Maybe someone can explain this to me

Here's some more. Before 1948 the palestinian people didn't exist. They were Arab settlers from around the region who came to the area of modern Isreal after Jewish settlers came in the late 1800's to clear the overgrown backwater area. Nobody lived there before the jews cleaned it up. When the british governed the area after WW1 they called the area Palestine. That's were this whole thing starts. When the British left the area after WW2 they gave Jordan to teh Arab people and all Of current Isreal and Palestine to the Jews. The ink was still wet when the surrounding arabs attacked and forced the fledgling state of Israel to give up most of their land. So all this land that Isreal and Palestine are fighting over is actually Israels by right.
"In the Six-Day War, Israel captured Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. But they didn't capture these territories from Yasser Arafat. They captured them from Jordan's King Hussein. I can't help but wonder why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won the war.
"The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. ...Palestine has never an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland."

- Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily

When Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine.
When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "the holy land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash).

"In a recent speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Yasser Arafat talked of 'the need to realize justice for the Palestinian people, to restore their international status and their seat in the United Nations.' He referred to 'our country, Palestine' and expressed the hope that it would be 'restored its freedom.'
"The meaning of this message is clear: Palestine is a country that belonged to the Palestinians until it was invaded and usurped by the Jews. Jerusalem was the Palestinian capital now being Judaized by Israel. Justice will be served only if the Palestinians are allowed to re-establish their sovereignty in it.

"That all this is unadulterated fiction has not prevented many governments from accepting it. Nor has it deterred pundits from upbraiding Israel for failing to 'give back' Palestinian land.

"In fact, there never has been a state called Palestine, nor have the Palestinian Arabs ever been an independent people, and Jerusalem never has been an Arab or Muslim capital. Jerusalem has had an absolute Jewish majority for more than a century (and a plurality before that), and for the last three thousand years, only the Jewish people have called it their capital...To inveigh against 'Judaizing' Jerusalem is like protesting the Arabization of Cairo."

- David Bar-Illan, former Executive Editor of the Jerusalem Post, in an article first published in November 1998 in the Los Angeles Times.
Paganj said:
When the British left the area after WW2 they gave Jordan to teh Arab people and all Of current Isreal and Palestine to the Jews... So all this land that Isreal and Palestine are fighting over is actually Israels by right.

Ok, that's a very incorrect statement.

The partition of Palestine in 1947 was done so by UN Resolution 181 and was just one hell of a mess. The basic plan was to create separate and convoluted Jewish and Arab states within the boundries of Palestine, plus a special UN trusteeship to oversee the city of Jerusalem separate from the Arab and Jewish states.

Here's a link to a map of the UN's partition of Palestine:

And a link to UN Resolution 181:

To say all the land within what was then Palestine was to be the Jewish state is far from correct.
Sorry I broke my own rule about not arguing in posts so I removed it.
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I believe the Brits went against an earlier partition (Balfour) from the 20's and took additional land from the Jews to create Transjordan.
Paganj said:
I have to disagree. It was always the british plan to divide the area up into Palestine and Trans-Jordan. When the UN took over they did take more land from Isreal. However it didn't become a convoluted mess until after the Arab offensives in the late 40's.

You're wrong. What the British did with the Trans-Jordan has nothing to do with what the UN did in Palestine. If you read the UN resolution the British were still in control of Palestine when Resolution 181 was passed and part of the Resolution is a timetable for the removal for British forces.

Again, if you read the resolution they attempt to give a verbal description of the borders between the Jewish and Arab states represented by the map I posted above.

The Arab-Israeli war of 1948-49 actually cleaned up the borders quite a bit and removed much of the convolution of the UN Resolution as seen here:

If it helps, here's a map of a British proposal for the partition of Palestine set forth in 1937:
Gunner Dailey said:
I believe the Brits went against an earlier partition (Balfour) from the 20's and took additional land from the Jews to create Transjordan.

The Balfour Declaration is very short and doesn't specifically address what would be done with the land.

Here is the Balfour Declaration:

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1*** (This of course would be the dreaded Nineteen Seventeen)

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
Thanks for the links, I've read more UN resolutions in the last three months than anyone should endure. The Jewish viewpoint seems to dwell on the 1*** agreement, obviously before the establishment of Trans-Jordan:

In 1920 the world organization of nations [League of Nations] proclaimed that Palestine was to be a homeland for the Jews. Around the same time, Lebanon was made a place for Arab Christians, and Syria, and Iraq were to be homelands for Arab Moslems. In 1922 England [the occupying power in Palestine] gave all of Palestine east of the River Jordan [77% of Palestine] to Arab Moslems, forbidding Jews to live there.

Further UN estimates put the property loses of Jews kicked out of Arab countries after 1948 at 10 times those lost by Palestinian Arabs.

[In World War I] Turkey, with an expansive empire that compassed the Middle East (including Palestine) and North Africa, fought with Germany and the Central Powers against the Allies. At the breaking up of the Turkish Empire by the victorious Allies, both Jews and Arabs requested independent states. The world powers were generous in the extreme to the Arabs by granting them twenty-two independent Arabs states - encompassing 5,414,000 square miles. The Jews asked for less than one percent of that vast territory. The Allies agreed to this request (which included both sides of the Jordan) in the 1*** Balfour Declaration and the 1920 San Remo Conference of World Powers.

For imperialistic interests, however, in 1921 Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration and set up the Arab Emirate of Transjordan. Then in 1922 the League of Nations gave Great Britain a Mandate to prepare the remaining 23 percent of Palestine (including Samaria, Judea, Gaza, Golan Heights and Eastern Jerusalem) for a Jewish National Home. But under French pressure, in 1923 the Golan Heights was ceded by the British to the French mandate of Syria.
Gunner Dailey said:
For imperialistic interests, however, in 1921 Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration and set up the Arab Emirate of Transjordan.

Good point on this.

It was actually the Colonial Office under Winston Churchill that in 1922 issued a white paper finally interpreting the meaning of the Balfour Declaration. It was in this document that the statement excluding all of Palestine east of the Jordan from the Balfour Declaration was made.

Link to the 1922 White Paper:
Funny you post that link, about two days ago I was doing some reading on the White Paper.
Bad blood between Jews and Muslems?

Not so.

Absence of balanced diet, more like.

Notice the absence of pork?
Like Father. Like Son? Part II
By Arlene Peck

Several years ago, I wrote a column about the senior George Bush and my concerns about his throwing Israel to the wolves in his efforts to appease the Arabs.

In those days I would write about the infamous anti-Semitic duo of Baker and Bush.

Sad, isn't it that the next generation, George Jr., apparently hasn't learned from the mistakes of his father.

Back in the days of the Gulf War I found it ludicrous that Israel was forced to sit idly by and let Sadam Hussein lob his scuds over the border at will.

Aw, but that was then, so can we expect that Israel now wouldn't be put in that same precarious position like in days past?

Surely our illustrious President would not want to make the same mistakes that Daddy Bush made--blunders, which I am sure, contributed to his being a one-term President?

Naw, I don't think so.

But, hey, I'm not alone in my apprehension of whether his intentions are honorable.

Even according to a recent article in the New York Times, "There is every indication that President George W. Bush is on the verge of the greatest double-cross since the Allied nations sold the Sudetenland to Adolph Hitler."

I have been delighted with the conduct of our President and Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair during our Iraq crisis.

However, why do I get the feeling that they are about to make Israel a sacrificial lamb in their efforts to give themselves a public relations counterbalance in the war against Iraq?

Are they serious?

In the middle of the chaos that is going on in the military action in Iraq our President has the time to call a press conference to reassure the Arabs that
the Middle East "Road Map" is alive and well.

Folks, I don't feel reassured that Israel is not now on the chopping block to pay for Bush and Blair's political mistakes in their continuing desire to pander to the Arab nations.

I hope that, unlike his father, President Bush doesn't underestimate the power of the Christian Coalition or the American Congress if he continues to push Israel to the brink as his daddy did.

They didn't believe the propaganda hype then, nor, do I think, they will again.

Are we supposed to wait with bated breath until Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who is the figurehead puppet of Yasser Arafat, announces a” breakthrough" in the Middle East "peace" process while a compliant media breathlessly reports on the wonderful advances being made in that area?

Or, possibly, how the United Nations have arranged "a just and fair peace in the Middle East?"

Unfortunately, according to them, the previous deals with the Israelis are going to be called off. Remember?

The earlier one where Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was told that the 120 corrections would be included after the war with Iraq was over.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Bush promise before anything would be done, the Palestinians would cease their terror attacks, stop the hate-filled writing from their newspapers, remove the books that are used throughout the region to train their children to hate and kill their Jewish

Oh yes, and have a workable democracy?

The Israelis, at this point in time, are probably feeling like Charlie Brown when Lucy holds the football.

Does anyone besides me see something wrong with the Arabs giving up nothing but the promise not to kill more Jews that week?

And, we all know how much that comes out of their minds and mouths is truthful.

Meanwhile, Israel, as usual, has an imposed list of concessions a mile long while all the Arabs have to do is promise to "reform" themselves.

Fool me again: under Arafat's direction, the Palestinians loudly call on Israel to withdraw its forces and leave the "occupied territories" while they in turn will do their very, very, best to end terrorism.
No, I think not.

Is he going back to the unworkable formula of Oslo again to appease the European Union?

Gawd, you'd think that we would learn that the United Nations is not a body of men that can be trusted when it comes to Israel.

Hey, this evil group isn't a body of anything other than self-serving entities.

This is the same group of men who have Libya heading the Committee on Human Rights and Iraq heading the Global Disarmament Committee of the Security Council.

Their purpose is not to eradicate evil within their realms but to restrain the United States and vote against the Jewish State at every opportunity.

So let me understand if I've got it right.

This is the same illustrious body of international countries that we should put our faith and trust in?

I've got a better idea. This, I believe, is the time to review our current policies and plans for the future.

We should reconsider the usefulness of belonging to the United Nations, withdraw from it, and stay out.

The French are coming in, after the fact, and doing their utmost to influence the terms of surrender, and the re-building and occupation of Iraq.

They, along with the Germans and Russians, have done everything to support the enemy and sabotage our policies.

Russia has even been found to be selling and training the Iraqis in the use of weapons, which is another one of their own United Nations violations.

These are the wolves that Israel would be thrown to.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

For fifty years we have had troops in places like France and Germany protecting them. Are we crazy?

It’s time to withdraw them and put those men over here to protect this country,
Do you think that they care for one minute what happens to the Jews in Israel?

In the best of times, and even with their most favored countries, what they do best is to cry over corpses.

In the Middle East, they don't even notice the carnage when it is the "Zionists" who are being slaughtered.

After the fact, this Euro-trash voices phony condolences over the Holocaust.

Yet, their parents were the first to send them to the camps and take over their property and valuables.

It is self-delusion to even think, especially during these critical times, that creating another terrorist state for the so-called "Palestinians" is going to solve any of the problems, which we, as Americans, are facing with the Third World nations.

Israel cannot be allowed to be sacrificed by the appeasement policies of Bush or Blair so that the partisan political interests of Blair or both may be served.

Because, long after they're gone from the scene, the damage to the Jewish people by the "peace" settlement which will have been imposed by the Quartet, has done its damage. Possibly for good.

They would have created the world's most concentrated terror apparatus ever known which would only serve to facilitate its continuing terrorism on Israelis.

It bothers me greatly that the entire international community is busily endorsing and planning a Palestinian state to be carved out of the biblical Land of Israel.

They want to chop up Israel like salami in pieces instead of peace.

Given the current circumstances, it is ludicrous, not to mention frightening, to even consider such a possibility.

Any kind of a road map, which contemplates a Palestinian terrorist state in that region, is a guarantee for the destruction of Israel.

At this point I am so suspicious of the United States allies that I have no confidence in any who might become involved in the "Road Map".

Good Lord, our "friends and allies" at this point in time have been shown to be actively working against our country and aiding and abetting the enemy.

France, since the Gulf War, has sold the Iraqis the planes, which are being used to shoot our soldiers.

Russia has sent "advisers" to Iraq to train our enemy to use the equipment that they also sold them in violation of UN sanctions.

And they are still doing that!

I've never trusted the Germans and Italy at the moment is having protest marches one million strong against Americans! Send them into Israel? I'd rather send the fox to the henhouse.

Recently, I received press reports that the CIA has now set up a department to implement the road map.

They are gearing up to be involved in the supervision and monitoring which has been proposed by those longtime enemies of Israel, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations.

Well, why not? They did a wonderful job training a generation of Palestinian snipers.

So, now all those thousands and thousands of Palestinian "police" that Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shimon Peres stupidly supplied with guns are able to use their CIA-trained skills to murder Israelis.

Lovely. I'm going to feel ever so much safer now that I've learned that, in their forthcoming endeavors, the CIA has totally shut their eyes in not having to concern themselves about any conflict of interest in this "monitoring" role.

We've all seen how marvelous it's worked with the United Nations.

Now, the CIA can have their reliable Palestinian ally give them much-needed information relating to other terrorist groups while ignoring any help that might be given to Israel.

It's obvious that the CIA's very existence is to serve America's interests no matter at whose expense that may be.

Which reminds me, did I mention that there is one team within the CIA departments that's supposed to focus on the reorganization of the Palestinian security services?

Just what Israel needs: better reorganization of the Palestinian armed services.

Or was that Palestinian Authority?

Oh yes, and let's not forget, there is a special "Operations Committee" that is going to be implemented with the settlement freeze.

Wow, it's about time that someone dealt with the rapid growth of Arab settlements.

However, the last I heard it is only going to affect the Israeli settlements and, for good measure, they are going to force the evacuation of "illegal" outposts.

If that isn't enough to inspire confidence in the new initiatives being taken to bring peace to the Middle East, Palestinian institutions which were being used to incite hate and promote terrorism, will be reopened.

For a very long time I’ve been writing how Israel was the canary in the coalmine.

Well the war in Iraq has shifted the winds in a slightly different direction.

We, the Americans, are fighting on the front lines there to ensure that our way of life will be secure and constant.

However, if these Islamic fundamentalists have their way the Christian and Jewish minorities in their own countries will be removed and replaced with Islam.

They have no intentions to live side by side with anyone.

Life has absolutely no value to their culture and we are seeing on the battlefield this early in the war the barbarism that that is their nature.

We treat their soldiers humanely while they parade our men on television and do everything in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Why should we be surprised?

They have never told the truth in any of their treaties.

Yet, the "Quartet" is gearing up to implement a "side-by-side" Palestinian state next to Israel.

Has anyone asked the Jewish State what is acceptable to them? Does anyone care?

"Erets Yisrael Le'Am Yisrael"
(The Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel).
Am Yisrael Chai