Men think about women every 5.3 seconds...


Apr 10, 2001
How often do you think about women? Ladies, your responses are welcome as well.


Men only got me beat by a second or two....:D
islandman said:

I heart banana tarts, especially when the edges are flaky.

now this is really funny, but in all truth, one of my specialties is caramelized banana tart with rum anglais. humorous, huh, cc?
perky_baby said:

now this is really funny, but in all truth, one of my specialties is caramelized banana tart with rum anglais. humorous, huh, cc?

Makes me hungry, rather.
*watches perky's AV*

gods I love those lips....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Pretty much

When I'm not thinking about women I'm thinking about ladies.
Whent I'm not thinking about ladies I'm thinking about females.

There is a pattern here.
Re: Pretty much

hogjack said:
When I'm not thinking about women I'm thinking about ladies.
Whent I'm not thinking about ladies I'm thinking about females.

There is a pattern here.

Yeah, either way, you're ficked. Welcome to the club.
I think about my love just about every waking moment I'm not with her.
Let me often do I think about women? hmmmm...

well there was this dream not to long ago where...

*edited because of lewd content*
