Vault Girl
- Joined
- Jul 6, 2002
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- 19,179
1. Do you ever feel pressured by women to have sex with you because they paid for dinner?
2. Have you been regularly told to not travel alone anywhere at night, even to the corner store? And if so, are you encouraged to carry pepper spray or a rape whistle?
3. Are you able to pursue what you are interested in university without societal pressure on " having children and getting married" - although you could so as well?
4. Have you ever had your entire gender refused entire career fields solely based on your genitalia? Would you ever be forced to not be allowed to serve in your country's defense simply because women would not allow it? Can you demand strength and full participation in society while frequently being told you can't cut it based merely on opinions and public morality?
b. Can you be constantly told you can't serve in military roles due to morale issues or your biological functions? Can you conceivable come up with religous excuses to not participate in conflicts you arent allowed to participate in the first place?
5. Will you statisitcally commit the same crimes between 3 to 10 times as much as women and not expect differing punishments?And once in the legal system, will your gender be trotted out as a defense or indictment of your guilt or innocence? " M y client could never do that, he's just a helpless man?" or " He should have been more careful with how he dressed if he didnt want to get raped"
b. Do you get specific treatment at rape trials such as being blamed for being raped? is your sex life beforehand considered tender in rape trials? Are you prepared to have your rapist go free more then the other gender?
c. Are you a member of the gender that has 38% of it having been the victim of violence
6. Are you able to take on a job or choose a career route that is only capable of supporting yourself, with no thought to preparing yourself to also support a spouse/children, although you are also free to choose a more difficult career that will bring you more money? Do you have constant pressure with regard to this?
7 If you are in a committed relationship, do you have much greater flexibility to choose whether you want to work or simply stay at home (even without kids) despite the constant societal daily barrage telling you otherwise?
8 Will you not be called an unsatisfied man if you decide to not be a homemaker?
9If you have a flat tire on the road, if someone is harassing you in a public place, if an animal attacks you, or if you are lost, will someone be much, much more likely sexually assault you?
10a Are people generally much nicer to you in public when people are looking? Do you find yourself regularly propositioned for sexual congress whilst going about your daily life?
10b When you're attacked are you trained to yell fire because no one will come to a man crying help or rape?
11. Are you constantly told marriage is a career option for you because you're a good looking man?
12. Are you statistically more likely to be a single parent with a dead beat mom?
12b. Is custody of your kids almost automatic after divorce regardless of your parenting abilities? On top of this, do you have the ability to make false accusations of rape or child abuse in order to help you gain custody? Is it possible for you to deprive your child of his or her other parent in violation of court orders without serious consequences?
Thank god there's no way that can be proven.. because wow, I would look stupid if there were some stats that said otherwise.. woowee, dodged a bullet there
13 If you hit or slap a person - or even knock someone’s tooth out throwing your Aunt Selma’s Christmas mug at that person - is it much more likely to just be completely ignored by the police department?
13b If you are ever physically, emotionally, or sexually abused by in any way, are there dozens upon dozens of organizations that are specifically in place to fight for you and house you when necessary? Do you have the ability to have someone taken-away by police if you make a false or exaggerated accusation of abuse? Because.. there are.. you just won't pick up a phone and try calling 911.. because that's not what real men do
14a.Do you statistically live much longer - possibly due to being designed by nature to be more resistant to disease and illness due to the fact your primary physical function is to perpetuate the continuance of your species?
14B. Are you more likely to die childbirth or develop long term illnesses associated with it? Do you also find yourself in less life threatening jobs due to your desire to not being in life threatening jobs?
15. Does your government constantly engage in moral and legal battles over what you can or cannot do with your genitalia while simultaneously claiming they know best for you?
16. Are you more likely to be forced into prostitution? And if so, why is more spent on your clients rehabilitation?
17. Is there more societal pressure on you to have a certain body type. Are you cionsidered unmanly or not masculine for not subscribing to body norms, fashion trends? Do you find yourself earning 70% of the same pay for doing the same job?
18. Has whining about how easy women had it done anything to actually forward men's rights?
b Can you with a straight face say either gender is superior and not be considered a sexist or a complete loon?
Can you ignore the fact that your sex's traditional gender roles may have quite possibly, and this is only a rumour, not allowed the other gender and their gender role any sort of freedom whatsoever?
19Do you have full opportunity to pursue you want in life - become a doctor, a lawyer, start a business - while simultaneously using the fact that many of your gender don’t CHOOSE themselves to do these things as an argument to try to gain even more advantages? Do you get affirmative action because many of your gender are blocked to positions in these roles despite the law?
20.a Can you manipulate the other gender with sex in some cases to get what you want? Can you pretend like you don’t even know what anyone is talking about when confronted on this
20.b Can you use your sex appeal to get-ahead on the job? Can you knowingly dress how ever you want and somehow not expect to be called a slut?
20.c Do you also have the ability to accuse people of sexual harassment for any reason, factual or not? Do you make up the definition of ‘sexual harassment’, and can this definition change depending on the person and whether you like them or not?
21. If you take a job that is traditionally taken by those of the opposite sex, will you be thought of as a brave pioneer by many and a horrible person by many others? Will you be accused of being a gay man if you decide to join the police, military, fire department, professional sports..etcetera etcetera..?
22aCan you complain that the media is saturated by body image and there is a massive corporate interest in keeping you in a predefined beauty role?
b. Can you wear...any clothes..without the risk of being sexually assulated
Can you manipulate old notions of your traditional role when trying to advance your career? Or societal postion?
Can you indulge your sexual curiosity for the same sex without having your heterosexuality questioned
Can you openly show anger or confidence, and act in an appropriately emotional manner without being derided or accused of acting inappropriately for your sex?
Do you get in trouble at school less, even for the same behavior as the opposite sex? Like for wearing certain clothes or drugs, or drinking?
Generally speaking, regardless of your level of attractiveness, can you attain sex and/or relationships with far less effort on your part if you have alot of money?
As a child, were you told that you are beautiful, cute and sweet? And are you still treated as a child as an adult?
Can you get sympathy if you don’t work and don’t have children by listing all the household work (hmm … Oprah really does get high ratings, though) while simultaneously being able to bear the cognitive dissonance of calling your sister who stays home a worthless bum ?
Can you claim its a mans world when it actually is not?
Can you “mix and match" traditional and progressive roles - finding just the right mix to get what you want? Can you be a “traditional husband" - enjoying the positive features of that (like not having to go-out and work a job in a factory) - which is feminism when you come to think of it?
Can you constantly say “that’s just typical" and “it doesn’t surprise me a bit" and make lemon faces if you are a parent-in-law? Is near-universal contempt by both genders for your behavior hidden to a much greater extent?
Can almost any remark by your partner be construed as verbal abuse if you want sympathy, but the meanest, nastiest, most humiliating things that you can say simply involve “speaking your mind" and “some people just don’t want to hear the truth"?
Can you use the fact that gender roles were differentiated long ago - with different advantages/disadvantages for both genders - to try to induce guilt today in people who had absolutely no connection with any of that? ...well... just ignore the part about the draft then..because...ummmm DERP! Can you say that you have been discriminated against for thousands of years with a straight face when you’re only 20 years old?Can you say you're being forced off to war when the draft hasnt been used since before your parents discovered what sex was? Can you even make things up about history and no one will really check or dare call you on it? Like White Feathers and shit like that?
Can you propagate myths and outright lies ("more false accusations", “women are just likely to be phyically abusive ", child custody always going to women, friendzone and many more) and be given a “pass" - without more rigor being demanded?
Can you rationalize your own failures using the concept of the “women are evil", and blame the other gender for nearly everything that goes wrong in your life - even with quite contorted explanations that no one would otherwise buy - while failures of the other gender are just … failures?
And then make thread after thread about that gender?
Do you want to be treated like a child when it suits you but as an adult when you get advantages from that? Do you “look the other way" when someone doesn’t require responsibility from you that they certainly would from the other gender?
As an infant, would amputating a piece of your genitals be a crime? Would not cutting your genitals be considered a basic human right to which you are entitled?
Can you focus heavily on perceived earnings in the workforce - the statistics of which are influenced by people’s choices in reality - while utterly ignoring the inter-family transfer of wealth? Can you completely ignore the fact that one gender picks tougher jobs (garbage collector), works more hours and takes on more responsibility because of more pressure to earn - but the other gender has the same lifestyle and statistically more assets (and not just because of inheritance/earlier age of male at death….). Can you deliberately claim that earnings figures are based on equal pay for equal work? (when you probably full well know that they simply involve all people working more than 35 hours - and don’t take type of job, hours worked over 35/week, danger, responsibility, years in the work force etc. into consideration at all)?
And can you believe all that.. when I said earlier that you shouldnt believe misconstrued statistics in favour of your gender... wow... I had you good, sucker
Is what used to simply be an irritation for grown-ups many years ago - the self-centered rantings and foot-stomping of spoiled high-school and college brats - now not only embraced by your most progressive movement but almost the cornerstone of it? Like these hundreds of threads on a porn board
Can you get irritated about generalizations and stereotypes —— and utterly fail to see the hypocrisy in stereotyping and generalizing about one gender while simultaneously making a career (literally in some cases) whining about your own gender being stereotyped? Like these hundreds of threads,,,maybe Paul Elam would know
Can you get irritated about old-fashioned restrictive attitudes towards your sexual behavior while insulting women who engage in the same kind of sexual behavior that you would do in the blink of an eye if you could?
Do you reserve the right to blame any cruel, rude, or unrestrained angry thing that you do on you "being a man"? Is this true regardless of whatever you say or do?
Do you reserve the right to get angry and indignant if somebody suggests this to you regardless of how often you say it about yourself?
Do you reserve the right to call anyone “mangina" for any reason, based upon your own definition of the term? Is your sexist behavior never noticed?
Do you have the privilege of making long lists criticizing the privileges of the opposite sex while everyone pretends to not notice that you have a long list of none-too insignificant privileges of your own?
You this list
And the hundreds of threads that preceeded it
Do you have the privilege of blaming your privileges on the opposite sex?
Do you have the privilege of dishonestly insisting that you don’t have any privileges?
Brought to you by the All Women are Evil All Men are Good Foundation
2. Have you been regularly told to not travel alone anywhere at night, even to the corner store? And if so, are you encouraged to carry pepper spray or a rape whistle?
3. Are you able to pursue what you are interested in university without societal pressure on " having children and getting married" - although you could so as well?
4. Have you ever had your entire gender refused entire career fields solely based on your genitalia? Would you ever be forced to not be allowed to serve in your country's defense simply because women would not allow it? Can you demand strength and full participation in society while frequently being told you can't cut it based merely on opinions and public morality?
b. Can you be constantly told you can't serve in military roles due to morale issues or your biological functions? Can you conceivable come up with religous excuses to not participate in conflicts you arent allowed to participate in the first place?
5. Will you statisitcally commit the same crimes between 3 to 10 times as much as women and not expect differing punishments?And once in the legal system, will your gender be trotted out as a defense or indictment of your guilt or innocence? " M y client could never do that, he's just a helpless man?" or " He should have been more careful with how he dressed if he didnt want to get raped"
b. Do you get specific treatment at rape trials such as being blamed for being raped? is your sex life beforehand considered tender in rape trials? Are you prepared to have your rapist go free more then the other gender?
c. Are you a member of the gender that has 38% of it having been the victim of violence
6. Are you able to take on a job or choose a career route that is only capable of supporting yourself, with no thought to preparing yourself to also support a spouse/children, although you are also free to choose a more difficult career that will bring you more money? Do you have constant pressure with regard to this?
7 If you are in a committed relationship, do you have much greater flexibility to choose whether you want to work or simply stay at home (even without kids) despite the constant societal daily barrage telling you otherwise?
8 Will you not be called an unsatisfied man if you decide to not be a homemaker?
9If you have a flat tire on the road, if someone is harassing you in a public place, if an animal attacks you, or if you are lost, will someone be much, much more likely sexually assault you?
10a Are people generally much nicer to you in public when people are looking? Do you find yourself regularly propositioned for sexual congress whilst going about your daily life?
10b When you're attacked are you trained to yell fire because no one will come to a man crying help or rape?
11. Are you constantly told marriage is a career option for you because you're a good looking man?
12. Are you statistically more likely to be a single parent with a dead beat mom?
12b. Is custody of your kids almost automatic after divorce regardless of your parenting abilities? On top of this, do you have the ability to make false accusations of rape or child abuse in order to help you gain custody? Is it possible for you to deprive your child of his or her other parent in violation of court orders without serious consequences?
Thank god there's no way that can be proven.. because wow, I would look stupid if there were some stats that said otherwise.. woowee, dodged a bullet there
13 If you hit or slap a person - or even knock someone’s tooth out throwing your Aunt Selma’s Christmas mug at that person - is it much more likely to just be completely ignored by the police department?
13b If you are ever physically, emotionally, or sexually abused by in any way, are there dozens upon dozens of organizations that are specifically in place to fight for you and house you when necessary? Do you have the ability to have someone taken-away by police if you make a false or exaggerated accusation of abuse? Because.. there are.. you just won't pick up a phone and try calling 911.. because that's not what real men do
14a.Do you statistically live much longer - possibly due to being designed by nature to be more resistant to disease and illness due to the fact your primary physical function is to perpetuate the continuance of your species?
14B. Are you more likely to die childbirth or develop long term illnesses associated with it? Do you also find yourself in less life threatening jobs due to your desire to not being in life threatening jobs?
15. Does your government constantly engage in moral and legal battles over what you can or cannot do with your genitalia while simultaneously claiming they know best for you?
16. Are you more likely to be forced into prostitution? And if so, why is more spent on your clients rehabilitation?
17. Is there more societal pressure on you to have a certain body type. Are you cionsidered unmanly or not masculine for not subscribing to body norms, fashion trends? Do you find yourself earning 70% of the same pay for doing the same job?
18. Has whining about how easy women had it done anything to actually forward men's rights?
b Can you with a straight face say either gender is superior and not be considered a sexist or a complete loon?
Can you ignore the fact that your sex's traditional gender roles may have quite possibly, and this is only a rumour, not allowed the other gender and their gender role any sort of freedom whatsoever?
19Do you have full opportunity to pursue you want in life - become a doctor, a lawyer, start a business - while simultaneously using the fact that many of your gender don’t CHOOSE themselves to do these things as an argument to try to gain even more advantages? Do you get affirmative action because many of your gender are blocked to positions in these roles despite the law?
20.a Can you manipulate the other gender with sex in some cases to get what you want? Can you pretend like you don’t even know what anyone is talking about when confronted on this
20.b Can you use your sex appeal to get-ahead on the job? Can you knowingly dress how ever you want and somehow not expect to be called a slut?
20.c Do you also have the ability to accuse people of sexual harassment for any reason, factual or not? Do you make up the definition of ‘sexual harassment’, and can this definition change depending on the person and whether you like them or not?
21. If you take a job that is traditionally taken by those of the opposite sex, will you be thought of as a brave pioneer by many and a horrible person by many others? Will you be accused of being a gay man if you decide to join the police, military, fire department, professional sports..etcetera etcetera..?
22aCan you complain that the media is saturated by body image and there is a massive corporate interest in keeping you in a predefined beauty role?
b. Can you wear...any clothes..without the risk of being sexually assulated
Can you manipulate old notions of your traditional role when trying to advance your career? Or societal postion?
Can you indulge your sexual curiosity for the same sex without having your heterosexuality questioned
Can you openly show anger or confidence, and act in an appropriately emotional manner without being derided or accused of acting inappropriately for your sex?
Do you get in trouble at school less, even for the same behavior as the opposite sex? Like for wearing certain clothes or drugs, or drinking?
Generally speaking, regardless of your level of attractiveness, can you attain sex and/or relationships with far less effort on your part if you have alot of money?
As a child, were you told that you are beautiful, cute and sweet? And are you still treated as a child as an adult?
Can you get sympathy if you don’t work and don’t have children by listing all the household work (hmm … Oprah really does get high ratings, though) while simultaneously being able to bear the cognitive dissonance of calling your sister who stays home a worthless bum ?
Can you claim its a mans world when it actually is not?
Can you “mix and match" traditional and progressive roles - finding just the right mix to get what you want? Can you be a “traditional husband" - enjoying the positive features of that (like not having to go-out and work a job in a factory) - which is feminism when you come to think of it?
Can you constantly say “that’s just typical" and “it doesn’t surprise me a bit" and make lemon faces if you are a parent-in-law? Is near-universal contempt by both genders for your behavior hidden to a much greater extent?
Can almost any remark by your partner be construed as verbal abuse if you want sympathy, but the meanest, nastiest, most humiliating things that you can say simply involve “speaking your mind" and “some people just don’t want to hear the truth"?
Can you use the fact that gender roles were differentiated long ago - with different advantages/disadvantages for both genders - to try to induce guilt today in people who had absolutely no connection with any of that? ...well... just ignore the part about the draft then..because...ummmm DERP! Can you say that you have been discriminated against for thousands of years with a straight face when you’re only 20 years old?Can you say you're being forced off to war when the draft hasnt been used since before your parents discovered what sex was? Can you even make things up about history and no one will really check or dare call you on it? Like White Feathers and shit like that?
Can you propagate myths and outright lies ("more false accusations", “women are just likely to be phyically abusive ", child custody always going to women, friendzone and many more) and be given a “pass" - without more rigor being demanded?
Can you rationalize your own failures using the concept of the “women are evil", and blame the other gender for nearly everything that goes wrong in your life - even with quite contorted explanations that no one would otherwise buy - while failures of the other gender are just … failures?
And then make thread after thread about that gender?
Do you want to be treated like a child when it suits you but as an adult when you get advantages from that? Do you “look the other way" when someone doesn’t require responsibility from you that they certainly would from the other gender?
As an infant, would amputating a piece of your genitals be a crime? Would not cutting your genitals be considered a basic human right to which you are entitled?
Can you focus heavily on perceived earnings in the workforce - the statistics of which are influenced by people’s choices in reality - while utterly ignoring the inter-family transfer of wealth? Can you completely ignore the fact that one gender picks tougher jobs (garbage collector), works more hours and takes on more responsibility because of more pressure to earn - but the other gender has the same lifestyle and statistically more assets (and not just because of inheritance/earlier age of male at death….). Can you deliberately claim that earnings figures are based on equal pay for equal work? (when you probably full well know that they simply involve all people working more than 35 hours - and don’t take type of job, hours worked over 35/week, danger, responsibility, years in the work force etc. into consideration at all)?
And can you believe all that.. when I said earlier that you shouldnt believe misconstrued statistics in favour of your gender... wow... I had you good, sucker
Is what used to simply be an irritation for grown-ups many years ago - the self-centered rantings and foot-stomping of spoiled high-school and college brats - now not only embraced by your most progressive movement but almost the cornerstone of it? Like these hundreds of threads on a porn board
Can you get irritated about generalizations and stereotypes —— and utterly fail to see the hypocrisy in stereotyping and generalizing about one gender while simultaneously making a career (literally in some cases) whining about your own gender being stereotyped? Like these hundreds of threads,,,maybe Paul Elam would know
Can you get irritated about old-fashioned restrictive attitudes towards your sexual behavior while insulting women who engage in the same kind of sexual behavior that you would do in the blink of an eye if you could?
Do you reserve the right to blame any cruel, rude, or unrestrained angry thing that you do on you "being a man"? Is this true regardless of whatever you say or do?
Do you reserve the right to get angry and indignant if somebody suggests this to you regardless of how often you say it about yourself?
Do you reserve the right to call anyone “mangina" for any reason, based upon your own definition of the term? Is your sexist behavior never noticed?
Do you have the privilege of making long lists criticizing the privileges of the opposite sex while everyone pretends to not notice that you have a long list of none-too insignificant privileges of your own?
You this list
And the hundreds of threads that preceeded it
Do you have the privilege of blaming your privileges on the opposite sex?
Do you have the privilege of dishonestly insisting that you don’t have any privileges?
Brought to you by the All Women are Evil All Men are Good Foundation