McCarthy says GOP believes people have right to beliefs after calling for Nick Fuentes to be banished from society


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
The absolute hypocrisy and bankruptcy of today's establishment GOP is becoming a parody of itself. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, seemingly oblivious to the hypocrisy, called for Nick Fuentes to be banned both from the GOP and even excluded "from society" itself for his political opinions, then minutes later claimed that the "GOP believes people have a right to their political opinions" without discrimination. You can't make this stuff up.
This is why the GOP is dying faster than it would have just due to demographic replacement. People are fed up with these corrupt controlled slime ball politicians.
You can listen to Nick yourself and see if he's really this horrible monster the mainstream media and special interest groups like the ADL smear mongers claim.

Listen and decide for yourself...
Ain't nothing sweeter than watching the Republicans beat up on each other for a change!
Nick Fuentes is a Nazi asshole. Republicans supporting him in any way (and KanYE) is the most Trumpy thing they can do.

It won't end well.
trump swears he didn’t know who the guy was. That’s believable, right?
The absolute hypocrisy and bankruptcy of today's establishment GOP is becoming a parody of itself. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, seemingly oblivious to the hypocrisy, called for Nick Fuentes to be banned both from the GOP and even excluded "from society" itself for his political opinions, then minutes later claimed that the "GOP believes people have a right to their political opinions" without discrimination. You can't make this stuff up.
Awww c’mon. Of course the MAGA folks love this Nick guy. It’s all about freedom! Freedom to be wrong.

And Kevin needs votes since the wave was a trickle, so he has to walk the tightrope between sanity and MAGA to get to 218.
trump swears he didn’t know who the guy was. That’s believable, right?
Oh yeah, he swears he didn’t. DJT is the definition of honesty.

He didn’t have any boxes… then we gave all of the boxes… what? More documents? Oh I just thought they were okay so that makes it fine.

But maybe he isn’t a liar, he is just not all that bright. He needs another five word cognitive test. Maybe make it 3 this time.
Nick Fuentes is a Nazi asshole. Republicans supporting him in any way (and KanYE) is the most Trumpy thing they can do.

It won't end well.
No, Fuentes does not in any way represent the MAGA base. The vast majority of people have never heard of him. Come on, I realize that it’s fun to pretend that politics is a simple matter of good vs. bad, but you are giving up your own agency for this fantasy. In reality, it’s good people voting for what they think is their own best interests with a polity that is thoroughly corrupt (Republican and Democrat) and borderline malevolent.

I’ve often wondered to what extent people like Fuentes are actors playing a part, their popularity artificially propped up through bots. No doubt, the guy’s an ideological turd, but he’s also a young idiot who says some really stupid things. I don’t consider his “success” to be organic at all. I think that he and many similar figures are put there to embarrass people on the right, to radicalize everyone and keep all of you in here fighting it out instead of demanding a smidgeon of accountability from your government.

The most recent DoD audit was unable to account for 61% of expenditures. That’s over $2 trillion. If it is incompetence, it is inexcusable, and the whole department needs to be reorganized from the bottom up. If it is malfeasance, then we need trials and long jail terms for everyone who misused those funds. This should not be a partisan issue.
No, Fuentes does not in any way represent the MAGA base. The vast majority of people have never heard of him. Come on, I realize that it’s fun to pretend that politics is a simple matter of good vs. bad, but you are giving up your own agency for this fantasy. In reality, it’s good people voting for what they think is their own best interests with a polity that is thoroughly corrupt (Republican and Democrat) and borderline malevolent.

I’ve often wondered to what extent people like Fuentes are actors playing a part, their popularity artificially propped up through bots. No doubt, the guy’s an ideological turd, but he’s also a young idiot who says some really stupid things. I don’t consider his “success” to be organic at all. I think that he and many similar figures are put there to embarrass people on the right, to radicalize everyone and keep all of you in here fighting it out instead of demanding a smidgeon of accountability from your government.

The most recent DoD audit was unable to account for 61% of expenditures. That’s over $2 trillion. If it is incompetence, it is inexcusable, and the whole department needs to be reorganized from the bottom up. If it is malfeasance, then we need trials and long jail terms for everyone who misused those funds. This should not be a partisan issue.
Which is why MTG and 45 have had meetings with him.

Lmao....get a clue.
Which is why MTG and 45 have had meetings with him.

Lmao....get a clue.
What politicians choose to do often has little to do with what the voting base wants or is interested in. Otherwise lobbyists wouldn’t exist. But if you want to hate millions of people you have no reasonable chance of meeting and perhaps coming to understand and empathize with, I probably can’t convince you otherwise.
What politicians choose to do often has little to do with what the voting base wants or is interested in. Otherwise lobbyists wouldn’t exist. But if you want to hate millions of people you have no reasonable chance of meeting and perhaps coming to understand and empathize with, I probably can’t convince you otherwise.
Lol....yes, you're missing the point.

If you want to be blind to who Fuentes is and how much influence he has on the candidates you support, that is your prerogative. That doesn't mean that I will be and as you've noticed, many others aren't blind either.

Certainly lobbyists exist and not all influencers are as potent.....Nazis are.
the candidates you support,
Did I not make it sufficiently clear that I don’t support any politician currently permitted to run for federal office in our thoroughly corrupt, utterly dysfunctional kakistocracy?
that is your prerogative. That doesn't mean that I will be and as you've noticed, many others aren't blind either.
That is juvenile playground name-calling: “Your dad can’t beat up my dad.” It has nothing to do with the actual sausage being made. I will repeat it. The vast majority of people on the right don't know who Fuentes is and wouldn’t agree with him. I knew who he was because I keep track of who these so-called “influencers” are. I quickly concluded that he was no one of consequence, a grifter at best.
Certainly lobbyists exist and not all influencers are as potent.....Nazis are.
Ah yes, the Nazis. Because nothing is more relevant to a nation thoroughly steeped in a mythos of individual liberty and rebellion against tyranny than a collectivist ideology invented by an early 20th century Italian dictator. Yeah, I get it that the rhetoric works, but does it have to be so stupid?
What politicians choose to do often has little to do with what the voting base wants or is interested in. Otherwise lobbyists wouldn’t exist. But if you want to hate millions of people you have no reasonable chance of meeting and perhaps coming to understand and empathize with, I probably can’t convince you otherwise.

Works for me.
Did I not make it sufficiently clear that I don’t support any politician currently permitted to run for federal office in our thoroughly corrupt, utterly dysfunctional kakistocracy?
Do I care what you say you support? It was a general statement, dipshit.
That is juvenile playground name-calling: “Your dad can’t beat up my dad.” It has nothing to do with the actual sausage being made. I will repeat it. The vast majority of people on the right don't know who Fuentes is and wouldn’t agree with him. I knew who he was because I keep track of who these so-called “influencers” are. I quickly concluded that he was no one of consequence, a grifter at best.
The leading candidate for the Republican party had him over for policy discussion. If supporters want to ignore who he is or who their candidate is discussing policy with, it is certainly their fault for doing so.
Ah yes, the Nazis. Because nothing is more relevant to a nation thoroughly steeped in a mythos of individual liberty and rebellion against tyranny than a collectivist ideology invented by an early 20th century Italian dictator. Yeah, I get it that the rhetoric works, but does it have to be so stupid?
Holocaust denying, "jews will not replace us", white supremacists...this isn't some character out of a book.....he's a real person who has the support of many in the GOP. If you believe it to be a fantasy and claim ignorance about it...more power to ya.... don't blame others for pointing it out.
Do I care what you say you support? It was a general statement, dipshit.
It’s more the fact that you view this in binary terms.
The leading candidate for the Republican party had him over for policy discussion. If supporters want to ignore who he is or who their candidate is discussing policy with, it is certainly their fault for doing so.
It was a “dinner”, whatever that means. Look, Trump was a failure, no getting around that. If he wins in 2024, I predict he will fail again. People voted for him because they hoped to see material improvement in their livelihood, not because he was “racist”. That hasn’t changed.
Holocaust denying, "jews will not replace us", white supremacists...this isn't some character out of a book.....he's a real person who has the support of many in the GOP. If you believe it to be a fantasy and claim ignorance about it...more power to ya.... don't blame others for pointing it out.
Most people lack enough knowledge of the actual history and circumstances of the Holocaust to question the facts, unless you have an ideological motive, which your average white Republican does not. You actually give average people too much credit. Yes, I do see how often people on the left are smeared and caricatured. It doesn’t make it right to perpetuate.
At least you are honest about it.

Absolutely. I mean, why would I want to understand and emphasise with a Nazi? Can’t stand the fuckers. Or right wing folk. Oh, and conservatives. Especially, self proclaimed Christian ones who would shoot Jesus on the spot if he ever fancied making a comeback.

Vile cunts the lot of them.
Absolutely. I mean, why would I want to understand and emphasise with a Nazi? Can’t stand the fuckers. Or right wing folk. Oh, and conservatives. Especially, self proclaimed Christian ones who would shoot Jesus on the spot if he ever fancied making a comeback.

Vile cunts the lot of them.
I see. So you believe that it is morally justifiable to dismiss and demean people for holding views that you find distasteful? And you seem unwilling to entertain the possibility that your impressions and assumptions about that group might be in error.

You sound like a Republican.
Yup, hypocrisy abound.

I see. So you believe that it is morally justifiable to dismiss and demean people for holding views that you find distasteful?

You sound like a Republican.

And a Democrat.... just depends on what beliefs you have.
I see. So you believe that it is morally justifiable to dismiss and demean people for holding views that you find distasteful? And you seem unwilling to entertain the possibility that your impressions and assumptions about that group might be in error.

You sound like a Republican.
So what I hear you saying is: MAGAts get a free pass.

I guess history repeats itself.

Those “average” nazis that supported Hitler got a free pass, but we we’re supposed to learn from their mistake.

Oh well; maybe next time.
So what I hear you saying is: MAGAts get a free pass.

I guess history repeats itself.

Those “average” nazis that supported Hitler got a free pass, but we we’re supposed to learn from their mistake.

Oh well; maybe next time.

Comparing the two shows just how unhinged from reality you are.
I see. So you believe that it is morally justifiable to dismiss and demean people for holding views that you find distasteful? And you seem unwilling to entertain the possibility that your impressions and assumptions about that group might be in error.

You sound like a Republican.

Yes. Call me old fashioned, but I believe advocating for, and defending, the genocide of millions of people is wrong unless you’re a gibbering lunatic. Or a Nazi/racist/fan of Kanye West. Admittedly, there is a lot of overlap in these categories.