McConnell says he was wrong on Obama pandemic playbook

Quit assuming you deserve better, you don't.

I hate to have to point this out yet again,

but this is exactly why y'all lost the last elections.

You eschewed taking to people in favor of
talking down to and at them...

And ever since you lost a sure bet,
you doubled down on the same thing
that got you the President that is Trump.

Do you want him to win again???
I hate to have to point this out yet again,

but this is exactly why y'all lost the last elections.

You eschewed taking to people in favor of
talking down to and at them...

And ever since you lost a sure bet,
you doubled down on the same thing
that got you the President that is Trump.

Do you want him to win again???

People voted for Clinton.
I hate to have to point this out yet again,

but this is exactly why y'all lost the last elections.

You eschewed taking to people in favor of
talking down to and at them...

And ever since you lost a sure bet,
you doubled down on the same thing
that got you the President that is Trump.

Do you want him to win again???

Me busting your ignorant ass up on a porn board isn't going to sway an election you god damn nitwit.
People voted for Clinton.

Indeed. They did.

Me busting your ignorant ass up on a porn board isn't going to sway an election you god damn nitwit.

This is fascinating.
You really never wanted to talk about Mitch.
You just tried to set a trap for, *hopefully* , someone
to come and defend him so that you could put your mesmerizing
powers of erudition to work and then no one defended Mitch, but you got to work anyway...

Indeed. They did.

In massive numbers too.

Unfortunately, they did it in all the wrong places...

This is fascinating.
You really never wanted to talk about Mitch.
You just tried to set a trap for, *hopefully* , someone
to come and defend him so that you could put your mesmerizing
powers of erudition to work and then no one defended Mitch, but you got to work anyway...


It's never about the topic. It's always about trying to prove it's "more betterer" than everyone at everything. It persists in this delusion even when it's painfully obvious it's not even competent at feeding itself.
Indeed. They did.

This is fascinating.
You really never wanted to talk about Mitch.
You just tried to set a trap for, *hopefully* , someone
to come and defend him so that you could put your mesmerizing
powers of erudition to work and then no one defended Mitch, but you got to work anyway...


There was no trap. You did this to yourself, SpareRib.

Do you still think you created this thread :confused:

It's never about the topic. It's always about trying to prove it's "more betterer" than everyone at everything. It persists in this delusion even when it's painfully obvious it's not even competent at feeding itself.

Yes, it was and you have yet to address the topic, just like your retarded friend has failed to address the topic.
There was no trap. You did this to yourself, SpareRib.

Do you still think you created this thread :confused:


Don't answer this question!!!

You might find out if Emerson is only pretending to be female.
I hate to have to point this out yet again,

but this is exactly why y'all lost the last elections.

You eschewed taking to people in favor of
talking down to and at them...

And ever since you lost a sure bet,
you doubled down on the same thing
that got you the President that is Trump.

Do you want hgim to win again???

Elections? Dems ripped new assholes for your tribe in 2018.
In massive numbers too.

Unfortunately, they did it in all the wrong places...

It's never about the topic. It's always about trying to prove it's "more betterer" than everyone at everything. It persists in this delusion even when it's painfully obvious it's not even competent at feeding itself.

There was no trap. You did this to yourself, SpareRib.

Do you still think you created this thread :confused:


It is as if they cannot read or refuse to deign
to listen to their moving lips...
You know, I just went on a search for Trumpers trumpeting threads
about the lack of a playbook and not even busybody engaged in that topic.

That makes this thread manufactured political outrage to refute a point never made.
I don't think the Trumpsters are taking marching orders from Mitch.
I don't think they trust or like him even.


I think that you, instead, want to use lie as fact;
you just prefer yours to Mitch's...

This directly addressed your OP and then you
decided to address me personally
in lieu of your chosen topic.

Nice lie...
This directly addressed your OP and then you
decided to address me personally
in lieu of your chosen topic.

Nice lie...

You think just because you mention Mitch that you addressed the topic because you didn't, otherwise it wouldn't have taken you 100 posts to finally refute what I said.

Back away from the gin you drunk bastard.
You don't really read with comprehension do you?

You saw, Trump, and it made you crazy/ier...
PS - Even when I drank, it was never Gin.
Just like when I smoked, it was never tobacco.
It's rather interesting your 'Me and my man' thread has completely disappeared

You're a fake former Democrat posing as a libertarian but is really just a right-wing partisan douche.

You're also a "reformed" homosexual so your head is clear as mud and you should probably seek help and get yourself on meds that will better stabilize your fucked up head.

Fake? Irony