Messin' with Photoshop...

The one thing I don't like about all my graphics editors is that I can't use invisible backgrounds.

Those are very good. :)

If I used AV's other than my own I'd snag up either of the first two.
I dont get it......those dont look like gif files to me, and I dont think you can make actual gif files on photoshop, but you can on adobe image maker, which is like photoshop.
TB is always real sweet. It's his style.

Unless your an asshole. Even then, he's still nice to me.
Killswitch said:
I dont get it......those dont look like gif files to me, and I dont think you can make actual gif files on photoshop, but you can on adobe image maker, which is like photoshop.

Look at the properties on the pics.. They are .Gifs KS and you sure *can* export files as GIFs from PS :D

P.S. These are just little screw-around samples from alt.binaries.erotic.goth ... If anyone wants me to make a specific one for them.. PM with a link to the file and Ill see what i can do.

Things to look for in a good transparant GIF is an interesting negative space.
i actually quite like the shhh one although i dont think its quite me :)

i also like your av's you using from the big lebowski
My dream is that after a total apocalypse and the world-order is shattered, a new society will rise based on the only surviving document from our world.

A copy of The Big Lebowski. ;D

And A Dude shall lead the way.
Killswitch said:
I dont get it......those dont look like gif files to me, and I dont think you can make actual gif files on photoshop, but you can on adobe image maker, which is like photoshop.
There is a procedure for saving a JPEG as a GIF in PS, let me see if I can remember it off the top of my head:

1) First make the area you want to be a background all one color - preferably a color that is not in the rest of the pic. This is not absolutely necessary, but it makes it easier and the quality higher.

2) Select "Image" menu, select "Mode" item, select "Indexed color".

3) Select "File" menu, select "Export" item, select "GIF 89a export".

4) A dialog will come up and you can then, with the eyedropper, select which colors you want to be an invisible background.

You can skip #2 if your background is grey and you want PS to do the selection for you.
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nitelite...clean out your pm box. I'll find you a better pic to work with. That was all I was going to say in my pm anyway. :D I'll get back to you.
hope ya dont mind me using the X one, it just suits my personal taste
I dont understand what you mean by invisable space.

They are nice pictures, but I am not grasping what is so special about them....what am I missing.

Is it because they all have white backgrounds?
Its easy pal..

Normally there would be a border or some background or something that would in simplest terms limit it to a square shape.

A gif allows you to make a single object have its own shape against any background...

Let me do it with your av and I'll show you:

(2 minutes)
Hastily done (much more could be done with the image like removing the eyes)...

But this should illustrate use of negative space and invisble layers best... Ill keep the Av up until you reply.
The one thing PS won't do, at least not my version (5.0) - is edit animated GIFs. I suppose there may be a plugin for that out there somewhere, or that a newer version might do that - but I don't have the mula right now to upgrade PS. I may use that editor that Dillinger recommends, but I don't do that much stuff with animated GIFs.

You just have to edit each image manually, and then reasemble it as a new animation.