Michael or Whitney who's crazier?


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 1999
After watching the MJ interview on 20/20 I wonder what the hell happened. Between him and Whitney Houston, I wonder what the hell happened to them, they were both so well respected and normal. Between the two, which one has passed the point of no return from craziness?
HeavyStick said:
Michael is crazier, Whitney can go to rehab and get a divorce.

yes, but Whitney thinks Bobby Brown is the kind of R&B, there is no amount of drugs I could take that would make me believe that
Mikey says he only had plastic surgery to his nose (twice) to help him breathe better so he could hit the high notes. Nothing else was done surgically to his face. I don't think Whitney can hold a candle to his twists even on the drugs.
I am so creeped out after watching that. And I certainly hope the child protection agencies watching that bit about sharing his bed with 12 year old boys being such a "loving" thing to do were paying attention. Holyfucking shit is he disgusting.
Soblue said:
I am so creeped out after watching that. And I certainly hope the child protection agencies watching that bit about sharing his bed with 12 year old boys being such a "loving" thing to do were paying attention. Holyfucking shit is he disgusting.
he wont be punished because
1) he is a celebrity
2) the children are paid off to keep quiet

Personally, I'd like to drag him behind a truck until his limbs fell off.
I hate the media for giving him so much attention.
HeavyStick said:
Michael is crazier, Whitney can go to rehab and get a divorce.

Michael for sure.

Whitney is drugged up but Michael is deluded.
I think Maria Carey is getting on this list too.

She is definetly weird!
Mariah's just a little overworked and alot slutty that's all.
Well, my answer is gonna be biased, cause, I havn't really heard much about Whitney, so, I have to say Michael. He past the point of craziness a LONG time ago. About the time of is 40th nose job. I mean, come on, what sane person wants to look like almost EXACLY like their sister? I'm suprised he hasn't gotten a boob job, yet.hehe.
I was wondering about michael.

If he used to look like this:

Shouldnt his kids be somewhat black?
EVERYONE is wondering about this.
To me they all look whiter than many white people I know.

It's the genes. I would love to see their pediatric charts.
I am almost convinced that he is not the same person that was Michael Jackson 15 years ago. After the Pepsi incident Michael Jackson died. Not just burnt but died. The record company realizing how big a name he was replaced him with some white dude and said that he is Michael Jackson that went through lots of cosmetic surgery.

Just a random thought...
MJ made my skin crawl....i had to look away at some points of the doco.
Wrong wrong wrong.

P.S What is the skin condition called?
It's called VITILIGO, but it's usually signified by white patches, not his overall 'blanched' look, although there is a term called VITILIGO UNVERSALIS for the skin de-pigmentizing(sp.?) completely.
Aren't Michael and LaToya the same fucking person??? Honestly, Jesus, who's the moron who's letting him keep those poor kids? They're gonna be more screwed up than he is!!!
He really messed up his face with surgery. Ignore the pigmintation issue. He looks deformed now. And the way he handles his kids? What a freaking nut.
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Lazarus1280 said:
I was wondering about michael.

If he used to look like this:

Shouldnt his kids be somewhat black?

Only in America can a handsome young black man grow up to be an ugly white woman...
Michael hands down!

I did not see the 20/20 interview b/c I have better things to do with my time, but I know he is hands down sicker and weirder than Whitney Houston. Someone suggested he and Latoya are one and the same...I often thought maybe he and Janet were one and the same.

What I don't understand is everyone I know thinks he is sick and a disgusting freak and maybe just slightly enjoys his music (particularly the older stuff) yet he has this unbelievable following of people swooning and paying for his craziness and applauding him as this genius and gifted artist. I just do not get it at all. In my opinion he would do excellent on the Sci Fi channel as a regular...maybe on the X Files or something.