Menah, menah


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Sep 19, 2008
Do do do do do.

Yep, I'm bored. Ladies? Chat?

Y! account on my profile with some blurb.

Worst ad I've ever put on here - but hey, even my good ones don't work sometimes!
Fucker! that song is well and truly stuck in my head now :D

Good luck, hopefully you'll get a bite with this one.
Apologies - just passing it on after someone stuck it in my head earlier!
Apology not necessary

I've always got at least one song stuck in my head. This song, which is also a fond childhood memory, displaced a song with a naughtier, more aggressive tone.

Apologies - just passing it on after someone stuck it in my head earlier!

I am now singing this and annoying my entire house! Thank you! :D