masters sub

You hear that silence? that's the silence of someone researching me, like s/he did kitten, to try and find something to annoy me with. lol

That or she's busy looking up "scat", "bloodplay", "breathplay", "golden showers", and "clownface"

At least she's eager to learn. So proud :)

I'm not sure how things got to this point, since I have a life, and don't sit at the computer all day. I use this site to find female subs to play with. I do this for MY pleasure, and not any sub-committee, or for the Guardians of Oa, or anyone else. I use this site as a tool and it serves me pretty well. Really well, actually.

It saddens me that people who claim to be veterans of this site are so darn cruel behind their screens. I wonder how confident they'd be, if they were able to be seen in person? i wonder how secure they'd feel in social situations? I wonder if they'd be as confident in their attractiveness, as they are with their smarmy "Know it all" words?

I can say with pride, that with the exception of one person, (Who obviously needs some kind of medical help, and shouldn't be on this site (and with whom I've had exactly ONE (1) non-sexual phone conversation with, but yet seems to have formed a deep attachment to me), all the women I've chosen... or rather.. have chosen to serve me as a sub are smart, physically VERY attractive, and kind of heart. They are obviously very kinky, as that is a requirement for me.

I ONLY seek out bi-female and straight subs who are VERY pretty... VERY physically fit, and VERY kinky. I am thankful for this site as a tool for my pleasure. I am also thankful that I can utilize this site in anyway I please, as long as I don't break any laws, or hurt anyone intentionally.

I myself am VERY attractive, and NOT.. as some would believe.. a "Moron". I don't have 4,000 posts under my belt on this site, because... no offense to the people who live in this site.... I live in the greatest city in the world, and it's got load of stuff going on.

I like this site, because it's got really pretty, kinky, smart girls who have no problem chatting online, talking on the phone, camming, or meeting up in person.

Now... if you all can't do the above on the regular, and it offends you so much that I am actually able to do it, why hate? I'm sorry that you can't. I'm sure that if you try, you can. Spend all of that negative energy into actually hooking up with hot girls and guys, instead of ... hating.

I use this site according to MY rules.. not the rules of self-appointed gate-keepers. i mean.. do you get paid to do this stuff? I mean, REALLY? I don't have time to compile a list of other people's posts. i don't have the time to make fun of a poor girl who is obviously ill-equipped mentally. You guys just made so much fun of her. It was sickening. I tactfully stepped away, in the best way I could, so as to not hurt her feelings and you just kept going and going. You KNOW who you are. The whole lot of you.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. Nope.. no time for a fight.. I'm just saying my piece. I'm just having fun here.


(Yup.... all caps, the way I like it.)
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...since I have life...

I have life as well. :) Now, on *most* fetishes I follow the golden rule of "to each their own", but I do draw the line as necrophilia. Hopefully your harem are all living.

Interesting to see the cyber dom (oh, yes, all lower case just for you!) finally emerge!
That or she's busy looking up "scat", "bloodplay", "breathplay", "golden showers", and "clownface"

At least she's eager to learn. So proud :)

Nope, she was busy trying to remember the password for sirpain's account so she could log in as him. LOL
I'm not sure how things got to this point, since I have a life, and don't sit at the computer all day. I use this site to find female subs to play with. I do this for MY pleasure, and not any sub-committee, or for the Guardians of Oa, or anyone else. I use this site as a tool and it serves me pretty well. Really well, actually.

It saddens me that people who claim to be veterans of this site are so darn cruel behind their screens. I wonder how confident they'd be, if they were able to be seen in person?

See, the irony of a cyber-dom making comments about being seen in person ....

Am I the only one who finds this troll amusing?

i wonder how secure they'd feel in social situations? I wonder if they'd be as confident in their attractiveness, as they are with their smarmy "Know it all" words?

Once again, you're a cyberdom. I'm in a real-life relationship. I know my man finds me sexy, just as I'm 99% sure you're a pimply faced teenager who couldn't get a girl if they were paid, so you go online and either pick off the new ones who don't know any better or make alts so that everyone thinks you're such an awesome dom.

You do not get to make out the hallway of our forum, and expect us to ignore it. Get an fucking room, but here's an idea for you - consent. We did not consent for you to use us to discipline your girls. If you're going to involve us, unconsentually, then don't bitch when we don't' respond how you feel we should. Get a fucking room.

I can say with pride, that with the exception of one person, (Who obviously needs some kind of medical help, and shouldn't be on this site (and with whom I've had exactly ONE (1) non-sexual phone conversation with, but yet seems to have formed a deep attachment to me), all the women I've chosen... or rather.. have chosen to serve me as a sub are smart, physically VERY attractive, and kind of heart. They are obviously very kinky, as that is a requirement for me.

I ONLY seek out bi-female and straight subs who are VERY pretty... VERY physically fit, and VERY kinky. I am thankful for this site as a tool for my pleasure. I am also thankful that I can utilize this site in anyway I please, as long as I don't break any laws, or hurt anyone intentionally.

Wow. Shouldn't this be in the personals section? Now I see the point of you making all these alts - you were hoping we'd line up wanting you to dominate them. This has one been big personals ad. :rolleye:

I myself am VERY attractive, and NOT.. as some would believe.. a "Moron". I don't have 4,000 posts under my belt on this site, because... no offense to the people who live in this site.... I live in the greatest city in the world, and it's got load of stuff going on.


I have that Brad Paisley song in my head now.

Online I live in Hollywood
I'm six foot five and I look damn good​

I like this site, because it's got really pretty, kinky, smart girls who have no problem chatting online, talking on the phone, camming, or meeting up in person.

Now... if you all can't do the above on the regular, and it offends you so much that I am actually able to do it, why hate? I'm sorry that you can't. I'm sure that if you try, you can. Spend all of that negative energy into actually hooking up with hot girls and guys, instead of ... hating.

I don't hate you. I love it when trolls show up here, they're so much fun. Especially when they tie themselves in knots like you're doing. If you don't like the way we are, don't post here. We like ourselves just fine.

I use this site according to MY rules..

Well, aren't you special. :rolleyes:Did you learn that line from a dominant handbook? Well, in real life (you'll learn about that after you graduate from highschool and move away from mommy) if you break the rules, written or not, of a place there are consequences. The consequence of this broken rule is that we get to play with you. We do love to play with our trolls - rather like a cat plays with a mouse.

not the rules of self-appointed gate-keepers. i mean.. do you get paid to do this stuff? I mean, REALLY? I don't have time to compile a list of other people's posts. i don't have the time to make fun of a poor girl who is obviously ill-equipped mentally. You guys just made so much fun of her. It was sickening. I tactfully stepped away, in the best way I could, so as to not hurt her feelings and you just kept going and going. You KNOW who you are. The whole lot of you.

Do I need to define consent for you? I mean, seriously? We did not consent to watch you and your alts make out. If you did that in real life would you be shocked if someone yelled GET A ROOM? Well, we've been polite about and now we're gonna be rude until it settles into your head. We did NOT consent to this, so either get a room or live with the fact that his pisses us off.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. Nope.. no time for a fight.. I'm just saying my piece. I'm just having fun here.


(Yup.... all caps, the way I like it.)

Seriously. Where do you get your stuff? You really need to read a little less smut and little more of the books your English teacher is giving you, cause yelling at people is not a sign of respect, it's a sign of disrespect. Anyone who's spent more than an hour in real life knows that. More importantly, anyone who's spent anytime in chat rooms and forums know that capitalization equals yelling. All the capitals does, to those of us who do this for real, is make the people who actually know what they're talking about roll their eyes and laugh. If you're gonna come of a twue dom, you might want to do some research that doesn't involve wank fodder. I'm pretty sure the books you need to read have been mentioned - but then it's probably pretty hard to get ahold of those books at your age.:rolleyes:
graceanne, I'm just a little turned on by you right now <3 *flutters eyelashes at*

Well, I am awesome.

But I also don't swing in the way that you like. *sigh*

But thank you. I did say I need some aggression therapy. :nana:
Yeah and they do stuff like bleed blood, grody

Geee too bad we aren't VERY kinky like his subs :(

"They are obviously very kinky, as that is a requirement for me."

Honestly, that's just the BEGINNING of things I find gross about vaginas.

And when I stop and think about it, penises are pretty gross too. I seem to be able to ignore that, though :p
I'm not sure how things got to this point, since I have a life, and don't sit at the computer all day. I use this site to find female subs to play with. I do this for MY pleasure, and not any sub-committee, or for the Guardians of Oa, or anyone else. I use this site as a tool and it serves me pretty well. Really well, actually.

It saddens me that people who claim to be veterans of this site are so darn cruel behind their screens. I wonder how confident they'd be, if they were able to be seen in person? i wonder how secure they'd feel in social situations? I wonder if they'd be as confident in their attractiveness, as they are with their smarmy "Know it all" words?

I can say with pride, that with the exception of one person, (Who obviously needs some kind of medical help, and shouldn't be on this site (and with whom I've had exactly ONE (1) non-sexual phone conversation with, but yet seems to have formed a deep attachment to me), all the women I've chosen... or rather.. have chosen to serve me as a sub are smart, physically VERY attractive, and kind of heart. They are obviously very kinky, as that is a requirement for me.

I ONLY seek out bi-female and straight subs who are VERY pretty... VERY physically fit, and VERY kinky. I am thankful for this site as a tool for my pleasure. I am also thankful that I can utilize this site in anyway I please, as long as I don't break any laws, or hurt anyone intentionally.

I myself am VERY attractive, and NOT.. as some would believe.. a "Moron". I don't have 4,000 posts under my belt on this site, because... no offense to the people who live in this site.... I live in the greatest city in the world, and it's got load of stuff going on.

I like this site, because it's got really pretty, kinky, smart girls who have no problem chatting online, talking on the phone, camming, or meeting up in person.

Now... if you all can't do the above on the regular, and it offends you so much that I am actually able to do it, why hate? I'm sorry that you can't. I'm sure that if you try, you can. Spend all of that negative energy into actually hooking up with hot girls and guys, instead of ... hating.

I use this site according to MY rules.. not the rules of self-appointed gate-keepers. i mean.. do you get paid to do this stuff? I mean, REALLY? I don't have time to compile a list of other people's posts. i don't have the time to make fun of a poor girl who is obviously ill-equipped mentally. You guys just made so much fun of her. It was sickening. I tactfully stepped away, in the best way I could, so as to not hurt her feelings and you just kept going and going. You KNOW who you are. The whole lot of you.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. Nope.. no time for a fight.. I'm just saying my piece. I'm just having fun here.


(Yup.... all caps, the way I like it.)

...a poor girl who is obviously ill-equipped mentally. You guys just made so much fun of her. It was sickening. I cowardly stepped away...
fixed that for you.

Listen asshole, you don't "tactfully step away," you PM her, explain what is happening around her, APOLOGISE, dickbreath, for dumping her into the deep end of the PUBLIC pool, and tell her you will respect her better than that from now on.

If YOU call yourself the dom, shitheel, the onus falls on your shoulders. I repeat, it's YOUR job.

You take the responsibility along with the authority, or you go play in less dangerous sandboxes.

Not to mention that almost everyone has been making fun of YOU, by the way, not so much the girls. If they've stood up for you, you can damn well thank them for that.
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fixed that for you.

Listen asshole, you don't "tactfully step away," you PM her, explain what is happening around her, APOLOGISE, dickbreath, for dumping her into the deep end of the PUBLIC pool, and tell her you will respect her better than that from now on.

If YOU call yourself the dom, shitheel, the onus falls on your shoulders. I repeat, it's YOUR job.

You take the responsibility along with the authority, or you go play in less dangerous sandboxes.

Not to mention that almost everyone has been making fun of YOU, by the way, not so much the girls. If they've stood up for you, you can damn well thank them for that.
But he's a cyber-dom. He doesn't have to do any of those things you mention. Actually, he's not even a very good cyber-dom, because there are some cyber-doms that are really respectful of their subs.

This guy can be the asshole, the dickbreath and the shitheel and his little subbies will still follow him because they are so naive, they don't know any better. They don't know what a D/s relationship is suppose to be like.

he's a cyber-dom (Yup.... no caps, the way you deserve it.) :cool:
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fixed that for you.

Listen asshole, you don't "tactfully step away," you PM her, explain what is happening around her, APOLOGISE, dickbreath, for dumping her into the deep end of the PUBLIC pool, and tell her you will respect her better than that from now on.

If YOU call yourself the dom, shitheel, the onus falls on your shoulders. I repeat, it's YOUR job.

You take the responsibility along with the authority, or you go play in less dangerous sandboxes.

Not to mention that almost everyone has been making fun of YOU, by the way, not so much the girls. If they've stood up for you, you can damn well thank them for that.


so is this more about your own gain or is it because ur jealos that sinpain is a cyberdom anx u arent in his harem? just vecause someones a cyberdom doesnt mean they dont know control. sinpain knows control trust me
babygrl11, do you know how stupid you sound each time you come back to post? By the way, which one of you girls in the harem is the psycho? (By his words, BTW.)
so is this more about your own gain or is it because ur jealos that sinpain is a cyberdom anx u arent in his harem? just vecause someones a cyberdom doesnt mean they dont know control. sinpain knows control trust me

Your spelling gets worse every time you come online. Wow. How old are you? Honestly? 15?
The End

Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them.
Did your wannabie give you permission to talk to real Doms?
so is this more about your own gain or is it because ur jealos that sinpain is a cyberdom anx u arent in his harem? just vecause someones a cyberdom doesnt mean they dont know control. sinpain knows control trust me

What did you type this with your feet?
Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.

If you want to enjoy yours, have fun and play safe. Just remember, we are under no obligation to enjoy yours with you. So, in the future, it might be better to keep it to yourselves where we don't have to deal with y'all's unsolicited "OH I'M SO SORRY DOMLY McMASTERTON!!!" and such nonsense. After all, WE don't have a safe word for the intellectual torture it has wrought.