Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey tries to open communication


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey tries to open communication
August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey spoke Sunday about the issues

“This city has watched this particular neighborhood — through the entire summer — be a powder keg,” Rainey says in the news conference. “From incidents in the park, from a murder in the gas station, from a shooting by the gas station owner at children — this entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wisconsin has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country.”

Alderman Khalif Rainey:

Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue with the inequity, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? Do we continue that?

Something has to be done here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to address these issues. The black people of Milwaukee are tired of living under oppression. This is their existence. This is their life, and the lives of their children.

What happened tonight was not right, I am not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there are racial problems here that have to be rectified.”

Trying to find what Milwaukee Alderman Chantia Lewishas said.

Resident responds

Those young people … could be my children, my friends’ children … and we’re just so scared … that one of them, or 10 of them, (will) lose their life or be in jail forever,” added Cross.

"These kids are not getting educated in our failed system, then when they get older there are no jobs, a lack of opportunities … and investment and then the only place they have to be at is on the (street),”

Just as people in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland asked why did it happen we are now asking this in Milwaukee. The answer is not simple. The answer, just like the question requires us to look at a complicated situation and find simple explanations to satisfy the masses. A simple, quick answer to this question was what I heard from many over the past 24 hours. Elected officials chimed in, talk radio personalities gave their views along with their callers. People around the city shared their opinions on social media. We will certainly hear many more views expressed in the weeks ahead.

Milwaukee has the worst Black/White residential segregation.

Wisconsin has the highest incarceration rate for Black men in the nation.

Wisconsin is the worst state in the country in protecting the well being of African-American children, based on 12 key indicators.

Milwaukee has the lowest percentage of Hispanic owned businesses compared to over 30 similar cities.

Milwaukee had the 2nd highest black poverty rate among 40 large benchmark metropolitan areas in 2012.

Milwaukee has the worst residential segregation based on poverty among major metropolitan areas.

Milwaukee has the second highest percentage of black students attending hyper-segregated schools.

Wisconsin has the widest gap in Black/White student test scores in the nation in every test category.

Milwaukee has the worst gap in Black/White employment, the gap among men is 32.4 percentage points and among women is 20.6 percentage points.

Wisconsin has the largest gap in life expectancy between blacks and whites in the nation. The gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans is decreasing across the country. Wisconsin, however, is the only state where the gap has gotten worse.

gsgs comment-

It seems as though the Milwakee police do not tolerate journalists, or anyone that might have evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Milwaukee police.

Has police violence against citizens increased ?

Five police officers were shot and killed during a protest against police violence.

Micah Xavier Johnson is named as suspect.

Dallas police killed Johnson using a robotic explosive device.

Sorry, not sorry.

The USA Constitution applies to corporations and police officers
Some entities are more equal than others.

Queens judge released a video that appears to support his claim that he was struck in the throat by an NYPD cop without provocation

Cops had claimed Raffaele had encroached inside the police perimeter and that he was struck in the chest, not the throat.

"The video will prove that all of that is not true," Raffaele said at a press conference outside Queens Supreme Court in Jamaica where he presides over civil cases. "They're supposed to tell the truth and protect the truth and instead they've lied."

gsgs comment- If the judge was guilty, what stopped the police from arresting him, at the scene ? He was standing in a crowd that was witness to police brutality.
Was the whole crowd arrested ?
Was a demonstration of dominance, that was needed to silence a crowd ?
The police officer did not choose to harm the nurse that spoke up about the harm they were doing to the man they were harming. He chose the little old white man, next to her.Witness said the police officer was very happy, after he hit the judge, and the police officer was smiling after he did it.

This incident happened in 2012.

An assault on a citizen occurred, and the victim is refused their day in court to confront their attacker.

The District Attorney did not care, if a police officer attacked a little 70 year old man, that happened to be a judge.

The victim withdraws, beacause he has tried to approach the system through the avenues provided, and reached a dead end. The victim has doctors reports, witnesses, video proof, and he is denied.

The message is clear

"We Will Hurt You"

"Your Rights Mean Nothing to the Police Force"

Bronx District Attorney has dropped charges against 19-year-old Jateik Reed, who was seen on video (below) being beaten by police during an arrest in January. Reed faced seven charges, including two assault charges, three drug possession charges, and a harassment charge. All were dismissed this morning, and one of Reed's attorneys, Gideon Orion Oliver, issued a press release today announcing that the DA's office said it had investigated the case and that it could not prove any of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the status of the D.A.'s investigation into the officers remains unclear.

The family of the teen seeks answers from the police station, where the teen was held.
They are arrested.

The teen cannot possibly pay the high amount of bail, and is sent off to prison.

Jateik Reed, 19, was collared with a group of others on Grand Concourse near E. 158th St. about 1:20 p.m. Wednesday after they engaged in activities that “caused public alarm,” cops said.

Reed was booked on charges including unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct.

Virtually no Black political representation in Ferguson, full representation in Baltimore, and token representation in Wisconsin provided the context for outcomes. The outcomes in Ferguson and Wisconsin were the same, Baltimore was different (and swiftly so). All of these outcomes have one thing in common, they were political. Each catalytic event was followed by broad demonstrations and press coverage and, all were decided by elected officials that responded to their constituents. Politics? It seems indisputable. Ferguson showed us the result of massive demonstration with no political representation. Wisconsin showed us peaceful demonstration with Token Black political representation. And, Baltimore showed us what massive and disruptive demonstrations with full political representation could accomplish. All three examples had demonstrations in common but only one had dominant political representation. Ferguson and Wisconsin were trying to clap with one hand (demonstration)and Baltimore clapped with two hands, demonstrations and politics, and were heard.
Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey tries to open communication
August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey spoke Sunday about the issues

“This city has watched this particular neighborhood — through the entire summer — be a powder keg,” Rainey says in the news conference. “From incidents in the park, from a murder in the gas station, from a shooting by the gas station owner at children — this entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wisconsin has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country.”

Alderman Khalif Rainey:

Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue with the inequity, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? Do we continue that?

Something has to be done here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to address these issues. The black people of Milwaukee are tired of living under oppression. This is their existence. This is their life, and the lives of their children.

What happened tonight was not right, I am not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there are racial problems here that have to be rectified.”

Trying to find what Milwaukee Alderman Chantia Lewishas said.

Resident responds

Those young people … could be my children, my friends’ children … and we’re just so scared … that one of them, or 10 of them, (will) lose their life or be in jail forever,” added Cross.

"These kids are not getting educated in our failed system, then when they get older there are no jobs, a lack of opportunities … and investment and then the only place they have to be at is on the (street),”

Just as people in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland asked why did it happen we are now asking this in Milwaukee. The answer is not simple. The answer, just like the question requires us to look at a complicated situation and find simple explanations to satisfy the masses. A simple, quick answer to this question was what I heard from many over the past 24 hours. Elected officials chimed in, talk radio personalities gave their views along with their callers. People around the city shared their opinions on social media. We will certainly hear many more views expressed in the weeks ahead.

Milwaukee has the worst Black/White residential segregation.

Wisconsin has the highest incarceration rate for Black men in the nation.

Wisconsin is the worst state in the country in protecting the well being of African-American children, based on 12 key indicators.

Milwaukee has the lowest percentage of Hispanic owned businesses compared to over 30 similar cities.

Milwaukee had the 2nd highest black poverty rate among 40 large benchmark metropolitan areas in 2012.

Milwaukee has the worst residential segregation based on poverty among major metropolitan areas.

Milwaukee has the second highest percentage of black students attending hyper-segregated schools.

Wisconsin has the widest gap in Black/White student test scores in the nation in every test category.

Milwaukee has the worst gap in Black/White employment, the gap among men is 32.4 percentage points and among women is 20.6 percentage points.

Wisconsin has the largest gap in life expectancy between blacks and whites in the nation. The gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans is decreasing across the country. Wisconsin, however, is the only state where the gap has gotten worse.

gsgs comment-

It seems as though the Milwakee police do not tolerate journalists, or anyone that might have evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Milwaukee police.

Has police violence against citizens increased ?

Five police officers were shot and killed during a protest against police violence.

Micah Xavier Johnson is named as suspect.

Dallas police killed Johnson using a robotic explosive device.

Sorry, not sorry.

The USA Constitution applies to corporations and police officers
Some entities are more equal than others.

Queens judge released a video that appears to support his claim that he was struck in the throat by an NYPD cop without provocation

Cops had claimed Raffaele had encroached inside the police perimeter and that he was struck in the chest, not the throat.

"The video will prove that all of that is not true," Raffaele said at a press conference outside Queens Supreme Court in Jamaica where he presides over civil cases. "They're supposed to tell the truth and protect the truth and instead they've lied."

gsgs comment- If the judge was guilty, what stopped the police from arresting him, at the scene ? He was standing in a crowd that was witness to police brutality.
Was the whole crowd arrested ?
Was a demonstration of dominance, that was needed to silence a crowd ?
The police officer did not choose to harm the nurse that spoke up about the harm they were doing to the man they were harming. He chose the little old white man, next to her.Witness said the police officer was very happy, after he hit the judge, and the police officer was smiling after he did it.

This incident happened in 2012.

An assault on a citizen occurred, and the victim is refused their day in court to confront their attacker.

The District Attorney did not care, if a police officer attacked a little 70 year old man, that happened to be a judge.

The victim withdraws, beacause he has tried to approach the system through the avenues provided, and reached a dead end. The victim has doctors reports, witnesses, video proof, and he is denied.

The message is clear

"We Will Hurt You"

"Your Rights Mean Nothing to the Police Force"

Bronx District Attorney has dropped charges against 19-year-old Jateik Reed, who was seen on video (below) being beaten by police during an arrest in January. Reed faced seven charges, including two assault charges, three drug possession charges, and a harassment charge. All were dismissed this morning, and one of Reed's attorneys, Gideon Orion Oliver, issued a press release today announcing that the DA's office said it had investigated the case and that it could not prove any of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the status of the D.A.'s investigation into the officers remains unclear.

The family of the teen seeks answers from the police station, where the teen was held.
They are arrested.

The teen cannot possibly pay the high amount of bail, and is sent off to prison.

Jateik Reed, 19, was collared with a group of others on Grand Concourse near E. 158th St. about 1:20 p.m. Wednesday after they engaged in activities that “caused public alarm,” cops said.

Reed was booked on charges including unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct.

Virtually no Black political representation in Ferguson, full representation in Baltimore, and token representation in Wisconsin provided the context for outcomes. The outcomes in Ferguson and Wisconsin were the same, Baltimore was different (and swiftly so). All of these outcomes have one thing in common, they were political. Each catalytic event was followed by broad demonstrations and press coverage and, all were decided by elected officials that responded to their constituents. Politics? It seems indisputable. Ferguson showed us the result of massive demonstration with no political representation. Wisconsin showed us peaceful demonstration with Token Black political representation. And, Baltimore showed us what massive and disruptive demonstrations with full political representation could accomplish. All three examples had demonstrations in common but only one had dominant political representation. Ferguson and Wisconsin were trying to clap with one hand (demonstration)and Baltimore clapped with two hands, demonstrations and politics, and were heard.
Oppression Inc. (Democrats) at your service, may I help you?