Mischka, I Have a Request


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
You say things so much more eloquently than I do.

I think you should make us a sticky explaining Free Speech. :)
I'm good at this stuff too. Let me try.

Free speech means you can spew your bullshit and no one's going to come to your house and anally rape you with a pool cue but people can tell you that you're spewing bullshit.
I shouldn't attempt anything eloquent today. I'm mixing up my parts of speech. I'll try it later. For now, Never's succint sentence is great.
Free speech means that you can say anything you like. Free speech does not mean that what other people say is free for the taking.
CelestialBody said:
Are you feeling ok, Misch?
Nope. My head has been killing me all day. Last time it hurt this much, I had two spinal taps and a $5,000 hospital bill.