Michael Vick posts tweet of dog Milk Bones, then deletes it...

Google will crash when millions of people look up "karma" at the same time.

It would be the ultimate in poetic justice if the dog repeatedly slammed Vick's head against the pavement before drowning him.
Or he could be a different person who has paid his debt, knows he was wrong and wants to move on with his life.
Everyone always wants to find the negative. I prefer to be positive and see the good in people. Unless it's Tom Brady. I hope he's eaten alive by a rabid sloth.
Or he could be a different person who has paid his debt, knows he was wrong and wants to move on with his life.
Everyone always wants to find the negative. I prefer to be positive and see the good in people. Unless it's Tom Brady. I hope he's eaten alive by a rabid sloth.

I hope all three of the sloth's toes break off in Brady's ass.
I hope all three of the sloth's toes break off in Brady's ass.

In my fantasy matchup this week the opposing team has Brady but I have Ridley and Woodhead so I'm stuck with wanting him to fail as usual but also needing a certain level of performance out of him because he likes to pass to Woodhead a few times a game. Sorta sucks.
Or he could be a different person who has paid his debt, knows he was wrong and wants to move on with his life.
Everyone always wants to find the negative. I prefer to be positive and see the good in people. Unless it's Tom Brady. I hope he's eaten alive by a rabid sloth.

Michael Vick is just one of several people that should be killed by animals.
He's suppose to have a new book out about how he has changed. I don't know. I've seen the cover but I have not read it.

The guy did pay his debt and that means he should be allowed to move on. I got no problem with him unless he does it again.
The guy did pay his debt and that means he should be allowed to move on. I got no problem with him unless he does it again.

I never did understand the whole debt paying thing. Just because someone served time in prison doesn't mean they've changed. It's not like he chose to go to jail.
I never did understand the whole debt paying thing. Just because someone served time in prison doesn't mean they've changed. It's not like he chose to go to jail.

The idea is that a person did something wrong and was punished for it therefore no further punishment is needed unless they do it again. Vick has thus far shown himself to be a different person. That's good enough for me.
Or he could be a different person who has paid his debt, knows he was wrong and wants to move on with his life.
Everyone always wants to find the negative. I prefer to be positive and see the good in people. Unless it's Tom Brady. I hope he's eaten alive by a rabid sloth.

You don't stop being an abusive, sadistic monster just because you pay a fine and some time passes.
The idea is that a person did something wrong and was punished for it therefore no further punishment is needed unless they do it again. Vick has thus far shown himself to be a different person. That's good enough for me.

Yeah, psychopaths are very good at pretending to be reformed. It's part of what makes them a psychopath.
Yeah, psychopaths are very good at pretending to be reformed. It's part of what makes them a psychopath.

That's true but not everyone is a psycho. He was convicted and served his sentence. He deserves the same second chance that anyone else would expect and deserve.
The idea is that a person did something wrong and was punished for it therefore no further punishment is needed unless they do it again. Vick has thus far shown himself to be a different person. That's good enough for me.

I just don't believe in that. I don't think that persons reform people. If anything, he probably learned how to better disguise his sadistic activities. Obviously, we have laws for a reason, and the government should not execute him. Still, if someone takes it upon themselves to shoot him in the head, I won't lose any sleep. It's the same with murderers. People have beaten convenience store owners to death and then gotten less than ten years in prison. Those people deserve the same judgement that they handed out. A few might be legitimately reformed, but they are the exception. I'm thankful for prison gangs, because they focus the violence on the people that really deserve it.
I just don't believe in that. I don't think that persons reform people. If anything, he probably learned how to better disguise his sadistic activities. Obviously, we have laws for a reason, and the government should not execute him. Still, if someone takes it upon themselves to shoot him in the head, I won't lose any sleep. It's the same with murderers. People have beaten convenience store owners to death and then gotten less than ten years in prison. Those people deserve the same judgement that they handed out. A few might be legitimately reformed, but they are the exception. I'm thankful for prison gangs, because they focus the violence on the people that really deserve it.
Many people make mistakes and never do it again. The vast majority of murderers never kill again even when free. I don't know what the statistics are on dog killers.
Still, I see no reason to continue to punish him. He certainly hasn't shown any reason to be punished further.
Many people make mistakes and never do it again. The vast majority of murderers never kill again even when free. I don't know what the statistics are on dog killers.
Still, I see no reason to continue to punish him. He certainly hasn't shown any reason to be punished further.

He isn't being punished, and he shouldn't be, based on the law. I'm just saying that I have no sympathy for him.
Or he could be a different person who has paid his debt, knows he was wrong and wants to move on with his life.
Everyone always wants to find the negative. I prefer to be positive and see the good in people. Unless it's Tom Brady. I hope he's eaten alive by a rabid sloth.

I agree with you but then I don't. Michael Vick tried to hide the fact that he was fighting dogs in his house. Therefore, he knew he was wrong from the beginning. I think that he should have been held in jail and all the vicious things he did to those dogs should have been done to him....eye for an eye and especially TOOTH for a TOOTH!!!
He isn't being punished, and he shouldn't be, based on the law. I'm just saying that I have no sympathy for him.

And neither do I. He is a grown man who was slaughtering dogs for his own financial gain! I think he should be put in the ring with dogs that have been raised to fight and they should drown him if he loses!