Miscka, lavender, laurel, lovetoread, killermuffin, siren, sexygirl, sgl

Please close the door on your way out.
Olivianna said:
Hey, can you post those recipes before you go?

I would like some of those recipes also. I think you should stay for a while longer and post some more recipes.
yayati said:
o guys

yea im closing the door now...

oliviana give me e-addy and ill post you all the recipes...

i cant really stand here.

1. no one likes me
2. i dont like anyones (ethics and values systems here)

I like you. You're alright. And you've survived so long. Hey, don't leave because a select few here gave you a hard time. I'd like to think that its you who gave them a hard time *chuckle*...don't give up so easily. A story without bad guys will be so boring. Be a good bad guy and stay.