Medical News: The O-Shot for Women


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
From here:
Men have Viagra and Cialis. Women have … the O-Shot?

In a bid to inject some equity into the love life enhancement market, a pair of California doctors have devised a procedure they say greatly improves a woman's ability to achieve an orgasm — by using her body's own nutrient-rich plasma.
I cry sexism! Men get a pill but women get a shot? :mad: Oh, and the shots cost $1,500! :eek:

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From here:

I cry sexism! Men get a pill but women get a shot? :mad: Oh, and the shots cost $1,500! :eek:


I'm sure that, because it involves a woman actually deriving pleasure from sex ::gasp::, in short order this drug will be declared a Schedule I Controlled Substance / won't be covered by insurance / will be soundly protested and blocked by both the religious right, most of the House of Representatives and the majority of men in general.
All but the last is probable. But most het men would love it if their ladies got off regularly and loudly.
'Twould seem that the whole subject of ladies' sexual matters is still a bit controversial. I recall reading about a surgeon who dissected a complete vagina (in was in Eastern EU) and found the G-spot [well done Dr Graphenburg].
But what do we find in that Sun Sentinel piece?:-

The whole idea of such procedures "sounds a little scary to me," said Coral Springs OB/GYN Dr. Bruce Zafran, who added that, despite popular belief, "there is no such thing as a G-spot."

I wonder. Have we all been had on the subject of do some doctors/ drug firms make more money this way?
Same old same old. Earnest medical practitioners reinvent the accujac.

There's a cheaper, non-shot way to encourage genital growth for women; Testosterone creme. The medical profession will tell women that the clitoral/skene's gland(Gspot) growth to be an "undesirable side effect," and they consider such growth "Masculinisation."

The G spot isn't in the vagina, any more than the prostate is in the rectum. That's why these guys can't find it.
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Maybe one of you ladies should drop in on the good doctor and show him where it is. :D
But the approved doctors, and screening is strict, are required to remain with the woman for two hours post injection and by law they have to test the effectiveness of the shot at a minimum of 15 minute intervals and then have weekly assessments thereafter.


But the approved doctors, and screening is strict, are required to remain with the woman for two hours post injection and by law they have to test the effectiveness of the shot at a minimum of 15 minute intervals and then have weekly assessments thereafter.



They are certainly adhering to professional standards!
One should always try and leave the ladies as with few frowns as possible.

"The secret of a good lay," said my mates old Grandad, "is a firm bottom."
I think he was talking about planting potatoes, but it seems a useful bit of advice.
Where the hell is the G-spot? I've heard six hundred opinions as to this, and no medical fact.....grrrr....:(

Granted, I've managed to do remarkably for a guy who keeps getting such conflicting sources of info, but one can always improve. :D;)
The G Spot explained by Stella

Now, this is my theory, and of course lots of doctors have other theories, like it doesn't exist. But-- I know what mine feels like, and I've found it in a lot of women, and here's what I say.

The Skene's gland-- lately doctors have started calling it the "female prostate" or-- whoah-- the "prostate gland." it is not part of the vaginal wall, any more than your prostate is part of your rectum-- but you can push on it through the vaginal walls, just they way you can stimulate your prostate through your butt walls.

Remember that the prostate wraps around the urethra, which, in women, lies in front of the vag. Slide two fingers in her vag so that two joints are inside, and you ought to be in a good position to stroke firmly across frontal the wall there, exciting the urethra-- that's the trick-- and inducing the gland to start swelling and filling with fluid.

Very often she'll develop this really intriguing texture-- almost harsh, ridged-- right there. I'm betting a dickhead would love the friction-- am I right? She ought to be pretty much in this continual inward kind of orgasm that she can keep up forever or untill your wrist gives out ;)
Eventually, it will feel like she's peed a tiny bit into the palm of your hand-- at that point you can go for a strong clitoral orgasm that will pump the fluid right out of her urethral opening in a blast... Or, you can crook your fingers and jack the fluid out of her which also feels fucking awesome.

So, that's the coolest best scenario.

But keep in mind that in women it's kinda vestigal to one extant or another, and since women don't produce as much testosterone as men, it's what you might call "unsupported." But it works the same way-- as much as it can, produces fluids and empties them into the urethra to squirt out just like male ejaculate. From my experience, women who have really good G-spot action also are likely to have other tells indicating higher testosterone levels in their bodies, like very thick, semen-looking vaginal lubrication and lots of energy in the middle of the goddam night when middle aged dykes want to give up and go to sleep...
Well....that was something. Nice to know. Thanks. :eek:

Could come in handy, or is that cum? :devil:
Well....that was something. Nice to know. Thanks. :eek:

Could come in handy, or is that cum? :devil:
TMI? :devil:

I always find that knowing WHY contributes a lot to knowing HOW

Short answer, I guess, is that it's right at your fingertips...
Not really TMI. Just a bit stunned by the degree of detail. Not a bad thing, just some of it
Not really TMI. Just a bit stunned by the degree of detail. Not a bad thing, just some of it
Anatomy is our friend! :cattail:

It's a question that gets asked so often, I kind of have it memorised. In fact, I have the one I just posted in a file, ready to C&P from now on....

It's remarkable to me, actually, that you would be stunned by new information-- especially information you asked for... :devil: