Men hating other men


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
Men hating other men on Lit

Sorry to say but I have come to the conclusion that some men on Lit are nothing more than filthy skunkbags. I want to punch them in the face.
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I wasn't sure exactly where to post this. I am finding out I really hate some of the filthy skunkbag men on Lit. I want to punch them in the face. There is no reason for them to be rude and disrespectful. No question just a statement.

Fuck off

Oh that is brilliant. Proves my point that some douchebags need to be purged.
Sorry to say but I have come to the conclusion that some men on Lit are nothing more than filthy skunkbags. I want to punch them in the face.

All this internet punching accomplishes nothing.
Thank you very much for lodging your internet complaint. The people responsible for the internet have been alerted.
there no bad kind of vaginas.

The STD posters at the local clinic say otherwise....all sorts of sec,

BAD.....Bad bad bad BAAADDD vagina on those walls.

I wasn't sure exactly where to post this. I am finding out I really hate some of the filthy skunkbag men on Lit. I want to punch them in the face. There is no reason for them to be rude and disrespectful. No question just a statement.

And not a single fuck nor squirt of rat shit was given.....le sigh for Beck...I mean Bitchface31.
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If this thread lasts for one more hour, the Internet should be taken out back and shot.
Did the vagina talk devolve from the filthy skunk bag comment?
Sorry to say but I have come to the conclusion that some men on Lit are nothing more than filthy skunkbags. I want to punch them in the face.

That could probably be a dude named SeanH, he'll meet you anywhere, anytime