Men In Uniform

Dec 16, 2002
I have this obsession with men in uniform. Whenever i think bout them my pussy begins to drip. Damn i want a police man to handcuff me right now and fuck me
since I'm finishing up a 5 parter about an nypd cadet, I guess I fall in with this category.

I do need to do a military themed story...put that childhood on army bases to good use. I'm thinking exhibitionism or bsdm
so, do you think on any specific uniform ?

I mean firemen, policemen, postmen - they all wear some kind of uniform. Usually, when it comes to erotic, it's a fireman or a cop.

What about this: It's a very, very remote highway, maybe somewhere in the desert of Arizona or something like that.

A lady is driving on this highway in her Corvette - with 100 mph. On the side of the highway, there is a cop in his car. When he sees how the Corvette is speeding by, he gets into action and pursuits her. To avoid anymore difficulties, the woman stops her Corvette.

Now, I have 2 possible ideas:
#1 The cop tells her to get out of the car. Then she has to turn around and put her hands on the hood of the car. Now the cop has to search for some hidden weapons. So he starts to touch her. At first her arms - then her legs - and suddenly he touches her boobs and her crotch ....

#2 The other way round. The woman stops her Corvette and the cop tells her to get out of the car. The woman opens the door and steps out. Either she is totally naked, or maybe she only wears lingerie, or maybe a very very short skirt and a very short top.
The cop tells her to turn around and put her hands on the hood. The woman does that. However, since the hood of the car is very low, she has to bow down, so the cop gets a good view of her ass and also her pussy ....
One of the sexiest adventures I have ever had, began with a guy looking gorgeous in his police uniform...

Mmmmmm, frisk me, baby!:p
BTW, I nominated Adrian, the sexy police cadet from Protect and Serve as sexiest man...I just adore his dimples. Yes, i wrote him, of course I think he's sexy...but damn he is sexy :)
and DN may be too modest ( "modest, her,?"you say," never"), but her Protect and Serve series sets the gold standard for this genre. Start there, then , how can we top her? :p

here's one idea for a quick and dirty story: fireguy up the ladder sees them havinng sex, rescues her, except they have to wait to go down ( not sure why), so they have sex on the top of the ariel ladder. In a twisted version, the male partner is crispy crittered. nooooo...I didn't say that, did I?
Navy All the Way

I also have a thing for uniforms.....but only military. especially navy. my one bro in law is in the naval acadamy (sooo sexy a dress uniform!!!!!) and my other one is going into the acadamy. not only do the uniforms look great but the navy keeps the guys SOOOOO trimmed:D

Re: Navy All the Way

Ange1icflowers said:
I also have a thing for uniforms.....but only military. especially navy. my one bro in law is in the naval acadamy (sooo sexy a dress uniform!!!!!) and my other one is going into the acadamy. not only do the uniforms look great but the navy keeps the guys SOOOOO trimmed:D


a bro-in-law naval story would likely get lots of visits.
trying to make it happen in real life

i am trying to get something going with my brother in law who is going into the acadamy...when i do i will write about it!

Ah yes, men in uniform are definately the best. You get a great combination of clean-cut, well-muscled self-confidence from military men, police officers, etc. In addition, I have the somewhat silly but very sexy (and not very feminist) feeling that I'm "doing my part for the country" by helping to keep the men who protect her happy.

My best guy friend from high school is in the Marine reserves, and so every weekend that he has drill he'll come over to visit me, because he knows it makes me sweat. We're not even dating, but he knows that a good solid kiss from him when he's looking down at me in that uniform will make me beg to fuck him every time. I have so many fantasies that revolve around him and his friends...everything from flashing to group sex.

Sadly, my Marine has just been called up by our good friend George W. and left for Kuwait on Wednesday morning. However, if someone wanted to write a story about the two of us, I would practically pay for it. I think it should involve a girl sending sexy letters and pictures to her man overseas including intimate details on exactly what she was doing and how she was feeling when she wrote them. I would love to read that some of his friends got a hold of one of those letters and were impressed by just how sexy his girl was.

Then, if it's not too cliche, a nice reunion scene in which he comes back to the US and surprises her at home would be fabulous. She would greet him at the door and give him a huge hug, then pull him inside and start kissing him and frantically undoing the buttons on his uniform. Just as she says to him, "Please fuck me now," one of his fellow soldiers would walk in...looks like a friend needed a place to stay for a couple weeks. Ahh...the places things could go from there.

Anyway, aside from that specific fantasy/story idea, I think that the uniform thing is definately under-explored on Literotica. In answer to the question about which uniforms, I would say any military, police, firefighters, some professional atheletes, security guards...just about anything EXCEPT postal employees or janitors would seriously turn me on. ;)
Man in uniform for you....

Well, I am a US Army SGT. i think i would love to talk to any of you that might be interested.
Re: unbelievable ....

Tricky_D said:
I can't believe i acually blushed when i read that !!!

hey man don't worry we can't help that ladies love the A's I know cuz I'm in the army to though I'm just a PFC I still know what your talking about....:) :) I get soo much attention when I go out in my A's it's not funny....
re ChemE_Student

{originall posted by ChemE-Student
Sadly, my Marine has just been called up by our good friend George W. and left for Kuwait on Wednesday morning. However, if someone wanted to write a story about the two of us, I would practically pay for it. I think it should involve a girl sending sexy letters and pictures to her man overseas including intimate details on exactly what she was doing and how she was feeling when she wrote them. I would love to read that some of his friends got a hold of one of those letters and were impressed by just how sexy his girl was }

this sounds like a great idea but believe me it is not!!!!!!!! one of the letters a fire-team member received was his girls panties along with such a letter as she described.

I go back a ways. late 1964 vietnam. yep when we were not supposed to be there, incountry I mean. surprise suprise history books and government sites are not always truthfull. (l/cpl USMC 9th marine provisional brigade)

in any event, the letter suggested would be not a good idea. combat in and of itself, for the survivors, has the blood flowing. this is 1 reason why mixed ground units not a good idea - you are ready to procreate after combat!! also the letter could be enough of a distraction to get the recepient killed. my friend bought a piece of the jungle! while luck of the draw might have something to do with who gets hit when a firefight starts, it is the individuals use of training, and reaction timing which has a lot to do with survival after the first few incoming rounds are receiced.

as far as letters to troops are concerned the constant flow of letters i received from my girl, even though she had found someone else in the over 1+ year i was in the far east were much better to receive from a morale stand point.

from a nasty stand point what we received from the protestors (being spit on and called women and baby killers) might make a good story from some prospectives. a much better idea would be the parties that the troops get into ASAP after being in a firefight. after such an incentative as a firefight along with a little booze, it seems like you can stay hard all night.

another area for exploration or thought for an author is how the troops delight upon getting home to some, as we then refered to them, round eyed women. oriental women are different not only in culture but also in body conformations than good old american women black, white or hispanic. AHHHHH the comforts of a woman who is not as hard as nails or as flat as the keg the nails came in is hard to explain, but believe me there is such a difference that it was months after we got back before i stopped marveling in the difference.

of course that was many years ago and the men will be dealing with arabs not orientals, but i believe that those who are there for any time and see any infantry combat will come back to the USA looking for some good old AMERICAN pussy with all the trimings hehe
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Fortunately, my fantasy can remain a fantasy without actually endangering any people. I've already been told to keep it clean (at least relatively speaking), but I may not get a chance to write at all since I haven't gotten an address yet. You're right, though; perhaps another topic would make a more realistic story. I wish I had time to write one, but the whole thesis thing keeps me busy. I would love to edit someone else's, though!


Yeah, chicks do dig the A's...and _I_ should know because I'm probably one of those girls giving you too much attention when you go out! In my opinion, you people don't wear them nearly often enough. ;) Can we see a picture of you, too?
poor thing

jeffrey.....i also love the uniform....sorry but it has to be a woman thing
Battle Dress, Class A's, or Police Gear?

Hey Yall,

Just a guy from Ft Hood droppin' in to say hi. Which uniform is the sexiest? I wish I could post a few pics of me in my gear for yall, but they're on my other computer. I'll post them eventually.

Yours, Ian :rose: