Medicine has become a giant money-making scam


Have you seen Burzynski, the movie? Very interesting stuff. This Dr. Burzynski has cured cancer without all the toxic drugs and chemicals. The FDA tried to shut him down but he won a lawsuit against him. This documentary talks about the chemo treatment for children with cancer called the "red death". Very scary stuff! I watched it on Netflix but I think you can watch it on this link too.

I used to know a man in Philadelphia that was treating people with HIV and AIDS without drugs. He was using all natural vitamins and fruits and vegetables. He made these health smoothies, personalizing the contents for each person. He was able to get their viral counts so low it was almost undetectable. This was back in the early 1990's before the "cocktails" of drugs were able to do the same thing. He didn't advertise, it was all word of mouth. Some people he didn't even charge. He started getting harrassed by all different groups, FDA, doctors, IRS and then his shop was vandalized and he and his family got death threats. He unfortunately sold his store and moved.

I know that many drugs are beneficial and do help a lot of people, but I do think that drug companies are all about profit and don't give a shit about people.