Middle East education part 2 The Druze


Tallahastezzi Kaffirs!!!
Feb 12, 2001

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The Druse are a fiercely independent group concentrated in Lebanon around the base of Mount Hermon, and in the mountains behind Beirut and Sidon. A few villages are also located on the Golan Heights, in Syria and just inside the Northern border of Israel.

Very little information is known about the Druse religion. It started in the 9th Century CE as a break-away group from Islam. Darazi (a preacher) and Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad (a Persian mystic) were instrumental in popularizing the religion. They announced that God had manifested himself in human form as al-Hakim Bi-amr Allah, (985 or 996-1021 CE), a Muslim caliph from Cairo Egypt. They now believe that Darazi started to distort the message; his writings are now considered blasphemous.

They refer to themselves as Mowahhidoon (plural) or Mowahhid (singular) which means "monotheistic". Unfortunately, the rest of the world tends to refer to them as "Druze" or "Druse", a name derived from their fallen preacher Darazi.

After the death of their leader Baha al-Din in 1031 CE, their religion became exclusive: they do not accept converts; they do not marry other than fellow Druse; they do not leave the faith. They currently total about 200 to 300 thousand members. The Druse keep their religion secret, and often pose as members of the locally dominant religion.

The Druse hold the Qur'an to be sacred, but look upon it as an outer shell, holding an "inner, esoteric meaning". Their religious texts are known collectively as "Kitab Al Hikma" (The Book Of Wisdom). It is a collection of books, of which the first six are most commonly used.
They are firmly monotheistic, believing in a single God. He has no partner; he is not part of a Trinity.
They recognize seven major prophets, including Adam, Abraham, and Jesus (who they believe to be the son of Joseph). Each major prophets had seven minor prophets; each of the latter had twelve disciples, including Daniel, Plato and other individuals from Biblical and Greek history. Prophets are not worshipped, although their names may be called out for help in times of trouble. The prophets are considered special people who are free of mistakes and of sin.
They believe transmigration of the soul: that, at death, one's soul is instantaneously reincarnated (in time and space); it is reborn into another life. (2)
Through successive reincarnations, the soul eventually unites with the Cosmic Mind "al- aaqal al kulli" The Cosmic Mind is considered as "God’s will" and from this cosmic mind the universe came into being.
They conception of heaven and hell is spiritual in nature. "Heaven is the ultimate happiness that the soul encounters when it unites and meets its creator...Hell is...the bitter feeling of being deprived endlessly of the glorious presence of the Mighty." (2)

Ordinary members, Jahill (singular) and Juhaall (plural), do not normally have access to religious texts. They attend only the first part of their religious meetings. The remainder of the meetings are reserved for the Sheiks. There is no actual prohibition of the reading of religious books. It is just that if a person becomes educated in the truth of God and of life and yet do not follow the duties arising from these truths, then their judgment would be worse that if they had remained uneducated.
The Druse have abandoned the Five Pillars of Islam (recitation of the creed, reciting prayers five times a day, donating to charity, fasting during the month of Ramadan and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Thus, they are not regarded by Muslims as Islamic.
Their leaders are a group of ascetics called uqqal (sages)
Their religious meetings are held on Thursdays.

K.L. Crose, "The Mysterious Druse, Christianity Today, 1990-NOV-5, P. 53
Private communication
Copyright © 1998 and 1999 to 2001 incl., by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Latest update: 2001-AUG-17
Author: B.A. Robinson

compliments of CH
The Druze are another sect of Islam with a fierce warrior tradition. Greatly respected and feared by those around them.

They also have a tradition of fierce loyalty to those that they have sworn oath to and are activley recruited by the Isreali army and the Mossad where the Druze have served with distinction and high honor since the modern inception of Isreal as a nation. One more reason that the other orders of Islam have castigated and pursecuted the Druze.

I'm clicking like hell but I can't see who is sponsoring you two nutjobs because I wanna complain!

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Ignore him, Puh-Leeeze!

Nut-jobs, me Arse! Great thread, Good Morning, Gentlemen.

That's what we ALL need this week - less conflict - more education in a thoughtful way.:D