Missing my job ((closed))


Naughty and Nice
Jun 28, 2011
Name~ Rebecca *Becca* Trena
Age~ 20
Appears~ 5'5'', curvy frame with 34E breasts, a tight ass, and long legs, tan, smooth skin. Long, wavy blonde hair with black low light, emerald green eyes

"That's a wrap!" The director called out to everyone. The cameras were shut off and Rebecca sat up off the blanket she laid on, running her fingers through her hair as the director walked up to her, holding out two small pink robes. One for her and one for the brunette beside her. "Great job Tyra." He said as the brunette took the robe and stood up, pulling it on.

"Are you surprised?" She asked, a bit snort noised as she did. Becca's only known this women for a week and she was sick of her. She watched as Tyra walked away, heading to a double wide trail that was placed there for the two of them.

Becca put her robe on and stood up, tying it closed. "Rebecca," he said once she was out of sight. "That was amazing. You really know how to drive a man wild." He told her as he looked her over openly. "Your a freakin natural at porn videos and you've only just started. I can picture you in so many different movies." He told her.

"Thanks Ben." She said softly, not sure what else to say. She didn't really want to do this. Make porn videos. lt wasn't her. But she needed to. She needed the money and you couod get a lot of money for doing this. lt's like being a stripper. The only different is that she actually got to get off while she was working instead of working herself into a frenzy. "l'm going to get dressed, okay?"

"Yeah, sure baby." he agreeded, waving a hand before he went to go help load up the there stuff in the truck. Unlike there usually set they would have been they were out on a field a few miles away from it. It was a beautiful place actually. Not the place where you would think two girl would make a porno.

Once she had cleaned herself off a bit, she got dressed, thowing on a strapless black top and a denim mini skirt, she walked back out of the trailor, seeing almost everything packed up. She saw Ben and waved good bye. "l'll be by your office tomorrow to pick up my check!" She called as she walked to her car.

"See you tomorrow, Becca." He called back to her before she got in the car and shut the door. She started it up and headed to a restaurant not to far away to get a late lunch. She'd been so busy that she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch yesterday and she was beyond starving.
Dylan Roake, a rich investment bank in his mid 30's. He runs a hedge fund that has been doing quite well, event taking into account the economic collapse.


Dylan looked up as movement caught his eye entering the restaurant. It wasn't his usual type of place to eat but he had been driving back to Miami after a business meeting and felt like stopping for a bit to eat. He would be having a late dinner that evening, so he wasn't in jeopardy of ruining his appetite.

When he caught sight of the young woman who had walked through the doors, he was immediately attracted to her. But at the same time, there was this sense of familiarity. He knew her from somewhere, but he couldn't place where. Dylan was usually very good with faces, so the fact he couldn't place where he recognized her from was going to bother him until he figured it out.

As she was being shown to her table he caught the eye of the Hostess and motioned to the empty seat across from him. "If the young woman wouldn't mind some company, she would be most welcome to sit with me. Her choice, of course." He looked to Becca and smiled charmingly.
Rebecca got out of her car once she reached the restaurant, pulling her bag over her shoulder as she shut the door behind her and walked up to the front door. She pushed it open and smiled at the hostess. "Just one?" She asked her and Becca nodded her head. She didn't really have time to hook up with men with her busy schuele so she didn't usually have a date if she went to a restaurant.

The hostess grabbed a menu and motioned for her to follow as she walked to a empty seat, which she did. They were half way to her seat when a man stopped them. "If the young woman wouldn't mind some company, she would be most welcome to sit with me. Her choice, of course."

The hostess looked back at Becca. "Would you like to join him?" She asked.

Becca looked down at the man, seeing a rather charming smile on his face. She couldn't help but smile back at him and brushed her hair over her shoulder. "Sure, why not." She told him as she moved to the seat across from him and sat down. The hostess put the menu in front of her.

"Your waiter will be here in a moment." She said before she left them alone, returning to her place.

Becca opened the menu and looked at the man that invited her to sit down. "Thank you for letting me sit." She told him as she looked at the drinks. "I'm Rebecca. Who are you?" She asked. "And what made you asked me to sit?"
"I assure you, it was my pleasure. I'm Dylan. Dylan Roake." He smiled at her again and held out a hand to her. "as for what made me ask you to join me, a number of things went into that decision. First, and this is in no particular order, you are a very attractive woman, you looked like you've had a bit of a rough time of it lately and could use some company... not an appearance thing, because like I said, you are very attractive. It's more body language. I prefer not to eat alone, but I stopped here on my way back to Miami on a whim. And last, you look familiar to me. I can't place where I've seen you before, and it's going to bother me until I figure it out."

He smiled once again as he looked at her face. "So that is the laundry list of reasons I invited you to join me... and I'm glad you accepted."

"So, Rebecca... tell me about yourself. I am very interested in learning more about you."
"Attractive?" She repeated. No ones called her a word as nice as that in a wild. They were more... c omments ypu would hear from a drunk. Quickly followed by ' Wanna get a motel room'. "You know, your really good at reading people." She told him, once he had finished. The familiar part made her giggle a bit, but she tried to hold it back. He wasn't the first, but he certainly was the first one who seemed so interested in figuring her out.

"Well," She sat back and crossed her legs, kicking her heel covered foot a bit as she did. "I'm 20 years old, and your right about my rough time, but it's more of a rough streak then a time." She told him, pouting a bit. "I've been a bit... money deprived and l've been doing the one thing a girl can do to get money quick. Without getting some kind of illness... or torturing myself." She told him, but didn't tell him what she did. lf he wanted to figure out who she was, she was going to make him figure it out himself.

When the waiter came, she ordered herself a pepsi and waited for Dylan to place his before looking down at her menu, slowly looking through it. "So, Dylan, why are you down here anyway? Miami's quite a ways away. What brought you down here?"
"Why thank you." He said as she complimented him on his skill at reading people. "It's a gift. And it comes in really handy for business.

He listened as she told him about herself, frowning as she mentioned the money problems. "I'm sorry to hear you've fallen on hard times, Rebecca... this economy is really hurting a lot of people." Fortunately not him, though a good portion of the population would lump him in with the sorts of people who caused the issues. And maybe they were right.

As she described, in rather vague terms, what she was doing to make ends meet, she gave him a couple little clues. Clearly she was in some form of sex work. But not a hooker, judging from that disease comment. So, possibly stripper, adult actress... wait, actress? He looked at her a bit more closely as she ordered her drink.

When it was his turn he ordered a softdrink as well. "I've still got driving to do today, unfortunately."

"Well, I'm on my way back home from a business trip. I'm a hedge fund manager in Miami. Where are you from?"
"Don't worry about it," she told him, waving a hand at him. "lt's not your fault l'm having some trouble. Besides, l'm making enough money to get by." l might be having so problems, but not enough to have a really good time. She thought to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest after closing the menu back up.

"Do you have to make it back there by tonight?" She asked him curiously as he said he still had to drive. "There are plenty of great hotels here," she looked him over openly. "Actually, scratch the hotel. l'm sure you could be staying a womens home instead tonight." Dylan was pretty damn hot and was sure that if he stayed around here for a bit longer, he'd have a small line of women trying to get him in they're bedrooms.

"Wow. Nice job." She commented as her drink was stead down in front of her, as well as his in front of him. Becca grabbed the glass and took a sip out of the straw. "Now, l'm just guessing here, but you haven't had any of this money problems in a while, right. I mean with a job like that, you must be getting paid a lot!" She told him, smiling sweetly.

"South Carolina actually. I'm here working on a video." She told him. "l just finished the last of the video today! l'm only here for a day or two more now." Rebecca told him.
"Well, I don't have to get home, but I hadn't planned on stopping. Of course, I hadn't planned on sharing lunch with someone like you either, so sometimes it's good that things don't go to plan." He smiled as she said he could pick up a woman and stay at her place.

"I could, could I? Well Sweety, I'm flattered that you think so. I take it you're suggesting that because you wouldn't want to spend the night in a hotel room with me?" He asked, only half joking. He certainly wouldn't pass up the chance to have sex with her, if it presented itself. She was absolutely gorgeous. Obviously with her money problems there were things she could do to look better, but they would be indulgences when rent and food were eating up a larger percentage of your income than is comfortable.

He nodded his head as she guessed that he wasn't having money problems. "Well, I get paid a percentage of how well the fund does, and I don't want to brag but the fund has been doing very well, and so consequently have I."

When she said that she was here filming a video, that set off a firework in his head. "Wait a minute... Rebecca... Are you Becca Trena?"
She grinned. "Actually, l'd be one of those girls to invite you to come with me. You just seem like the type that would go to a home instead of a hotel room. lt seems... beneath you. You strike me more as a higher up man." She shrugged. "l'm sorry, if l'm wrong. l'm not much of a person reader, like you are."

"Oh, don't worry about bragging. Your fine. You should be more proud of yourself, that your making money." She smiled. "Don't worry, l'm not like one of those people that blames the people that are actually working to make a living." Becca reasurred him.

She bit her lip and smiled at him. It didn't take him as long to figure out who she was. "l'd be lying if l told you l wasn't." She told him after a moment. "So, l take it you've seen my work." She thought about that question for a moment. "And please tell me your not one of those guys that watch porn then tell the girl how wrong it is to be in one. l'm tired of those guys to tell you the truth!" She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward a bit.
"I see it a little bit differently. I see a hotel as more than just a strange room. It's room service that will bring meals to my door, cleaning staff that will clean the room, an entire infrastructure who's sole duty is to make sure I have the best stay I can. And if I am going to spend time with a woman, I would rather treat her to all of that as well, rather than leave her bedroom and bathroom to be cleaned, eat he food, and make her feel like she has to work to make sure my stay is as good as it possibly can be."

He nodded. "Just the other night, actually. I ordered one of your movies at the hotel I was staying at. I can't say that I've seen all of your work, I don't often watch porn." When she got defensive he shook his head and reached across the table to take her hands in his. "No, not at all. For any number of reasons. You said you were in need of money, so there's a decent enough reason... but really, you're free to do what you want to do. I'm not going to judge you about it. If you're doing what you want to do, who am I to say you shouldn't be?"
"What kind of girls have you been sleeping with?" She asked curiously. "I mean, l not one of those sweet when you meet her, bitch once you sleep with her girls, but l'm also not the type that would let a guy sleep with her then ruin her house. If you meds it up, your going to clean it." Becca told him. "Though, l do agree with the hotel room thing. The guests get to have all the fun they want, with no worry of having to stop to clean... or really get dressed."

"Smart answer," She said, shegave him a smile, but slowly moved her hand away from his. "Thanks though, thats actually the nicest thing anyones said about my job." She told him. "Normally it's a comment about how l'm going to hell or how l should show them some of my moves." She shrugged. "Not that l mind much, most of those comments are from jealous girlfriends and wives that wish they could be as hot as l am. Or husbands and boyfriend who want there girls to be me!"

"So, Dylan, l want to know, who's the lucky girl... or guy, l don't judge on that, in your life that not with you right now?" She asked him. "You have to have someone. A guy like you doesn't really stay alone." Becca told him, from experience.
He let go of her hands as their food arrived, and he thanked the waitress with a smile. "To be honest, I would rather bring a woman back to my place than go to her's. It lets me treat them to a bit of a holiday."

He tasted his meal and nodded. "Mmm, delicious. How is yours?"

"And I prefer to think of myself as a smart man, so thank you for reaffirming that." He laughed softly. "Well I certainly wouldn't turn down seeing your moves, but I don't think I would be so crass as to ask for the opportunity within minutes of meeting you."

"Actually at the moment I'm single. I've been busy lately, and haven't had time to really meet anyone after my last break up about a month ago. How about you? I would imagine that in your line of work, there are plenty of people you would like to see more of, and who would feel the same."