Masters Golf keeping the Black man Down?

i don't discriminate.

I think ALL gofers are crackers!
Come now, who hasnt dreamt of a mixed foursome searching for a lost ball in the woods?

I think you are looking for the “How Do I Get My Wife to Suck A Black Cock With Me (Even Though I Am Not Attracted To Men) In a Golf Cart Before I Tee Off From The Ladies’ Markers While Wearing Her Panties” Thread.

It may have been moved to Fetish and Sexuality and merged with the "Anyone Get 3 Wood and Grip Their Club Tighter When Watching a Major Tournament" Thread.

Come now, who hasnt dreamt of a mixed foursome searching for a lost ball in the woods?


Is there some good Smoke and drank involved?

I remember an old girlfriend of mind (we may have Been a little high) and myself being naked in the deep woods. You know it's hard to screw while laughing so hard you have tears running down your face.

She very finicky hung her clothes on a medium size bush so she would not get them soiled or anything, we put my clothes on the ground to lay on.

This worked out great until she decided she wanted to be on the bottom.

Rolled right over on the small mound of fire ants!:eek:

It was a good ride but short!:D

Boy, talk about killing the mood!
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