Mean people suck...


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
and not is the goodway either. Is it just me or does there seem to be more mean people in this world than ever? Or are the gentle souls just quiet? I just have lately seen so many hostile people ...(in general not talking about Lit specifically). Is it that they are unhappy with their lives and must try to make others join them? And how do you deal with them? Ignore them? or confront them?
I just give them a kiss on the forehead and a cookie.

Honestly, I just ignore most of it.
They usually aren't worth my time or energy to confront them.
sufisaint said:
and not is the goodway either. Is it just me or does there seem to be more mean people in this world than ever? Or are the gentle souls just quiet? I just have lately seen so many hostile people ...(in general not talking about Lit specifically). Is it that they are unhappy with their lives and must try to make others join them? And how do you deal with them? Ignore them? or confront them?

I usually ignore them. I will confront them however if they involve me in some way.

I've always thought that they are unhappy, and they need company so they drag (or try) you down with them.
Hello, s :kiss:

I usually ignore mean people. I try focusing on those who have positive things to give..not negative.

How have you been?
juicylips said:
Hello, s :kiss:

I usually ignore mean people. I try focusing on those who have positive things to give..not negative.

How have you been?

Doing good but now have to enter the "normal" job market for a while and just realizing I have to be surrounded by mean people again... I am the one who always puts it back in their face...not being mean back but showing them their bad behavior and asking why always in a nice way which seems to piss them off even more...needless to say it has not been a successful stategy at work since sooner or later the office bully, who always seem to get ahead and be the boss makes life miserable for me until I leave...I need to somehow change my stategy..
sufisaint said:
Doing good but now have to enter the "normal" job market for a while and just realizing I have to be surrounded by mean people again... I am the one who always puts it back in their face...not being mean back but showing them their bad behavior and asking why always in a nice way which seems to piss them off even more...needless to say it has not been a successful stategy at work since sooner or later the office bully, who always seem to get ahead and be the boss makes life miserable for me until I leave...I need to somehow change my stategy..

Come live with me and be my love...and we will some new pleasures prove.

Could that be your new strategy?:heart:
My box is always open whenever you need to vent.
You know, you have uncanny timing. I just encountered someone AGAIN who truly sickens and digusts me with their vile hatred of others, stemming so obviously from their own discontent. I know it is not a place for me to go, because I am an extremist, I either totally block them out, or I totally let it rip, and neither are very satisfying with someone like him, because he would only feed on it.:(

I think these people that want to rob others of simple joys by attacking or otherwise undermining them are doing themselves a greater disservice by feeding their own pain, instead of maybe letting a little insight, experience or happiness from another seep in.

The happiness of others does me good and I find comfort in it and inspiration in it.
I am at a point in which I have become cold to cruelty from others. i used to absorb it and it did me in. i found in time that I had become quite cynical and mistrusting of every single person that crossed my path. Then i looked around one day and realized I had shut out everyone in my life because people so sickened me that i no longer wanted anything at all to do with them. I figured they couldn't hurt me if they didn't exist...but I also found that though I was safe, I was too safe, and so alone. That is stagnant and dead to me, and there is no hope or growth in that. That time alone did me a great deal of good because I realized that I could never change them, but I could change me and my perspective of them and how much power I allowed them to have. So, though I've paid a hell of a price in that I feel no hope when it comes to others and the pain they cause, so much so that I really have to pick and choose my battles when i see injustice, I know that there is not another soul that can ever hurt me again more than I am willing to let them. I am now responsible for my experience.
But damn, it feels so unbelievably good sometimes to just let it rip, and look them in the face and tell them just how sick they really are. At this moment, I am really struggling and I let it rip, or just keep ignoring and walking away from a twisted, demented racist dickhead that literally cums over bringing others down, over and over again...?

Can't do it....and that just leads me right back to this coldness inside, where there used to be so much warmth.
My circle of loved ones is so closed and so tight, that I choose to just not see or even think of people like him, because in my heart, I know there is NO hope for him.

umm...sufi? Sorry, I don't know where all this came from.
Nice hearing from matter what is on your mind, I always feel so good, just reading your words and knowing your mind is still just stewing....;).
juicylips said:
Come live with me and be my love...and we will some new pleasures prove.

Could that be your new strategy?:heart:
My box is always open whenever you need to vent.

It sounds so wonderful :) I may just cut these chains and just go..
intrigued said:
You know, you have uncanny timing. I just encountered someone AGAIN who truly sickens and digusts me with their vile hatred of others, stemming so obviously from their own discontent. I know it is not a place for me to go, because I am an extremist, I either totally block them out, or I totally let it rip, and neither are very satisfying with someone like him, because he would only feed on it.:(

I think these people that want to rob others of simple joys by attacking or otherwise undermining them are doing themselves a greater disservice by feeding their own pain, instead of maybe letting a little insight, experience or happiness from another seep in.

The happiness of others does me good and I find comfort in it and inspiration in it.
I am at a point in which I have become cold to cruelty from others. i used to absorb it and it did me in. i found in time that I had become quite cynical and mistrusting of every single person that crossed my path. Then i looked around one day and realized I had shut out everyone in my life because people so sickened me that i no longer wanted anything at all to do with them. I figured they couldn't hurt me if they didn't exist...but I also found that though I was safe, I was too safe, and so alone. That is stagnant and dead to me, and there is no hope or growth in that. That time alone did me a great deal of good because I realized that I could never change them, but I could change me and my perspective of them and how much power I allowed them to have. So, though I've paid a hell of a price in that I feel no hope when it comes to others and the pain they cause, so much so that I really have to pick and choose my battles when i see injustice, I know that there is not another soul that can ever hurt me again more than I am willing to let them. I am now responsible for my experience.
But damn, it feels so unbelievably good sometimes to just let it rip, and look them in the face and tell them just how sick they really are. At this moment, I am really struggling and I let it rip, or just keep ignoring and walking away from a twisted, demented racist dickhead that literally cums over bringing others down, over and over again...?

Can't do it....and that just leads me right back to this coldness inside, where there used to be so much warmth.
My circle of loved ones is so closed and so tight, that I choose to just not see or even think of people like him, because in my heart, I know there is NO hope for him.

umm...sufi? Sorry, I don't know where all this came from.
Nice hearing from matter what is on your mind, I always feel so good, just reading your words and knowing your mind is still just stewing....;).

In my personal life its easy... have nothing to do with these people...I absolutely prefer a small circle of close friends who share a "spiritual" view of life... Its work that I do not have that option...but for most part it is true that people can only hurt you as much as you let them...but at work even though they cannot make me feel bad about myself...they can make work impossible if they want you out...
There are alot of seemingly mean people out there. I make them my challenge and while there are those who are without conscienceness I find alot are just scared, angry or depressed. I find those with conscience will find some civility when faced with enduring calm and common sense.

Those without conscience will sometimes respond to a sweeter banter that brings their rudeness to the forefront.

I don't tolerate it and I do it with niceness and sense.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Do you still have sex at your age?

And why did your hubby leave you?

You are far too easy.:)

I have beautiful, mindblowing, intense, juices dripping down my legs, explosive, wildly passionate sex several times a day. In fact, when he was here this weekend, we only stopped for a few meals and bathing, the entire weekend.;) I have never known a passion like I feel now, in my 41st year. Hope you live long enough to know such incredibly hot feelings.:)

Hubby did not leave me by his own choice...I asked him to leave because I could no longer take his abuse of my son, his inability to control his rage, and his endless empty promises to change, year after year....eight years to be exact.

Thanks for your concern.;)
sufisaint said:
In my personal life its easy... have nothing to do with these people...I absolutely prefer a small circle of close friends who share a "spiritual" view of life... Its work that I do not have that option...but for most part it is true that people can only hurt you as much as you let them...but at work even though they cannot make me feel bad about myself...they can make work impossible if they want you out...

I know you find it meaningless and unnecessary and a bore, but dear, with a brilliant mind like yours, surely you can play the game a bit, on your own terms?
intrigued said:
I know you find it meaningless and unnecessary and a bore, but dear, with a brilliant mind like yours, surely you can play the game a bit, on your own terms?

lol....well said.:)
I have come to the point in my life when I just cannot play any games anymore...I become way to good at it than I lose myself...I know I cannot start, even with the best intentions, I want a genuine and true life no matter what the cost. I have had lots of money, lots of "friends" and 'loves"come and then go...what i really want is that inner peace that comes from within...That love that radiates through you from God...I am in this world but I am not of this life should somehow reflect this..
sufisaint said:
I have come to the point in my life when I just cannot play any games anymore...I become way to good at it than I lose myself...I know I cannot start, even with the best intentions, I want a genuine and true life no matter what the cost. I have had lots of money, lots of "friends" and 'loves"come and then go...what i really want is that inner peace that comes from within...That love that radiates through you from God...I am in this world but I am not of this life should somehow reflect this..

I understand, and I am not suggesting playing a mind game of dishonesty with yourself.
I wonder then, how will you deal with your situation...what is the answer to all this?

Sometimes, I think there just aren't any good answers.
I think the answer will just come...a gift of grace...unfornately it just so hard to wait and subdue the worry.... What i need is more faith is my realization at the moment...
sufisaint said:
I think the answer will just come...a gift of grace...unfornately it just so hard to wait and subdue the worry.... What i need is more faith is my realization at the moment...

Well, until then, I hope that having the support and understanding offered in a safe venue such as this will somehow give you a little more patience, if not strength.

I like you, sufi...hang tough.
Mean people live in there own form of self inflicted hell. Think of the missery of there life, to live as they do. They are not worth our energy to confront them, or try to hurt them back. They are already hurting far more then we can imagine. If I spare any energy from my life for these type of peple at all, it is mainly to pity them.

Though you know for the ones who won't just go and pester someone else who is as miserable as them, a good shotgun blast to the ass tends to help send them on there way.

glorfindale39 said:
Mean people live in there own form of self inflicted hell. Think of the missery of there life, to live as they do. They are not worth our energy to confront them, or try to hurt them back. They are already hurting far more then we can imagine. If I spare any energy from my life for these type of peple at all, it is mainly to pity them.

Though you know for the ones who won't just go and pester someone else who is as miserable as them, a good shotgun blast to the ass tends to help send them on there way.


All of a sudden, I got this image of "Granny" on the "Beverly Hillbillies", toting that shotgun and blasting it into the air above her in warning, and then aiming it....and making 'em dance!:D

Works for me.
sufisaint said:
and not is the goodway either. Is it just me or does there seem to be more mean people in this world than ever? Or are the gentle souls just quiet? I just have lately seen so many hostile people ...(in general not talking about Lit specifically). Is it that they are unhappy with their lives and must try to make others join them? And how do you deal with them? Ignore them? or confront them?

We have become too tolerant of bad behavior.