Miserable and seeking a change...


Say Goodnighttothe Badguy
Apr 21, 2002
~~Closed to Pipper~~

Another day, another dollar. Another day in paradise. Same ol shit, different day. Happy wife, happy life...

"Yeah right..."

He had a hard time looking himself in the mirror as he was in the bathroom at work. He heard his name being called over the intercom, telling him to report back to his department.

"Shit... leave me alone..."

He than dried his hands off and he walked out of the bathroom into the employee break room, where his coworkers were on break and lunch, chattering amongst each other, they didn't even notice he was there, the pretty girls were just ignoring him. Two others walked into the break room and they stopped there conversations and said hello and the two boys pushed there way pass the man with brown shaggy hair.


He walked down the stairs, already having a bad day, went back to his duties at this grocery store where he worked in the deli dpt, making chicken and slicing meats for sandwiches. Everyday he put up with everyone's bullshit, they nagged and belittled him, all for what? A paycheck every week, decent money, but did they have to make him feel like crap?

"Everyday is the same..."

The day went by slow like a snail and he blinked as he drove him and was than being yelled at by his wife, nagging, and belittling, telling him he was good for nothing than just leaving him so she could go off and do her own thing, leaving him to himself. He sat in the kitchen and shook his head.

"Why... why me..."

Wayne closed his eyes and was back at work the next day, slicing meat, watching his coworkers all laugh and talk about there nights, having a blast, goofing off and letting Wayne do all the work. He just sighed as a customer yelled at him to go faster, they had more important things to do than be here waiting for him.

"I am almost done mam, I am sorry to make you wait."

He sighed again as he saw more people waiting and his coworkers not helping.

"You guys want to help me out?"

The manager walked over to the customer side and said.

Manager: "Wayne! Can you speed this along, you got people waiting, whats the matter with you, work faster please, you are a department manager are you not?"

Wayne wanted to slice his fingers off right there and just bleed out, but he had a wife and bills to pay... life was not going to let him off that easily.

Wayne: "Yes sir..."

He was stuck... miserable...

He had really nothing to look forward to, just wanted it all to end. What did he do, jerked off, looked at porn, played his MMO's, slept, that was his fun. Was it worth all this, hell no.

"Please, something has got to change..."

He muttered as he wrapped the meat for the customer.

"Thank you, sorry for the wait. Next!"

He started to help the next guest and finally some others came to help after there conversation was over. Wayne just sighed as you could see grey in his short brown hair, stubble already forming on his face, signs of stress and weariness clearly all over him, he was 5'7" but amounted to nothing around here, nothing but a walking mat...
“Oh, come on, Rose, let’s get some fish and chips on the way home,” Susan said, as Rose finished printing out the spread sheet, that was needed for the board meeting the following day.

“I wish I could, but I need to get some pork chops, besides Fridays are my fish and chip days, not Tuesdays,” she responded as she shut down her computer. At 23 she had quickly gained the manger’s position of her department, so she one those persons that had the ability to make quick business decisions, based on not only what she saw, but was underneath. Since an early age, her mother had taught Rose not to judge things, especially people, by their appearance, but by what was on the inside.

“Now, I know where you’re going! You have eyes for that Wayne guy at the deli. I have no idea what you see in him!” a mocking Susan exclaimed, trying to have fun at Rose’s expense.

Rose looked at her workmate and close friend with horror. “For your information, Miss Goody Two-Shoes, I have no feelings for him, but I know that deep inside him, there is a caring nature.”

“You always say that of anyone, you meet!” said Susan as she stuck her tongue out, only to quickly retreat it back into her mouth, as Rose tried to grab it.

Minutes later Rose entered the shop, and despite there being other counter staff available, she walked up to Wayne. She knew that the others were looking at her as she walked. She was one of those females that always loved wearing feminine outfits. Today’s outfit consisted of a grey calf length skirt, whose hem swayed to and fro as she walked, and a burgundy blouse.

“Can I have five pounds of pork chops, please, Sir?” she asked Wayne, and then stood there with a lovely smile on her face. She knew that below that rough appearance of his was love waiting to be returned.
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Wayne stood there and sliced some lunch meat up to prep for later, he heard a sweet voice ring though all the bullshit of the store though that sounded like heaven. He turned around and saw her than, he has seen her on more than one occasion, she was a hottie. But she didn't even know he was alive, he heard her request and turned around as one of his co workers cut in front of him and said he got it. Wayne, just put his head down and sighed as he just went back to what he was doing, he had the container full of the sliced meat and he carried it off, he heard one of the other workers say, "What did he think he was going to do, did he think she really wanted him to help..." there was laughter and Wayne just walked into the back and set the container down.

"Fuck em... she didn't want my help anyways..."

He looked to his watch and walked out of the cooler and spoke to his 2nd in charge, told him what he wanted done tonight. He looked around the wall and saw that woman was still there, that top she wore, wow... she had a really nice rack on her. Must be at least a D, he shook his head as he knew he was looking for to long, his coworkers laughed at him and Wayne just shook his head.

"Just get those things done and you can leave early. Alright."

His assistant did not respect him, nor did he like him. He just waved him off and he walked off to go and chit chat with the others and Wayne just shook his head as he started to do what he told him to do.

Wonder what her name is...
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Rose couldn’t believe that someone else butted in to take her order. As a manger, she ran a tight ship, in that if she gave an order to or asked a request of one of her staff, and some other member stuck their nose in, she would have their guts for garters. That was one of the reasons why her department was one of the most efficient in the company, in that everybody did their own job, nothing more, nothing less.

It wasn’t out of sympathy for Wayne that she entered the deli the next day, but to make a point. As usual she wore a long skirt, black this time, and as she approached Wayne, she spotted the same guy that butted in the previous day, walking towards where Wayne was standing.

Not this time, you don’t, she thought; as she stopped where she was, to look through her purse, while pretending to look for something. It didn’t take long before another customer to come in, thus forcing the other guy to serve the said person. Seizing the opportunity that had presented itself, Rose strolled towards Wayne. “Excuse me, Sir; may I have three pounds of garlic sausages?”

“I’ll see to that, Ma’am,” the other guy said.

This is what she had been waiting for! “You are already dealing with another customer, Sir!” Then as she pointed towards Wayne, she continued, “That’s the reason why I asked him, and that is also the reason, why he is going to serve me! If you have a problem with that, I will more than gladly discuss it with your supervisor.”
Wayne looked up from his task, sighing as he saw couples shopping together and laughing together. He shook his head as h put his head back down. Than he heard a request for three pounds of garlic sausage and the voice sounded so sweet and serene. He looked up as he saw that woman again, this time Jess was already helping a customer and he tried to help her at the same time even, Jess was one back thre to always give him shit, make fun of him, belittle him all the time. Wayne had no spine though, as he heard wht he said, he just sighed as he looked down again, he was traying some meat as he heard her snap at Jess and he could not help but to chuckle. He walked up t he counter and didn't smile, but put on a good customer face.

"Three pounds of garlic sausage coming right up, miss."

He got her product and wrapped it up fo her as he stole glances at her.

"How is your day going miss?"

He had her package and handed it to her as he captured her image in his mind. She was gorgeous, but of course, he was invisible to her type.

Well have a nice day miss, thanks for shopping."

He left ina hurry as he saw his boss tell him to go to he case, he started to give him crap for how things were and Wayne just nodded his head and took it. He didn't defend himself, he did not bring up othrs names, he just took all the blame on himself. The manager left him and Wayne tok his apron off and headed to the time clock and he walked outside to take a break.

"Why me... why always me..."

He sighed as he walked outsid with his head down and he sat on the bench outside the store, he pulled a smoke out and lit it up. The stress was becoming to much, he took a long slo drag as he stared off into the distance.
Being a manager Rose knew when something was wrong with a member of her staff, that was reflected in said person’s work, and over some time, she had noticed it in Wayne, no doubt due to the treatment he was receiving from the deli’s other staff.

She couldn’t say anything to him, when she bought the sausages from him, that noon, but now she waiting for him to leave for home. The wait dragged on, till about six Wayne exited the deli. “Wayne!” she said as she stepped in front of him. “I need to tell you something, so please bear with me for a few moments, and then I’ll be on my way.”

Rose waited for him to say something, but he just stood there, quiet. “I know you’re unhappy where you’re working, so I have had words with the person in charge of the company’s cafeteria, who’s looking to fill the meat’s section supervisor’s position, and I mentioned you.”

Then she handed him a piece of paper. “On that is the address, phone number, and her name, Hannah. You can call her first thing tomorrow, and she’ll probably want to see you straight away, or the following day, and if you’re hired, Hannah will want you to start ASAP. I’m sure the wages and benefits will be better than where you are at present, but it’s up to you, if you’re interested or not. If not, don’t think badly of me. Oh, tell Hannah that it was Rose who told you. That way she’ll know. Anyway, I’ll best be going.”

Then she left for her own home.
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Wayne was supposed to get off at 4, he clocked himself off and worked 2 hours off the clock, for fear of getting yelled at for his crew now getting the job done. He looked to th rest of his crew and saw how they all were laughing and having a good time together, Wayne just sighed and he left the work place, no one said anything to him, no "good bye", or "see you tomrrow", or "what time you coming in tomrrow" nothing...

Wayne walked to the front and saw the three hottest girls in the store, Emmy, Sally, and Thalia, the all spoke ad were cool to all the "cool" people in the store, but like everyone else they didn't even know he was alive. They were talking about a party they were throwing and everyone was invited from the store, they had flyers an were really excited about it. Sally turned around and ran into Wayne than and dropped her stack of flyers, Wayne saw her pretty face, he was taken back... by her beauty

Wayne: "umm... sorry...let me get those for you."

Sally laughed a little and Wayne picked her flyers up, seeing her shoing off a large amount of clevage as she took the flyers from him, saying nothing to him as they walked away, just laughing. Wayne got his fill though, saw Sally's clevage and that was enough of a thank you, he watched as they all had very nice asses an they flaunted it as they walked, making sure everyone noticed.

Wayne saw he missed one flyer and he picked it up, he folded it and out it in his pocket as he walked out the door and he heard the store manager call his name on the intercom, but Wayne was not on the clock, so he just ignored it and walked out to the parking lot, than he heard his name and saw a beautiful woman step out in front of him. It was her, that woman that always comes to the deli, here she was, standing in front of him, he shook his head as he took a step to the right, but she blocked him.

"Can I he'll you miss, was there something wrong with your order?"

He than listened to her and was shocked that she wanted to gve him a job. He did not know what to say. He just looked at the ground and heard her out, he took the card. How did she know anything about him, but here she was walking away now...

"Thanks... Rose, what a beautiful name..."

He went home and jut thought about her, held that card in his hand and masterbated to the image of her in his mind, he let his hand run up and dwn his shaft as his eyes were closed and he thought of Rose with Thalia, hw they did naughty things together, teased him and than...

Rose sat down at her desk, wondering if Wayne had called Hannah, and if he had, was he now, being interviewed? Normally, Rose would grab a cup of coffee from the cafeteria, but had decided to get one on the way to work, as she didn’t want to give him the impression she was spying on him, if he was really there.

Then she began to ponder if she had done the right thing in trying to get Wayne a new job without his permission, or had she really interfered in his private life? But it was too late now, for he had either phoned Hannah, or had just torn the bit of paper up.

With that in mind, she logged onto her computer, and started the tasks at hand. As she did so, Hannah phoned to let her know, that Wayne had phoned her, and would be in the following day for the paper work and interview.

That was music to Rose's ears.
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Wayne worked through another day of hell, he did not tell anyone at work that he applied at another place for a job, he didn't want anyone to know. But things came to his mind, maybe if he got hired he could ask out one of those three, or maybe he could tell his coworkers off, give them a piece of his mind... maybe than people would see him and treat him like a human should be treated... instead of a piece of trash.

Wayne shook his head as he sat there in his car at a green light as people honked there horns, Wayne shook his head as he steped on the gas and headed home from work. He looked to the card that Rose had given to him and he smiled. At least she wanted to be nice and help him out. But what if he did no get hired, what if he was not what they were looking for...

"Shit... I do not want to make her look bad. I got to be cool..."

He turned into his driveway and sat there as he saw the lawn had to be taken care of... he sighed and just wanted to go inside and relax, before his wife got home and started to treat him like shit. She always yelled at him and made him feel like he was nothing, he didt know why she married him, they had nothing in common, she was a dancer and he was a gamer, she liked to do swap meets and he was a gamer... he did not understand, she spent more time away from him, than she did together with him. He sighed as he got out of the car and walked insinside and he sat down at his computer as his two dogs greeted him, he smiled and petey and sweetie ran over to him and pranced around. Wayne just petted them and sat down at his computer, looking at various things before he brought up his daily porn. He watched a few mins of one and he looked to the card and thought of Rose, she was. Very pretty chick, he imangined her as he was watching the porn star give the man a nice blow job and Wayne jerked his cock off just thinking that was him and Rose.

He finshed sometime later and just turned his game on as he started to play and he knew they wanted to see him tomrrow for the interview, he still had to go into work to set things up,but he was just going to leave early, he told thm h had to go to the doctors.

Wayne heard his wie come home and sh started to yell at him about not mowing the lawn and not washing the dishes and to take the trash out, just plain nagging, there was no, "hi honey, how was your day, oh let me give you a nice back rub" or "you had a bad day, ok babe, let's go in the bed room and I will mke your day all better" no it was bitching and nagging.

Wayne: "Hi honey, how was your day, I will get to them tomrrow, I didn't have a good day... well no day is good"

Than she just started to yell more at him, he just put his head down and banged it on the desk a few times...

"Please kill me... jut end me..."


Wayne woke up to his alarm and showered and shaved as he had to hurry, he got a white dress shirt and tie, his nice belt and dress shoes as he put his work uniform on and ran out the door, his wife not even caring to say goodbye or have anice day.

"Have a good day Jennifer"

He ran out the door nd to his car and before he knew it he was at the job interview, later in the day.

He filled out the paper work and sat and waited, he was nervous as he kept looking at his watch. He wondered if he was going to see Rose, but he heard his name called and he stood up and dropped his paperwork and phone. He shook his head.

"I am sorry, I'm a bit nervous..."

He picked the papers up and his phone quickly and he followed the woman.

"Here we go..."
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“If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it!” exclaimed Susan as she entered Rose’s office.

Putting her pen down, Rose sighed. “Pray tell, what did you see?” Inwardly, she was trying not to laugh, because Susan looked like she would wet herself, if she didn’t say something.

“It’s that guy from the deli; you know the one, Wayne. He’s applied for the meat supervisor’s post. Now, why on earth would he try to work here? I mean, he’s…”

“He’s what?” Rose practically said in a raised voice. “Incompetent? Susan, don’t judge him too quickly. He might just prove you wrong! Anyway, I know of a friend of mine, who others thought she was a complete failure at everything, till I managed to get her a job here. Need I say more?”

“You…you crafty so and so, you sure have a way of proving a point!”

“One of the perks of being a manager,” said a grinning Rose. “Anyway, I need to get going. Have a nice week-end, Susan.”

Soon Rose was on her way to the elevator when she came across Wayne, who appeared to be waiting for her. “Did you get the…?”
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Wayne left the interview, he was breathing hard and unbuttoning his collar and loosening his tie, the world was a blur right now, he failed in the interview he thought. Being to nervous and not confident enough. He didn't keep his cool, he looked like a drug user...

"Damn it..."

He shook his head as he walked down the hall to the elevator and he than ran into that woman...

"Rose... so beautiful..."

He came to a sudden stop as he realized what he just said...

"Day, is it not... ummm I don't think they liked me very much, so I got to be heading back to my other job to explain why I just left like that. Hopefully I still have a job... they would not let me leave early, they didn't care that I had a "Doctors Appointment" they said "You should schedule that on your day off" so I just left..."

He shook his head as he looked at her shoes the whole time.

"Thank you so much for the job recomendation, and sorry to have wasted your time..."

He pulled his phone out and he he fumbled it as he dropped it on the floor, the phone falling apart, the battery sliding on the floor.

"I am so sorry..."

He quickly went to pick the pieces up as he was putting his phone back together. He really had no idea what she though of him in the interview, the negative side of him just was to strong. Than he looked at her.

"Wow, this is where you work?"

He stood up, and slouched still as the doors opened and he looked to her, he captured her image in his mind as he gave her a poor smile, but very shy smile. Oh the fantasies he was going to think of when he got home. He saw the door closing and he blushed a little as he nervously hit the button again.

"Oh sorry Miss, after you?"

He still didn't look her straight in the eye, but he had a kind smile on his face for her.

"Going down right?"

He than had a image of her going into the elevator, letting it run in between floors and hitting the emergency stop button, than turning to him and stripping her top off, showing him her large breasts and playing with them for him as she leaned in to kiss him, than she rubbed her body all over him, letting him feel how her breasts felt on him, oh how Wayne moaned and enjoyed this.

Than the image was over and he was back right where reality left him...


He shook his head again. Reality sucks, she is probably in a serious relationship, her boyfriend took care of her, gave her everything she wanted... and made her happy, I mean look at her, how could she possibly be single...
Rose kept her eyes on Wayne. What is wrong with him? she thought. It was as if he was in another world. She heard him mutter something about they didn’t like him, or something to that effect. Then he dropped his phone, with disastrous results, after he had thanked her for trying to get him the job, but then apologized for apparently wasting her time.

She knew that unless he deliberately messed up the interview, that the supervisor’s position was his for the asking, and she also knew that he was trying to vision her without any clothes on. Rose had seen that body language of his many times before, and that ‘Going down right?’ remark was…well, sexual in its own way.

With the elevator descending, Rose decided to see if she could break Wayne out of his despair. Retrieving her phone from her purse, she tried calling Hannah. It was still ringing, when the elevator reached the lobby. Placing herself in front of him, she said, “Hang on Wayne.” Then Hannah finally answered. “It’s Rose, what’s the verdict?” Of course, Wayne had no idea who she was speaking to.
A lovely smile sprung up on Rose’s face. “Thanks luv, you won’t regret it.” Then facing Wayne, she said, “Be here at seven-thirty on Monday morning, so that Hannah can introduce you to the staff who will be under your supervision. Congratulations, Wayne!”
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Wayne looked to her as she stopped him in his tracks, he looked to her now as he cleared his throat. He listened to her part of the conversation and was confused. Was she going to make out with him or something?

"Umm, I got to get going..."

Than she said that. With a big smile on her face.

"Are you serious, I got the job? Really, after that terrible interview? Wow... I guess you are my lucky charm..."

He actually had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Rose, thank you so much. I owe you so much, what can I ever do to repay you?"

He wanted to hug her, he took a step forward and what could spoil his luck now right. He wrapped his arms around her in a big hug as he kissed her cheek.

"Thank you so much, I will be here!"

He than walked out of the elevator and he stopped.

"Wait, I am going to need two weeks? I have to give... or maybe I will just go in and quit. That will show them..."

He was happy now, he almost wanted to dance. But he knew better...

"Thank you Rose, thank you!"

He saw the smile on her face and wondered about her.

"Why did you offer me the job for? I mean I have seen you on many occasions at the store, but I am sure there are better for this job? You do not even know me? So why me?"

The thought really made him wonder.

"Can I walk with you?"

He looked to her and still had a smile on his face, she was very beautiful, her hair looked soft, she smelt like heaven, she dressed nice. Everything a man could want in a woman.
Rose was taken aback when Wayne suddenly hugged and kissed her, and then proceeded to continually thank her. To her, it was akin to a small child getting a birthday present. Inwardly she smiled, as he continued to give thanks.

“Why you, you ask. You have the experience, and there must have been something in you that Hannah saw. Just because you thought the interview didn’t go well, it didn’t mean you messed up. When this company interviews someone, we take in their complete picture, not just one part of it. And as for me not knowing you, do you think we only hire people we know? Believe me, when I say, that I did not have any influence on Hannah’s decision, whatsoever. I only told her, that I might know someone who could fill the vacancy. I gave you the information, and remember; it was your decision, and yours alone, to apply for the position. Good luck on Monday.”

As Rose began to walk away, she heard Wayne say, "Can I walk with you?" Good grief, she thought. First he can’t stop thanking me, and then asks if he can repay me in some way, and now he wants to walk with me! Then something clicked in her mind.

Turning around, she said, “Well, if you insist in thanking me and being a Friday, which is my Fish and Chips day, how about you treating me to a meal? The café is just around the corner."

As they walked, Rose said, “I would like to give you some advice for tomorrow when you hand in your resignation. I know you will probably want to tell them what you really think of them, but the both of us know that you’re made of better stuff, so treat them nicely, that way you show some class in the face of adversity.”
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He watched her close as she spoke and it seemed as if she was annoyed by him. Just as he thought. But it was nice of her to get him the job interview. He had to thank her for that. He just smiled at her as she spoke, his doubts rolled in though and she could see him losing confidence already. But she didnt leave him, she let him walk with her, was more than he ever expected. He stayed at her side and listened to everything she said.

Than she asked him, well more like order him to take her to get something to eat. He looked at her and was stunned.

"Umm take you for fish and chips?"

He studdered as he could not believe it. He shook his head and thought about it quickly. She did not look like a woman that would wait on a man.

"Yah sure, I do owe you. Lets go."

He blurted out as he was still shocked.

"Umm question, won't your boyfriend or husband mind you going to grt something with another man?"

He wondered about that. He looked her over and expected her to just leave him than. But she told him that advice.

"I don't know how you know so much about me, its almost like you are a guardian Angel. I know, I will not go and tell them off, I talk big, but I am all bark no bite. I will just tell them I quit."

The idea didn't really sit with him so well, but he had to do it right...

"Thank you as gain Miss Rose, you really are a life saver. Now can you fix my wife?"

He followed her to the cafe and he opened the door for her as she walked in and sat down. He sat opposite her and just smiled at her.

"You are very nice, do you come here often?"

He had a whirlwind going on inside of his head, he knew he was thinking to much into this, I mean he just owed her something and she was calling it in. But what if it was more, what if this turned into something... arrg! It was really going in his mind and he was starting to get a headache from all of it. He just sighed as he looked down at the table now.
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Rose ignored his questions if she had a boyfriend or husband, or if she could fix his wife, whatever that meant. Now inside the café, Rose saw him fall back into one of his ‘moods’ as she called them.

But she wasn’t in the mood, to put up with it. Flicking Wayne’s forehead with a finger, Rose said, “A world of advice, strong advice, never do any sighing, when you begin work on Monday. As a supervisor, you have to lead by example. You have to be in control at all times. When set-backs occur, which they will, you will need to deal with them in a controlled manner. Looking down and sighing will not cut it, as the staff under you, will be watching you like a hawk, to see if they can talk to you about any problems with the meat, knowing that you can fix the problem, promptly. Do you understand?”

Then she stared him in the eye. “And when you’re in my presence, you will act as a proper gentleman, and if you do, we will get on well together. Now, I see that the waitress is coming. I’m having my usual Cod and Chips, and a pot of tea and you can order what you like. I’m off to powder my nose.” Then she left.
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She was calm, cool and calculating. She was a business woman and that made Wayne feel a little intimidated. When she first flicked his forehead it snapped him out of it and he looked to her and took her advice to heart. He thought hard about what she said and nodded his head like a eager student. But her next words threw him off.

"Rose, I will try."

He didn't think that he was not acting like a gentleman, he opened the door for her and what else did he do wrong? He wondered as he watched her walk off to the restroom and he wondered. So was she hinting at what she wanted in a man? He wondered, she did not answer about the boyfriend or husband issue. But it was not any of his business, so he would not press the issue.

He saw the waitress come around and he ordered the same as Rose and he waited for her to return.
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As Rose walked back to the table, she stopped briefly to take another look at Wayne. Somewhere in there was a person, who had always been treated as a stepping-stone. He did mention something about his wife, who apparently needed fixing, so that might be on one of his problems, which was the lack of being loved, which resulted in low-esteem. Something had to be done, for both his sake, and the company’s, and a situation had just presented itself.

Sitting down, Rose smiled at Wayne. “I just remembered that twice a year our company holds a dinner and dance to celebrate our accomplishments. I wasn’t planning on attending, but if you would like to accompany me, I would consider it an honour. After all, you are a member of the staff now, aren’t you, even though don’t actually start until Monday.”

As the waitress brought the trays on which were the tea set, Rose called someone on her mobile phone. “Celeste? It’s Rose. I’ve decided to come tomorrow. Yes, his name is Wayne, one of our newest staff…A table right beside the dance area? Perfect! See you there!”

As she saw Wayne looking at her, Rose said, “You need to enjoy life, and you’re going to that dinner and dance, if you like it or not, and I going to get you a limo to pick you up at your home at 10 where it will take you to the deli. I will meet you there. Then we both will go in, and you will hand in your letter of registration which will also contain a request to be paid in full for any wages owed. If they start abusing you, you will be polite. You will not raise your voice. Then we will leave in my car, to my home, where we can relax before getting ready. Bring a dark suit with you, if you have one in a case, so that you can change at my place. I will order a limo to take us to the hotel. I know a friend who keeps a couple of spare limos on his lot, so no problems there.”

Then the cod and chips arrived. "They look delicious as always, Jane.”

“Thank you Ma’am,” the waitress replied.

Rose saw a look of shock on Wayne’s face. “Will you for once in your life, relax and enjoy life.”
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He took all she said in and kind of chuckled at her demands. She was rather bossy with him, thinking she could just up and demand things of him. Every fiber of man in his body screamed out at him to tell her to back off and stop telling him what to do, but that was if he had a spine...

Wayne just shook his head as he sighed to himself, remembering that she asked him not to do that.

"That is a lot to do Miss Rose, dinner and a dance, going into the store to quit... wow."

He ran his hand through his hair as he saw her beautiful features and wondered why she was doing this, why did she care, why did she want him to go with her to the event...

Why, why, why!

He nodded.

"I do not know how to enjoy life Miss Rose, I mean what do I have to enjoy, my wife hates me, I have nothing in my life..."

He took a drink of his tea.

"Oh, I forgot to mention... I am a high ranking officer in my Guild in the MMO I play..."

He than took a bite out of the fish and chips plate and he smiled.

"Wow, this is very good..."

He kept his eyes on her as he ate, she was something to look at, she was so alluring, and so hot. She had it all it seemed, so what did she want with himself... he had to find out.

"So how come you are wanting me to accompany you to the ball and not your boyfriend or husband... and I am kind of married, so ummm... she might have a problem with me going with you..."

He put his head down and sighed.
Rose took in what he said; then she got out her phone again. “Celeste? I’m afraid we won’t be coming to the bash, after all. Something has cropped up. I’m sorry.” Then she continued to eat her meal. “Problem solved,” she said in a sad tone. “I was trying to give you at least a day of enjoyment, but it appears I was wrong.”
Wayne looked to her and shook his head, he had no idea he was hurting her feelings.

"Miss Rose, thank you so much for wanting to give me a good day, but my cards have been dealt and I have to deal with them. If my days are meant to be that way than they will, but if they are not, than how can you change them? Thank you for the job offering, I am sorry, but I must go, I have work in the morning. Thank you Miss Rose, it has been a pleasure..."

His voice was full of loneliness and he so needed this, but he tried so hard to avoid the good things, it was like he liked being miserable. His phone rang and he sighed when he looked to see who it was and he answered it.

"Yes dear, ok I will, yeah, dry cleaning, vacuum bags, large trash bags, and dinner to cook, ok, I will get it all done by the end of the day, I know you don't care that I have to work early tomorrow, yes dear... I am sorry, I am sorry, I know I am a piece of shit, I will get it done... good bye..."

He shook his head as he dropped 40 dollars on the table and just about ran out the door, he left his jacket behind though. The conversation was just abuse to him, making him do all the house chores.

Wayne ran to his car, almost getting hit by a car, because he was just not paying attention to his surroundings, he was too caught up with what was to happen.

"Ok, so on Sunday, I have to quit, or maybe I should just tell them I need to work night shifts... oh damn it... why do things have to be so hard..."

He shivered a bit as he got to his car and quickly got in. He sat there for a minute and thought.

"I am sorry Rose..."

He ran his hand through his shaggy hair and sighed.

"Some day, maybe this new job will be better..."
“He’s not going to last long. Hannah will fire him, I know she will. Oh, what have I done?” Rose said to herself. She had heard Wayne’s phone conversation with this wife. It was obviously a love-less match.

Then Rose spotted Wayne’s jacket on the back of the seat he had sat one. Her first thoughts was to run after him, or failing that see if his address was in it, but that would mean more trouble if she had been met at the door, by Wayne’s wife! So instead, Rose picked it up and carried it out to her car.

The following Monday, Rose strolled in the company’s cafeteria, and spotting Hannah talking to Wayne, she walked up to them. “May I have a moment with Wayne please, Hannah?”

Hannah nodded as she walked away. “Here! You left this behind in the café,” said Rose as she practically threw the jacket at him. “Oh, one more thing, in the café you said, ‘but my cards have been dealt and I have to deal with them. If my days are meant to be that way than they will, but if they are not, than how can you change them?’ Have you ever heard of five card draw poker? After the initial round, you get to replace some cards you don’t like, in the hope of getting better ones. Going by you conversation with you wife on Friday, I strongly suggest that you change some, if not all of your cards! Do I make my point clear? For all you know, there may be better cards standing close to you.”

Then she walked away, making sure that her long dark blue skirt swayed from side to side.
Before he knew it.


He looked around at his new job, seeing the equipment and the size of the department. He was amazed at how it was all put together.

"A smooth running machine."

The employees all knew what they were doing, not having to be told what to do at all. The employees all waved to him as he watched them. He just waved back with a slight smile on his face. He did not want to seem like a micro manager, so he just moved on. He looked to the back where all the meat was kept and he took his notepad and started to take a quick inventory of things. Than he heard his name called out and he poked his head out to see the boss calling him over. She went over the procedures of things and how she wanted things done. Wayne listened very closely and took notes. Than she came...

"Oh... ok..."

He took in her words and smiled at her, he had to be in a good mood for work, why, because he was not at his normal job, he was here and he had to prove himself. He did not want to be the same here as he was at the grocery store.

"Oh, yes Miss Rose, I understand."

He didn't really understand what she said, and he had a feeling that she knew that he didn't understand. Hannah was still around and he didn't want to show weakness.

"Thank you Miss Rose, is there anything else I can do for you?"

He looked to her and with a feint smile on his face.
Rose ducked behind a steel container, as Hannah went back to Wayne. “Let me put it another way, Wayne," said, Hannah. Two cards, one bad, who it is of I do not know. The other is good, an image of Rose. Now, do you keep the bad card, or go after the good card?”