Meeting for sex from Lit...


Really Experienced
Sep 11, 2012
Just wondering if anybody else has experiences of this? Sorry if it's in the wrong section.

Just I did today for the first time and it was one of the best fucks of my life!

Scared I might become addicted :D
I was able to have some fun with a member about a year back. It was a great experience, we wound up falling off for some reason I can't recall.
Just wondering if anybody else has experiences of this? Sorry if it's in the wrong section.

Just I did today for the first time and it was one of the best fucks of my life!

Scared I might become addicted :D
details, you have to tell us details. it is a rule for all first timers....

American guy here on holiday. I went to his hotel and let's just say we had a fun afternoon :D Don't think he knew just how dirty us british girls are!
Well he sent me a message and thirty minutes later I was riding his cock :D

He fucked me in my pussy and arse. He also spent a good 45 minutes licking my pussy n arse. Made me cum more times than I can count!
Well he sent me a message and thirty minutes later I was riding his cock :D

He fucked me in my pussy and arse. He also spent a good 45 minutes licking my pussy n arse. Made me cum more times than I can count!

Hmmmmm...I may have to schedule that UK business trip a little bit earlier than expected...:devil:

Sounds like you're a woman who knows what she wants and more importantly knows how to fuck like there's no tomorrow. My kinda gal.
I have too many pms to deal with ATM

Would be up for more tomorrow or Friday!
Hot Brit

Hitchcock said he loved cold British blondes - so icy on the exterior and and steaming sexuality inside.
Never had the luxury and I must say that is one of the most erotic adventures I have read.
Yes. I have had the pleasure (and the pain) of meeting someone from Lit.

She was everything I could ever hope to find in a partner for life.

The sex was great. The seperation intense. The longing real and hearfealt.

Unfortunately, her being married and wanting a palouramous (sp) relationship was too much.

I look back on our relationship fondly and always wonder...what could have been.
Wow, 30 minutes? You can't order pizza that quick:DBut on a serious note, you have to be careful meeting people off the net, unless you agree to meet up in a public place first.:)
Had few "encounters" with British girls and each one was dirtier than the previous.
Just wondering if anybody else has experiences of this? Sorry if it's in the wrong section.

Just I did today for the first time and it was one of the best fucks of my life!

Scared I might become addicted :D

You became a Lit member two days ago and you already met up with someone for sex?
Strike while the irons hot. Once people get to know you, the fucks are harder to get! :D