Military Man home on leave (Southern CA, but all are welcome))


Aug 13, 2013
I'm about to go on deployment at the end of this month and I'm trying to enjoy the time I have home. I leave back for San Diego Wednesday night.

I'm in San Bernardino CA, looking for a txting buddy (don't have to be from So Cal) or someone who wants to keep me company (obviously you'd have to be close lol)

All 909 and 951 area codes are welcome. Shoot me a PM for my number and a pic. Look forward to hearing from y'all :)
Someone needs to send this man off the right way. Ladies in San Diego, I think a blow job is in order for this man in uniform.

Thank you for your service!
Someone needs to send this man off the right way. Ladies in San Diego, I think a blow job is in order for this man in uniform.

Thank you for your service!

I second this! C'mon ladies of lit, lets show him we support our troops ;)

Thank you for your service mister :)
For most women it's a combined factor of distance, and some also consider the newness & post counts.

Stay safe sailor :rose:
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I understand why some wouldn't believe I'm actually in the Navy. It's all good though it doesn't hurt to try. Here's a pic of me for anyone who was interested. It might turn out upside down I'm not sure why.
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I suppose my name on my uniform did make it go out the window lol.

I should probably take it down..ill think about it for a while lol
If I had a PC that wouldn't be a problem. That said I'm not sure how to do it on an iPhone
Yea I'm sure they do but I'm too lazy to search lol.

I hope you liked my cheesy smile ;)