Miners at Romney rally were ordered to attend, lost a day's pay

Wrong Element

Sentient Onion
May 5, 2002
We have a lot of conservatives here who claim to care about the rights of workers; perhaps they might have some comments on this:

When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine this month to promote jobs in the coal industry, workers who appeared with him at the rally lost pay because their mine was shut down.

The Pepper Pike company that owns the Century Mine told workers that attending the Aug. 14 Romney event would be both mandatory and unpaid, a top company official said Monday morning in a West Virginia radio interview.

A group of employees who feared they'd be fired if they didn't attend the campaign rally in Beallsville, Ohio, complained about it to WWVA radio station talk show host David Blomquist. Blomquist discussed their beefs on the air Monday with Murray Energy Chief Financial Officer Rob Moore.


I knew it didn't make a lot of sense for a bunch of coal miners to stand behind Daddy Warbucks at a campaign event, given that they're natural, centuries-long enemies. Now that I know they were needed as human props, and they feared for their jobs if they were no-shows, it's more understandable.
We have a lot of conservatives here who claim to care about the rights of workers; perhaps they might have some comments on this:

When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine this month to promote jobs in the coal industry, workers who appeared with him at the rally lost pay because their mine was shut down.

The Pepper Pike company that owns the Century Mine told workers that attending the Aug. 14 Romney event would be both mandatory and unpaid, a top company official said Monday morning in a West Virginia radio interview.

A group of employees who feared they'd be fired if they didn't attend the campaign rally in Beallsville, Ohio, complained about it to WWVA radio station talk show host David Blomquist. Blomquist discussed their beefs on the air Monday with Murray Energy Chief Financial Officer Rob Moore.


I knew it didn't make a lot of sense for a bunch of coal miners to stand behind Daddy Warbucks at a campaign event, given that they're natural, centuries-long enemies. Now that I know they were needed as human props, and they feared for their jobs if they were no-shows, it's more understandable.

They're all over the board today with the usual derp, but guess they got no squawk for this one, huh? Even Leaf Boy came with the limp dick.
So you're saying Murray Energy Chief Financial Officer Rob Moore is lying by publicly saying the hourly workers were told it was mandatory to attend the event and they wouldn't be paid for the day?

He doesn't have an answer for it, he just wanted to get in his daily derp & squawk quota. He'll be back with some irrelevant internetted bullshit as a counter and post count boost, lacking the ability to directly face the topic's verity.

Different name, same lame game.
So you're saying Murray Energy Chief Financial Officer Rob Moore is lying by publicly saying the hourly workers were told it was mandatory to attend the event and they wouldn't be paid for the day?


I dont believe that is the whole REAL story

He doesn't have an answer for it, he just wanted to get in his daily derp & squawk quota. He'll be back with some irrelevant internetted bullshit as a counter and post count boost, lacking the ability to directly face the topic's verity.

Different name, same lame game.

This thread is for whites only. Kindly go impregnant more of your race without a marriage certificate...
I believe it was closed

For security reasons, as stated


that they WONT get paid, nor should they, if they dont work


they should, but dont have to attend

The reason its BS is

cause that PIC made it around the web, the day after Obama peeps said they KEEP CROWDS down on purpose to have a more intimate setting.......and were laughed at


Naking ones light shine by blowing out another candle
Mind you, I didnt see the RACIST MIND NUMBING IDIOTIC thread starter

Post a thread


1-Obama goes to rallies and LEAVES behind mountains of DEBT

2-The DNC Convention will force a CENTER center to close for a few days and teh CANCER PATIENTS will be without treatment

DID I?:rolleyes:
From the same bullshit article

noted that federal election law doesn't let companies pay workers to at
tend political events.

Murray Energy spokesman Gary Broadbent emailed this statement: "Rob Moore made it abundantly clear that no employees were forced to attend the Romney event. All participation was, and always has been, completely voluntary."
From the same bullshit article

noted that federal election law doesn't let companies pay workers to at
tend political events.

Murray Energy spokesman Gary Broadbent emailed this statement: "Rob Moore made it abundantly clear that no employees were forced to attend the Romney event. All participation was, and always has been, completely voluntary."

gee whiz

non of the RACIST MIND MANGLED CRETTINS had any problem with TEACHERS etc being PAID for DAYS AND DAYS when they went and trashed Wisconsin

So what we have here is

MAN U FACTURED OUTRAGE.............In other words

Typical :rolleyes:

He'll deny it anyway, but I have to wonder if Romney knew about it...

In the early 1980s I worked for a restaurant in Miami famous for it's part in a lot of corruption and drug trafficking that took place in those times.

We had one of those "mandatory" staff meetings, the speaker a political tool of some sort, where we were forced to sign a petition (I forget what for now) and were literally told who we must vote for in an upcoming election. Anyone who missed this meeting would be losing a couple of shifts that week.

Just one of the many influences that has jaded my opinion of the political scene. And for the record, although I'm pretty sure I signed the petition, (there was alchohol being served), I know I didn't vote...
^^^Another mind numbingly idiotic "person"

ABUSE OF POWER: Partisan Politics in the Classroom.“As faculty members at Ohio State last week double-checked their syllabi, glanced at their rosters, and ran through the usual routines for the start of fall courses, some of them found a surprise in their e-mail in boxes. A senior English professor invited his colleagues to open their classrooms in the weeks ahead to organizers in the Obama campaign. They would first encourage students to register to vote and then, if the instructors were willing, encourage students to volunteer for the Obama campaign.”
*looks above at the surge of derp and squawk*

Boy I sure called this one on the money. Think I'll go play the races, best not waste talent on trash.
From the same bullshit article

noted that federal election law doesn't let companies pay workers to at
tend political events.

Murray Energy spokesman Gary Broadbent emailed this statement: "Rob Moore made it abundantly clear that no employees were forced to attend the Romney event. All participation was, and always has been, completely voluntary."

The company spokesman said attendance was voluntary. The company CFO said attendance was "mandatory." Believe who you want to believe.

I'm sure it was "voluntary" in the same way NFL teams hold "voluntary" workouts in the offseason, where if you don't go, it's held against you. One way or another, the message was communicated that it would be a good idea if they went to the rally.

Don't kid yourselves: coal miners and the owners of coal mines always have had and always will have different interests.
"that federal election law doesn't let companies pay workers to attend political events."

The company spokesman said attendance was voluntary. The company CFO said attendance was "mandatory." Believe who you want to believe.

I'm sure it was "voluntary" in the same way NFL teams hold "voluntary" workouts in the offseason, where if you don't go, it's held against you. One way or another, the message was communicated that it would be a good idea if they went to the rally.

Don't kid yourselves: coal miners and the owners of coal mines always have had and always will have different interests.

Again bullshit no cfo going to say anything like that you fucking idiot
He would have the department of labor on his ass.
You don't think Obama's dol wouldn't be all over it.
You see some bullshit article you so bad want be true you don't stop and think about what lie is being told in said article.
It would help if you had talent to start with.

Says a guy who can't even write correctly 80% of the time. Don't get mad at me for you being part of the Circle Of Derp here, you joined that club all on your own.
Says a guy who can't even write correctly 80% of the time. Don't get mad at me for you being part of the Circle Of Derp here, you joined that club all on your own.

Ok that's the best you got you no talent hack
And you're a chartered member of everything is racism club but yet don't know what a racist is you joined it all on your own