mid-school teacher filmed removing her mask, deliberately breathing on cornered pupil


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

teacher removed from classroom and facing termination.

facing termination? that should be done already. disgraceful behaviour of yet another adult who thinks mask school mandates–or even common decency–don't apply to her own comportment

The educator, who has not been named, was caught on camera shouting, "I don't care," while she cornered the student at Mead Middle School in Houston during an altercation that took place on September 17.

The student can repeatedly be heard in the footage asking the teacher to "get out of my face."
I posted it in the GB because the woman who lost her shit was Black, the student White. Careful with your fellow GB libs.
But joke aside:

I would also like to see the footage leading to it.
I have a hunch that the student provoked the teacher until she lost the plot.

What the teacher IS bad,
but that doesn't excuse bullying by students either.

when I was growing up, teachers were respected and untouchable.
Nowadays, it's the opposite'.
I posted it in the GB because the woman who lost her shit was Black, the student White. Careful with your fellow GB libs.
But joke aside:

I would also like to see the footage leading to it.
I have a hunch that the student provoked the teacher until she lost the plot.

What the teacher IS bad,
but that doesn't excuse bullying by students either.

when I was growing up, teachers were respected and untouchable.
Nowadays, it's the opposite'.
her skin colour has zero to do with her appalling behaviour. no, we don't know what happened before, but teachers have ways to resolve issues... and even if she 'lost her shit', her choice to do what she did rather than deal with it in another manner speaks volumes about her as a person.

as do your words about you
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I posted it in the GB because the woman who lost her shit was Black, the student White. Careful with your fellow GB libs.
But joke aside:

I would also like to see the footage leading to it.
I have a hunch that the student provoked the teacher until she lost the plot.

What the teacher IS bad,
but that doesn't excuse bullying by students either.

when I was growing up, teachers were respected and untouchable.
Nowadays, it's the opposite'.

You're an attention whoring idiot, ####. Just fucking die already.
I am aiming to use this vid. as a springboard for a broader discussion about the low status of teachers nowadays.
When I was growing up they were viewed as mentors of the new generation, nowadays just dispisable employees of a service industry.

her skin colour has zero to do with her appalling behaviour. no, we don't know what happened before, but teachers have ways to resolve issues... and even if she 'lost her shit', her choice to do what she did rather than deal with it in another manner speaks volumes about her as a person.

In this case, I, too see a woman with poor impulse control, who lost her shit and bullied a student, one step away from assaulting her with her fists.
However, what I also notice is that the prelude to it has been edited out by the person who posted it.

And while in this particular case whatever led to her outburst should make no difference in the decision to terminate
In other cases, I've seen teachers being taunted and bullied by students, who then posted truncated vids. of teachers losing their shit (the prelude was edited out), videos that led to the teachers' termination.

There's also this:
The kids' mother is out for blood and wants the teacher struck off (I suspect she wants material compensation too), claims the teacher abused her child and five more intentionally. Which I don't.
I am aiming to use this vid. as a springboard for a broader discussion about the low status of teachers nowadays.
When I was growing up they were viewed as mentors of the new generation, nowadays just dispisable employees of a service industry.

In this case, I, too see a woman with poor impulse control, who lost her shit and bullied a student, one step away from assaulting her with her fists.
However, what I also notice is that the prelude to it has been edited out by the person who posted it.

And while in this particular case whatever led to her outburst should make no difference in the decision to terminate
In other cases, I've seen teachers being taunted and bullied by students, who then posted truncated vids. of teachers losing their shit (the prelude was edited out), videos that led to the teachers' termination.

There's also this:
The kids' mother is out for blood and wants the teacher struck off (I suspect she wants material compensation too), claims the teacher abused her child and five more intentionally. Which I don't.
odd choice

perhaps you could have started an adult conversation about the topic, which has little bearing on what's being discussed here = adult in position of authority abusing a child in their care
odd choice

perhaps you could have started an adult conversation about the topic, which has little bearing on what's being discussed here = adult in position of authority abusing a child in their care

If I were the Headmaster,
I would conduct two separate investigations:

of what we see in the video.
and a request to see the footage of what led up to the incident.

We both agree that the teacher was abusive and should be fired or whatever else.
But if the footage shows a classroom that needled, mocked or verbally abused the teacher, what other measures would you take?
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If I were the Headmaster,
I would conduct two separate investigations:

of what we see in the video.
and a request to see the footage of what led up to the incident.

We both agree that the teacher was abusive and should be fired or whatever else.
But if the footage shows a classroom that needled, mocked or verbally abused the teacher, what other measures would you take?
whatever steps are deemed right when dealing with classroom dysfunction by people who know. this is why they have training. and education.

i generally accepted that adults ought to be respected, right up to the point they proved themselves unworthy of my respect. Even then, at that point & still in school, i dealt with with those adults in a way that was more professional and balanced than their behaviour, stating my case and pursuing it to its conclusion. If there's one thing that really gets me fired up it's unfairness.