Merceds Benz or Lexus? which would you go for after a bizare run away car incident?


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
On friday my Mitsubishi lancer was written off in a bizarre crash, when it was hit by a run away audi A3 while on the driveway at home. if the mitzi hadn't been there the audi would've crashed into the lounge of the house. luckily the mitzi took the blow, it did get pushed into my omega and the cctv footage shows the mitzi shove my omega 2 feet with the om's wheels locked :eek:

sadly last nights a neighbours honda CRV caught fire and their shed also went up in flames, hopefully though their pet cat will turn up soon. :( (doubtful though)


if one had to change ones car, would one go for a merc or a lexus?

german engineering or jap inscrutability?
Go with the Benz!

They're both good cars, but the Benz has the "Oh Shit, I'm pimping now!" Factor that the Lexus will never have. If you'd rather less egotistical...go for the Lexus.
Go with the Benz!

They're both good cars, but the Benz has the "Oh Shit, I'm pimping now!" Factor that the Lexus will never have. If you'd rather less egotistical...go for the Lexus.

Go with the Benz!

They're both good cars, but the Benz has the "Oh Shit, I'm pimping now!" Factor that the Lexus will never have. If you'd rather less egotistical...go for the Lexus.

~serious question~ are you suggesting that the lexus is the more discreet choice?
~serious question~ are you suggesting that the lexus is the more discreet choice?

I don't think discreet is the word....more like unpretentious. Although, I think you can justify the pretentiousness of it with the quality.
I don't think discreet is the word....more like unpretentious. Although, I think you can justify the pretentiousness of it with the quality.

unpretentious.. i like.

so its not about the arguments about the mercs have thicker a b and c pillars and therefore being stronger? the lexus has better brakes etc.
Tough call. I shopped them all and came away with an Infiniti. Lexus and Merc quality good but not what it used to be. IMO
unpretentious.. i like.

so its not about the arguments about the mercs have thicker a b and c pillars and therefore being stronger? the lexus has better brakes etc.

See...that is the problem. You can argue quality and better brakes over pillars all day. None of that matters. They are both good cars is infinity. You either like the wow factor that you get with a Benz or you don't.

True, and the wow factor is a 15000 dollar option.
Mercedes have become crap. Cheap ass Chrysler transmissions have ruined what was once a good brand name.
Though it may break down as you're speeding off.

Depends which one you buy. Discos were notoriously unreliable, series III, county and defenders were fucking indestructible. Eighty per cent of all the 'rovers EVER built are still running.
Get a Land Rover. Gives you more getaway options.

Depends which one you buy. Discos were notoriously unreliable, series III, county and defenders were fucking indestructible. Eighty per cent of all the 'rovers EVER built are still running.

Still running at what cost? Buy the warranty.
Still running at what cost? Buy the warranty.

Over here they're actually pretty cheap to repair. It helps that just about every single piece can be removed with nothing more complicated than a socket set.