.

“Who dropped off these swimsuits?” June asked.

“Two guys… never seen them before… they were wearing robes” Dinnus moaned. His eyes never leave June’s breasts

“Wizard robes?” June asked

“No, more like cleric robes” Dinnus answered.

June put on the swimsuit top, which fit, and turned to Mitch. “Can we buy both of them?” She asked him

“And I thought detective work was all glamours and exciting” September said as they search through the garbage. She had found nothing of significant. Then Mitch asked her about the event in the pawn shop.

September took a deep breath. Mitch had figured it out. She thought she had been careful, but he had figured it out. He was a detective after all. Sometimes she was surprised at how stupid she was.

“My mother was a nymph and my father a human.” She answered his question. “that explains this” she said as she pointed to her amazing figure and beauty. “As you know, those marriages do not last. My mother was horrified by me. A mortal creature! She soon faded from existence. My father raised me, but I thought everything was his fault. Their marriage, killing my mother, and mother hating me. So, I left home as soon as I could. I was only 18 years old. Came to the big city.” September explained.

She looked into Mitch eyes “Please believe me, I have not used any magic on you. Everything between has been real.” She said then she looked away “If you leave now, I understand.”
June (AKA September)

June was thinking while she sat at a booth in the Lazy Lizard. She had warned Mitch “about the pleasure and danger”. She had also warned him about “ended the relationship before it becomes too serious.” Nevertheless, even when he found out she could charm him, he still wanted to be with her. That had never happened to her before.

The dead body had freaked her out a bit. Had it been one of the kidnapers? Why would someone kill one of the kidnapers? Was it for selling some of the girl’s items? But if that was the case, why not buy the items back? Or maybe, the kidnaper had met someone in that back alley, after pawning the items. That person killed them. Or it was just a random person.

It was hard being a detective. June might be dressed like one, but she had a lot to learn.

“I want an extra, extra dirty martini, sweetheart” June told the waitress at The Lazy Lizard using a Humphrey Bogart accent. Mitch gave her a look.

“Just trying it out. For when I need to sound like a PI” June said defensively. “I did call, and Alex is ok in her hotel.” June added to change the subject.

It turns out she did not really need to change the subject as a female centaur walked up to their table. She was beautiful, with short brunette hair, and wearing a brown halter top. Oddly enough, she also held a whip in her left hand.

“Kronette Wildfeet” she introduced herself to Mitch “Word on the street is you are trying to find those missing models. I might be able to help you”View attachment 2140408

Kronette smiled as Mitch adjusted his attitude. She sat down next to the table, putting her at the right height for June and Mitch. She then reached into her small saddle bag and pulled out a cigarette.

“Light” She asked as she held the cigarette out to Mitch. He lit the cigarette for her. She puffed on it.

“Some of the models were involved in other activities. They have been making money on the side by stripping for non-human customers. Sometimes they do more than just strip.” Kronette explained.

“I know names, but I need something in exchange from you” She pointed at Mitch with her cigarette.

“What do you need” June asked.

“It is private” Kronette replied.

“It is ok, I’m Mitch’s partner we share everything.” June said

“MMM, ok, well, you’ll need to share Mitch’s cock. Because I need him for a sex act in front of a customer. And he’ll need to be a bit rough” Kronette said as she touched her whip.

June was shocked, this was not what she expected. She thought the information would involve money. “Mitch, I think, i think you need to go for this. I know it will be hard, but we need to find those missing models.” June said trying to convince him to do it.

"Oh it WILL be hard..." Kronette joked.

Kronette smiled “Excellent. She can be there.” Answering Mitch’s question.

Then she thought of something “It sounds like a stallion fucked you over, we can use that in the act. How about I bring along one of my stallion friends. He’ll be tied up and forced to watch as you “tame” me and then you fuck me. Getting your revenge on him for stealing your wife.” Kronette explained as she took another puff on her cigarette.

“If that works, I’ll arrange a date and time. Probably in a few hours.” Kronette explained.
June (AKA September)

June and Mitch arrived at the big expensive house in Malibu overlooking the pacific ocean. Mitch was taken to a changing room while June was escorted through the foyer and into the luxurious living room. There were a 3 people there to watch the show. Wine and cocktails were available and finger food. It was all very nice. The client wore a robe that wrapped tightly around his body. The robe highlighted the elf’s nice physique. The robe ended around the knees leaving defined calf muscles visible.

There was a human male watching, who was also dressed in a robe, but his was not so tight. He also did not have as nice a body as the elf. The third person was the centaur stallion. He was gaged and restrained. So he had to watch what was going to happen next. June had been direct to sit in the back and not to make any noise.

A curtain was pulled back and on the stage area was Kronette. She was naked and her hooves were attached to restraints. She could not move her legs. But she could move her upper body. June thought Kronette had some great tits.

There was a sign hanging around her neck that said "Property of The Minotaur”. Then Mitch walked in carrying that whip Kronette gave him. They had put oil on his body, which highlighted his big muscles and amazing physique. He really looked like a stud bull. His massive cock was already semi-hard and made June drool.

“Aem Heavyhooves, Your girlfriend is one … big uddered … cow” Mitch said to the stallion centaur. He walked in front of her. Her tits are heavy and full of milk, big giant milk cans with hard excited nipples” He added as he reached over and SLAP her tit. Kronette gasped in pain.

Then Mitch big cock got harder. It was FUCKING HUGE!! A big thick hard flesh rod, throbbed in excitement. Kronette was scared … but there was also a gleam in her eyes as she stared at the huge throbbing cock… something that big would also give her intense pleasure!

Mitch behind Kronette “Behave and you will receive pleasure, misbehave and I’ll use the whip” Then he rammed his giant cock in her … she SQUEALED like a stuck pig. Every inch of her body tensed up … as she was filled with that giant cock. Mitch grunted …. determined to fuck this heavy uddered centaur cow … until she came … over and over …. Until she realized that his cock was bigger and better then some impotent half breed centaur cock.

“She seems to like my cock, Aem” Mitch commented.
June (AKA September)

Mitch drive and anger was like fury. His huge, hot, stiff pole pounding the fuck out of Kronette!! It did not take long for her to cum. She squirted her pussy juice all over his fat cock. The juice could barely get out of her pussy it was so STRETCHED by his thick piece of fuck meat.

Mitch came too. Then he laughed “made you come faster than that silly horse” he grunted.

June took a quick peek at the Aem, who watched the fucking. He had a big erection, throbbing between his legs. She also noticed the two guests were also enjoying the performance.

Kronette was still reeling from her climax, but she said something naughty to Mitch “At least Aem, can last longer than a single orgasm.” It was a challenge. June knew Mitch could cum multiple times. She was wondering if Kronette was going to be punished for her words, before he fucked her again.