Michigan Republicans hatching 'unprecedented' plot to create 'chaos' at polling places


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021

Reporter Heidi Przbyia on Wednesday broke down new revelations about Michigan GOP operatives launching what she describes as an "unprecedented" effort to recruit poll workers to directly contest elections at polling places across the state.

As Przbyia reported in Politico, the plan is to "install trained recruits as regular poll workers and put them in direct contact with party attorneys" so they can challenge votes in real time.

Speaking about the report on CNN, Przbyia outlined just how much this could disrupt the voting process on election day.
Related video: 5 GOP gubernatorial candidates off the Michigan August primary ballot.

"Election legal experts I talked to say that this this is unprecedented," she said. "That a political party would be putting together this type of a network where they're recruiting folks, many who are election deniers, to get into the architecture of the election system, equipping them with training as well as new tools including, for instance, a hotline so that they are in constant contact with roving party attorneys."

She then noted that these Michigan GOP poll workers would be installed in heavily Democratic areas with the goal of creating enough uncertainty about the actual election results so that they can be challenged legally.
"On election day, they could really kick up a haze of legal uncertainty in these primarily Democratic districts," she said. "Now, the concern there is that if there are these legal questions in these primarily democratically districts, if they create this type of chaos, that you raise questions about being able to certify."
This is just one step short of armed partisan poll workers -- a thing I have actually seen proposed on this board, apparently seriously.
Every time we hear about something like this, it is further proof that Republicans have lost confidence in their ability to win honestly.
by whose standards?
Mine based on experience -- I've never caught a LW source in a lie and I've never caught a RW source in a truth. And neither have you, though you might have illusions to the contrary.
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It's a good thing you're there on the ground in Michigan fighting
for all you're worth for the sanctity of YOUR vote.

We need more great Americans...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
It's a good thing you're there on the ground in Michigan fighting
for all you're worth for the sanctity of YOUR vote.
Not if you're there intimidating voters just as legally qualified as yourself, it isn't, and that is really what this is all about. Nobody seeking voter suppression really gives a rat's ass about "election integrity," only about partisan results. Even they know "voter fraud" is a non-problem.
Molehills and mountains come to mind.

Which political website decided to put this bee in your bonnet?
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Its really all a good check and balance system for a farcical idea that somehow we elect people who actually represent American people and have the best interest of the country at heart. In fact, we are all just pawns being occasionally spoon fed enough "freedom" to keep the cogs turning and the taxes flowing. On one hand, perhaps someone puts poll workers in place to challenge things on the other hand other people collect dead people's info so millions of dead people can vote. On one hand, poll workers actually want to check your ID and on the other hand millions of ballots are stolen from the mail or the polls themselves and buried in back rooms until after the election. Its all alot of work and effort with both sides thinking somehow they are simultaneously fucking the system and protecting the system when in fact they are all just pawns of the system as we all are. Hopefully it will all make everyone content and happy though so they can watch hundreds of hours of johnny depp and amber heard trials and other mind numbing bullshit geared towards keeping the masses at peace.
Its really all a good check and balance system for a farcical idea that somehow we elect people who actually represent American people and have the best interest of the country at heart.
Being limited to only two choices that count is a problem, but it's a different problem.
On one hand, perhaps someone puts poll workers in place to challenge things on the other hand other people collect dead people's info so millions of dead people can vote. On one hand, poll workers actually want to check your ID and on the other hand millions of ballots are stolen from the mail or the polls themselves and buried in back rooms until after the election.
In each of those sentences, the second clause describes something that does not actually happen. Dead people voting used to happen, but that was back in the old urban-political-machine and rural-courthouse-ring days. I have read on this board of a couple of recent instances of Republicans (only Republicans) voting in the names of dead parents -- but that, like every other form of voter fraud, is now too rare to change the outcome of any election.
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As long as it's legal it's fine by me.
The voting, or the partisan lawyer-armed poll-watching? The latter should not be fine by you. It is morally and civically indistinguishable from the end of Birth of a Nation, with Klansmen at the polls to frighten blacks away.
In each of those sentences, the second clause describes something that does not actually happen. Dead people voting used to happen, but that was back in the old urban-political-machine and rural-courthouse-ring days. I have read on this board of a couple of recent instances of Republicans (only Republicans) voting in the names of dead parents -- but that, like every other form of voter fraud, is now too rare to change the outcome of any election.
I have a friend who lives in chicago who as recent as 20 years ago was paid by the name to comb through cemeteries and retrieve dead people's names to be added to the rolls. now maybe someone just liked him and wanted to give him some money but he got paid and he delivered thousands of names. that is a fact. the truth of what goes on is 1000 times worse than the worst things you can imagine.
I have a friend who lives in chicago who as recent as 20 years ago was paid by the name to comb through cemeteries and retrieve dead people's names to be added to the rolls. now maybe someone just liked him and wanted to give him some money but he got paid and he delivered thousands of names. that is a fact. the truth of what goes on is 1000 times worse than the worst things you can imagine.
Sure ya do. 👍👌
I enjoy your authoritarian responses as if somehow you are the chief proxy for lit on any subject. Keep up the good pretenses :)
I'm glad you appreciate them.

I once knew a guy who posted in forums like this and pretend to know people relevant to each discussion point He told me that people like him appreciate being recognized for these things.
I'm glad you appreciate them.

I once knew a guy who posted in forums like this and pretend to know people relevant to each discussion point He told me that people like him appreciate being recognized for these things.
haha. one thing that is increasingly evident in this country and the world is that no one is really interested in any facts - especially when they are terribly inconvenient to their own warped worldview.
haha. one thing that is increasingly evident in this country and the world is that no one is really interested in any facts - especially when they are terribly inconvenient to their own warped worldview.
Yah, I totally know a guy who agrees with you.
I have a friend who lives in chicago who as recent as 20 years ago was paid by the name to comb through cemeteries and retrieve dead people's names to be added to the rolls. now maybe someone just liked him and wanted to give him some money but he got paid and he delivered thousands of names. that is a fact. the truth of what goes on is 1000 times worse than the worst things you can imagine.
Old joke from the Daley years: Two Daley machine operatives are in a cemetery writing down names. One says it's time to go.

"What about those graves over there? We haven't done them yet."

"We have enough names."

"But, they have as much right to vote as everybody else!"
If I’m ever confronted by a poll watcher demanding proof of citizenship, I would loudly demand to see his, and call him a Russian stooge shilling for a worldwide government until he relents.
If I’m ever confronted by a poll watcher demanding proof of citizenship, I would loudly demand to see his, and call him a Russian stooge shilling for a worldwide government until he relents.
That's not how it works.