Master of Dreams -(closed)-


Quixotic Paradox
Nov 15, 2000
"Can you make sure that the lights are all turned off and the costumes have been put away?" Yuki Storm called out to her assistant, Lydia. The perpetually hyper punkette with bright green pixie hair called out an affirmative. "Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow. Lock up on your way out!"

She took a last, fond glance around the studio. She was lucky to buy the old warehouse and turned it into a multilevel photography studio and apartment. The tall glass windows and sunroofs made for excellent lighting. There was plenty of space to create special sets and make any project come to life.

The current theme for the latest series was based on Yuki's dreams. She's always had vivid, fanciful dreams and nightmares that made her doubt her sanity until she woke. In the last three months, her dreams have been full of ethereal creatures with animal characteristics and parts. They were tall, lissome beings with curling rams horns, butterfly wings, white tiger stripes, hawk beaks, wolves face and more. Dressed in frail, sheer silks in riotous bright colors or naked scales and softest fur. Mythical creations lived and breathed in her dreams. They called to her like old friends. Seeming to know everything about her walking world. The waking world that is mirrored in her dreams.

The only part she hasn't tried to recreate was the Shadow Man. He wasn't even a shadow so much an absence of light, form or shape. She didn't even know why she thought the dense presence was a male. Yet, she knew in her gut that it was a he. The Shadow Man was in every dream. He never spoke. He did not interact with her like the others. He simply watched. Yet his observation felt as though he peeled away all of her shields and guards to the very heart of every secret, hope and desire. Somehow he knew everything about her and this knowledge caused a shiver of fear to skitter along her spine. For she also knew with utter certainty that he was not safe.

Knowing, accepting and embracing all of this, Yuki's curiosity could not be dammed and it grew stronger with each passing day into night. Wondering who the Shadow Man is and what he truly looks like. Wondering why he was there each night but never showed himself. Never touched her when she could feel his scorching gaze burn her from head to toe. Inevitably, the unknown and dangerous mystery became a romantic element and she wondered if he was a Dark Prince loving her from afar.

A sighing, exhalation turned ironic, low chuckle fell from parted pink lips. Long fingers raked disobedient long locks of black hair and pushed the heavy mass back over a shoulder. Weaving her fingers together, she stretched her arms out front and raised them slowly to point up in the air. Lifting her willowy form up on her toes and letting in deep breathes of air to fill her lungs. Yuki began her evening Tai Chi drills. The flowing and careful moves filling her body with clarity, wiping away the tensions of the long day and pushing her limbs to their limits.

The day had started at 4 am and wrapped up well past 8 pm. The shooting days are always long and tend to be unpredictable. Today was particularly difficult trial when a model failed to show up as scheduled and a replacement found. Only to find out that the model was late because she had died dead on arrival from a drug overdose.

Shaking all thoughts from her mind, Yuki continued her training until she finished the last move. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on her skin and a warmth filled her well used muscles. Simple exhaustion swept tangling fingers through her body. The sign she was waiting for. It was the only way she could sleep.

Yuki's hand lightly held the rail of the spiral staircase as she made her way to her bedroom and locked the door behind her. She stripped off her clothes with easy efficiency and gave a moan of content as she slid beneath sapphire silk sheets. Yuki fell asleep on her side with one arm spread to hug a satin pillow to her heart.
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From on high, one may look down in secret and witness many things.

So it was that the Master looked down from his vaulted throne in the stars, watching the vain wants and wishes of humanity. He saw them, dreaming of shallow and petty things, mundane fears and incessant insecurities. No one of them any more remarkable than all the others, none worthy of his attention, even when given.

The girl was different. Yes, she with her small, golden body like a polished handle made purely for being held in His palm. She dreamed wider, longer and with more clarity than any of her contemporaries by far. The only place worth being- outside of his own immense realm- was in the dreams of Yuki, who shone with all the vibrance and clarity that the rest of her species lacked. Yuki had beautiful dreams.

The Master could be said to be a student of beauty – though he became jaded of most beauty after a short time, and soon bent whatever it was to His own whims of fancy. By revising and corrupting a beautiful thing, a different and more rarified sort of beauty is exposed. This waning school of beauty was more finite, He had found, and would inevitably erode away all remnants of the original beauty. How quickly a beautiful thing descended into being merely pretty and broken once altered.

His ever-wakeful eye had landed on her, not long after she descended into her satisfied and peaceful slumber. His gaze made her dream warmer, more vibrant than it had been, stronger by hundreds of times over than the dreams of most other human beings.

With his cloak of midnight silk and heavy hood over his head, obscuring most of his face in shadows, the Master rose from his throne of astral clusters and comets to descend a long staircase made of starlight. The angular beams from individual stars suddenly intensified and hardened like glass below His feet on the descent into a verdant jungle where his prize awaited him. As He moved lower, the sun began to shine brighter, and the ambient sound of exotic animals grew louder.

When the Master made His way below the canopy, the long shadows of immense trees wrapped themselves around Him, keeping Him obscured, ever in shadow. The leaves below and all around Him shimmered in air for a moment, before crystalizing into heavy emeralds and tumbling down to the forest floor. They made a melodic tinkling sound as they fell, colliding and forming piles amongst the various patches of multicolored orchids and neon tulips which patterned the windows of light that penetrated the maze of shimmering leaves overhead.

As He continued to descend, through the lower canopy where the foliage was most dense, little by little the branches began to tug at and tear away His cloak and hood. The garment began to pull away, only more ethereally gleaming black was exposed. When the hood fell away into nothingness, instead of a human’s face, that of a large and fearsome panther was revealed- with gossamer, silken fur- so black that it reflected light in shades of blue. From the neck of the cloak appeared a claw, then another, revealing the rest of the ten-foot panther who was the Master. Its eyes were pale, reflective silver- like tiny, full moons in his head. They were locked upon her, watching her closely as the last branch passed over his face and his claws made their meticulous way down the tree trunk beside her.

Yuki was wrapped in two small portions of leopard skin around her chest and slender waist. The panther commanded space on the forest floor from the moment His paw flattened out to the ground. The emeralds that had tumbled from above sprouted legs and scurried away from His path, silver eyes still locked with Yuki’s brown eyes.

As the two of them drew nearer, the flowers all around them bloomed themselves open, and seemed to be showing off for Him, pleading for His attention. Yet His eyes beheld nothing aside from her, His lips curled back from his long and ferocious looking teeth. A threat or a promise, it was unclear which.

In the exact moment His hind leg came down to meet the Earth, all around them, the forest burst to life. Hundreds-of-thousands of brightly colored birds, which hadn’t been there a moment ago, all took to wing at once and fluttered in every direction, making a wild, fluttering, rainbow colored dome around the two staring at one another on the forest floor; like a confetti hurricane in which they stood at the center.

He had never journeyed quite so deep into her dreams before, or any living mortal for that matter. But it seemed to have been an eternity since He’d last entertained her within His realm. He wanted her to know he was there, to experience Him from within her own mind and soul.

The panther lowered his lithe and muscular hind end, sitting up expectantly and showing his teeth again with a rumbling huff of a snarl. He expected her to speak first, and she would. Even the flowers knew it, fluorescing with brighter colors still at their climax of blossoming, trying in vain to pull focus from her.
The dream began in one of her favorite parks in NYC. She was walking along the path and heading towards large fountain at the center. Yet, the path began to change with each footfall and the familiar aspects ripened into what it was but more. The stone brick path of grey speckled stones lighten into a clearer greys with caught crystals happily shining back the sun. The short stumpy machine cut grass lengthened and gained tones of yellow-green to blue-greens. Even the dirt evolved from a lifeless pale tans to a richer moist browns and hints of black. The trees slowly expanded in width and height until they crowded around the trail she walked and towered over head. Leaving only a bare glimpse of sky between thick branches heavily laden with leaves. A riot of jewel toned flowers and bushes sprang into existence and each petal, stalk and leaf in perfect state of every stage of glorious bloom.

Caught up in the stunning beauties of nature, Yuki didn’t see the approach of the panther until the air filled with the trilling calls of birds in simultaneous flight, and gleeful emerald crystals ran past her on tiny limbs and the tinkling laughter tickling her ears. The large wildcat screamed a greeting that stopped her in her tracks.

Once her eyes were caught by the majestic and demanding silver scrutiny, she could not imagine how she could have ever missed him. The velvety midnight black panther sat regally on its hindquarters. The crown of its head bypassed her own by a foot or more. As those keen silver eyes roved over her body, she became aware of her Lady Jane outfit of leopard prints and felt a rush of sharp awareness prickle her nipples into hard pebbles and throw darting well of want in her womb. She’s never seen the creature before but she couldn’t help but feel as though she should.

The moment grew longer and she could feel impatience thrum off of the panther in demanding waves. The wildcat wanted something from her but she felt no need to do anything but admire its lethal beauty. The urge to sink her fingers into the dark pelt and let her hands roam over the long, graceful planes made her hands twitch. When the panther’s tail flicked in her direction with gruff annoyance, Yuki grinned as she imagined herself grabbing it and using it to tug the powerful wildcat to her whim.

She was about to step forward when she felt the pull of the tight band of cloth around her hips tighten. There’s no way she would ever be caught dead in such a tacky outfit! A small smile lifted a corner of her pouty lips, Yuki glanced over at the gorgeous flowers and blooms. An image popped into her mind, she smiled outright and focused her mind. With a lazy twirl of her finger, petals flew in a spiraling twist that surrounded her from head to toe and left her dressed in an elegant, flowing silk summer dress. A large brimmed, floppy straw hat sat on top of her long black hair and strappy sandals completed the outfit. She loved trying out new ideas in her dreams.

Laughing with delight, Yuki danced in a joyous circle and enjoyed the way the long skirt twirled. Laughter sparked brown eyes met quicksilver moons and she remembered that she had company. A rather imposing, imperial and impatient wildcat that she was eager to officially meet and pet.

Walking to stand right in front of the powerful panther, Yuki found out that she felt rather small and helpless. The wildcat was so large that he loomed several feet above her own. She bite back the silly desire to poke the panther’s chest. She had a feeling that the wildcat may not enjoy it as much as she would. Now that she was within touching distance, she felt a rush of shyness flood her and she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Even if she was dreaming, that doesn’t mean that a dream can’t be a nightmare and dangerous. Yet… the panther felt familiar and that eased her uncertainty.

Raising curious brown eyes to meet that captivating quicksilver gaze, she said, “Hi there, I’m Yuki. Do you talk? Have we met before? You feel … I feel like I know you. May I pet you?"
The Dreamlord watched her, merrily prancing and laughing through her familiar surroundings which had merged quite impressively into the wilderness of his realm. He flexed his long, lean muscles, exposing the long and razor-sharp onyx claws at the ends of his forelimbs, digging slightly into the soft earth below his paws. It was then that he realized how much her presence had altered the realm around him, or rather- transported it. Though the Master was acutely aware that he was still within his realm of dreams, he was also on Earth- cohabitating the realm of mortals through this young beautiful archon of night visions.

Yuki was not bound, as so many were, to the vague and fickle mundane reality which she occupied in her waking hours. She was inspired by it. Her abilities even amazed the Master, as she wove the vibrant surroundings into cloth, soft as petals and twice as bright. She had a mastery of both his realm and her own. There was boundless opportunity in their encounter, power in their proximity and danger in his arrival on Earth.

…and she wanted to pet him.

I know who you are Yuki, I have been watching for some time. The Panther resonated, his voice coming- not from the beast itself- but from the air around them, the wind through the leaves and the sunlight peeking through her large, playful hat. His baritone made the ground shake. You have abilities and a significance greater than anything you can begin to imagine.

The Panther had no intention of addressing her question of petting him, but if she was so desirous to feel him, he would allow it. He rose from sitting, moving carefully toward her, lowering his face to brush lightly against hers, ears lying flat as they brushed deftly under the wide brim of her floppy hat. His black hair sliding frictionless through hers, passing his side over his face as he led her toward the city looming just behind the trees. He wanted her to follow, evidenced by his tail wrapping neatly around her calf and sliding over the toned flesh as he passed.

Further into the trees, huge green leaves parted before him, peeling back like curtains to unveil an expansive ballroom unveiling itself in the middle of the forest. Accented with solid gold fixtures and vibrant hues of purples and blues in the gleaming satin furniture and carpeting, the expansive room overlooked the entire city, bending time and space on a whim.

The Panther’s silken fur passed under the leaf, tearing away as though caught on branches and slipping away from smooth, human skin. Below the panther’s skin, the Master emerged in an exquisite suit of overlapping blacks. On the other side, the leaves had changed into shimmering purple curtains and the Panther’s face becomes a rhinestone encrusted masquerade mask on a golden rod.

Mirror polished black shoes turned back toward Yuki, and golden statues of women reached their gracile arms back to hold open the curtain-backed leaves. With the New York skyline glittering behind him, the Master held out a gloved hand to entreat the dreamer deeper into the city. If her closeness brought him closer to the waking world, he desired to draw her closer still.

All of this and more do I rule. You could rule by my side, if you dare. The world of sleep and nighttime visions could be your very own. The dreams of all, yours to treasure or destroy. You need only stay with me.
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Collaborated Post by Vailyn & LitShark

The whole world shivered lightly around her when the panther spoke. His voice did not lend itself to her ears. His deep voice reverberated throughout her body and shivered throughout the forest around them. It was as though the whole dreamworld was aware of him and his power made it tremble.

Then he moved, so close that the soft pelt of his face dragged against her silky cheek and her fingers raised of their own volition to sink into the inky coat. Such a strange sensation! Instead of feeling a glide of smooth animal hide, Yuki's curious touch became a caress along sinuous, well-toned skin. She was still caught up in her curiosity when she felt his tail wrap around her leg and pulled her to follow him.

As she followed, the firm hold on her faded as the panther seemed to dissolve and reform in the reaching arms of the emerald leaf laden trees. A powerful, tall man with dark hair held back in a queue and a fiercely commanding expression took the panther's place. He's clothes forged out of the swirling shadows in a clean cut, form fitting elegant black suit, white kid gloves and glossy black shoes.

The stranger moved with utmost confidence and each movement seem to be a command gesture. He held up his gloved hand for her to take. His eyes told her well that she had no choice but to come along and she did. For all of this, wondrous fair and chilling nightmare was a dream and that she has learned to never fear. He drew her close to his side and she felt a tangible force of his energy tingle over her skin, making her sloe eyes widen and raise to meet his. The man said nothing but pulled her forward to face an unending curtain of living leaves that covered the area before them from endless sky to the rich forest ground. Astonishingly beautiful golden maidens caught forever in metallic glory of partial nudity in various forms stepped out from the curtains and pulled the singing drapes to the side.

The path she had walked on to this part of the forest disappeared and an ostentatious high rise ballroom lay waiting before them. Beyond the full length windows on the far end of the gilt ridden ballroom lay a view of a shining city skyline. Yet the view held a city long into the night, a dark contrast to the silvery gold sunlight beaming onto the forest. If she hadn't had all of her life to get used to such strange occurrences in dreams, Yuki may have thought that she was losing her mind. Rather, the more fantastic the dreams, the more Yuki's adventurous spirit was engaged.

Of the dreams she's had, this one was definitely an interesting exploration. A familiar park becoming a woodland of dreams. A magnificent royal beast that feels human and a stunning skyline ballroom appearing in the middle of the path as though it has always been there. As thought someone was playing patch quilt with pieces and bits of different worlds rather than cloth.

All of this and more do I rule. You could rule by my side, if you dare. The world of sleep and nighttime visions could be your very own. The dreams of all, yours to treasure or destroy. You need only stay with me.

The power of his voice thrummed from the tip of her head to the soles of her feet. His words caressed her and buffeted her all at once. A disturbing friction of sensations that caused her cautious walls to rise. She needed a moment to collect herself. To remember that this was all an elaborate, vivid dream.

Removing her hand from his arm, Yuki let her imagination soar and created a new attire that would fit the ballroom waiting before them. She wove a an intricate corset like bodice with crystal buckles lining it in a symmetrical design. A sheer silvery tulle and white silk skirt seem to float in the air and framed her long bare legs in a playful cascade of materials. High heel glass slippers raised her diminutive height and sparkling diamond dews sparkled from her long straight blue black hair that was swept up in an elaborate twist on her head.

Now armed, ready and calm in her senses, Yuki returned her bare hand to rest on his sleeve and strolled into a dreamer's ballroom that could not be matched in life.

The beautiful dreamer followed, as he knew she would, her petite feet rising onto translucent heels and her dress once again transforming to suit her surroundings. He felt her hand on his arm, against the fabric of his suit, soft and smooth as though it were woven of the same fine hairs that had vocered the panther's pelt. He led her gently toward the window, the city lights and stars battling for predominance in silhouette as he pulled her toward him, letting the panther mask move away from his pale, strong face. His penetrating silver eyes, peering affectionately down into hers as his palm flattened over the small of her exposed back. No words were needed, only their hearts beating in unison as he pulled her lightly to his chest. Tipping his mighty head forward, his lips pressed tenderly against hers, his opposite palm coming up to caress the side of her face.

It was like a dance. Their stroll from the forest, past the shimmering curtains held by golden maidens, and over the glimmering patterned floor of the ballroom to the far bank windows. Though it was only a simple step at a time, it was like a dance to a song that played intimately for them both. Only in their minds, melding the pattern of their steps to one and releasing them from its hold only when the stranger kissed her sweetly like a lover long gone that has just returned. That touch of flesh to flesh swept over her in one rush as this closer contact drummed in her the poignant power that was him to the core.

His tongue crept forward gently, brushing against her full, pouty lips as though entreating admission. The statues, holding open the curtains through which they had come straightened and released the fabric, letting them fall closed. The gilded women embraced each other expressionlessly and closing off the way they had come. His fingertips trailed gently down her jawline, moving to surround her slender, graceful throat. Not choking her, merely possessing her as the jacket slid from his shoulders to pool and vanish into his shadow without ever touching the floor.

The touch of his hand on her cheek, upon her back, held her as still as if she was bound. She expected him to dominate her with his kiss. To take from her what he wanted regardless of her wishes. In lieu of her expectations, his lips and tongue courted her own and it was not that she resisted so much that she simply kept quiet to feel each brushing caress. Her eyes had fallen closed. She didn't know until she felt him pull away and lifted her thick lashes to see him without the coat. His hand covered more than half of her slender neck and she was sure he could feel the rapid beat fluttering there.

With reluctant longing, his burning silver eyes left her beautiful face, moving lower down her body. As though fleeing his dissatisfaction, the buckles on her bodice all leapt free of their joinings, one after the other, exposing her smooth bronze skin to the heated scrutiny of his gaze. In the wake of his eyes, his hand traveled lower, fingertips lightly trailing over her collarbones as the heel of his hand moved deliberately down the center of his body as his shirt and tie also melted into shadow. Behind his hand, his lips moved lower, sampling of her neck and tenderly dragging his straight, white teeth over her supple and firm breasts. Still moving lower.

When his hand approached the hem of her skirt, the layers of fabric parted before him, exposing her nude undercarriage to his continued attention. His fingertips gliding gently over the subtle mound between her thighs until his middle digit reached the shrouded, pink little nub of her clit, stroking slowly to unveil the sensitive little nub from under its fleshy hood at the same moment his lips claimed her erect nipple between his lips, teeth gently but assertively grating against the top and bottom while his warm, rough tongue writhed against the tip pinched between his teeth.

Yuki trembled beneath his gentle touch as he unbound her bodice and swept apart the flowing skirt with silent commands. Her growing fascination with him entwined with a thirsty yearning, and she did not hold back her gasping plea when his fingers plucked the most sensitive nubbin and teased her aching rose brown peak with his firm lips.

At Yuki's sharp, lyrical intake of air, more of the cold, metallic statues came forward to cradle her body, sparing her even the slightest inconvenience of remaining upright. One polished metal back alligned into the delicate curve of Yuki's elegant spine. Another knealt down, tucking a shoulder into the back of her knee while another did the same on the other side. In the space of a fraction of a moment, she was reclined, spread open to him and fully exposed to his ongoing attentions. As Yuki's body reclined, The Dreamlord slid a palm along the interior of her thigh, caressing her while two digits on his other hand pushed inside of her. Kissing lips and writhing tongue carried his face down the delicate, lithe lines of her torso, until his nose was parting the delicate patch of hair, his tongue reaching out to curl faintly under the hood of her clit, suddenly warm and impossibly soft as his fingers curled upward ever so faintly and his lips descended to suckle at her clit.

Give yourself to me. His command needed no help from his busy tongue and mouth, instead he made the world and especially the places where their bodies touched vibrate and shudder. Give yourself to me fully and be mine forever, Yuki.

The metallic lounge made up of the golden maidens felt astonishingly warm and soft below her but she had little attention for them when the shadow man's thick fingers entered her small woman's entrance. They entered her easily as the creamy flood of arousal soaked her silken walls and covered his invading digits in its trembling clasp. Her hands sank into his dark hair and it became undone to flow over his back and down to tickle the sensitive surface of her thighs. She wasn't sure if his hot mouth had been aiming to take her clit or if she had rushed him there with her greedy hands. All that mattered was the tremendous shock that pulsed from her core at his long suckling kiss. The way her feet pressed into the gilded statutes, back arching high up away from her magical chaise and her head falling wantonly back as gasping whimpers left her redden lips.

His power and words sizzled over her skin in a blood scorching touch that drew her muscles to draw tightly in response and sputter in spasmic releases. Yuki's panting whimpers cleaved the air like twanging bells as a waterfall climax rushed over her.

As the Master felt her body tense and arch beneath him, he opened his mouth wider, sliding his tongue between his fingers and inside of Yuki's clenching, wet hole. He wanted to taste her, let her climax flow over his tastebuds and fill him with her remarkable release. So he did, and suddenly felt more formiddable because of it. He felt his power become greater still as her fluid poured past his eager lips.

When her body relaxed once more, he rose up, dragging his cheek over the smooth contours of her flat, toned stomach. When he returned to his full height, he was completely naked and his thick, rigid cock was standing upright-a threat and a promise at once. He leaned forward, his chiseled chest pressing down against Yuki's heaving, nude bosom. The head of his cock lightly trailed through the cleft of her weeping pussy, teasing once more at her erect and over-stimulated clit, worn red from his attention.

Give yourself to me, that we may become one.

Say you are mine, mind, body and soul.

Yuki's glazed and glittering brown eyes captured his silver orbs, her fingers sank into his heavy fall of hair and pulled his face to hers for a searing kiss. She lunged into his chest with her own, wrapping slender legs over his hips and impaled herself on his eager staff. Not a matter of luck or experience, simply her will in the realm of dreams to take his hard phallus deep into her woman's mound.

A harsh grunt and shuddering moan filled his mouth as she took no time to gently accept his thick girth and long length into her rippling tunnel. Her desire was too great too ignore and she held no false mdesty in the landscape of dreams. His touch fired her blood, his voice wrought shivers to dance along her skin and his mouth caused her core to clench and weep in lust for what she has claimed. Yuki forced him to cleave deep within her and fell victim to her own actions as her clamorous carnality took control of her body. She had no thoughts but to take all of the delicious animalistic passion and power that beat from within him.

She strained to close the infinitesimal distance between them and freely shared her longing cries of fulfillment as he was overcome by her fervor and thundered harder into her. Yuki gave him her body with utter abandonment, gasping joyously as he rampant thrusts and milking his phallus within her velvet glove. Her eyes fluttered shut as she neared the effervescent peak and sank her nails to score his back as rapids of tumultuous pleasure crashed over her in soaring waves.

The Master returned Yuki’s lust-filled gaze with a hunger and longing that was simultaneously thrilling and dangerous. Her lovely, smooth legs embraced him and urged him into the warm, silken glove of her womanly arousal. The wetness, the tightness, both served to fuel his might and from within, his manhood swelled and expanded, stretching her and contouring itself to mirror the shape of her interior. The sound of her moans and plaintive gasps inspired in him a hunger, and drove him to a feverish pace of driving thrusts.

Her kiss was returned, his fire matching her own as she pressed herself tighter against him and moaned against his lips. One hand came to rest on her face, his long black hair surrounding them like a veil of private affection while their mouths held a heated discourse of lust and gratification. His other arm slipped under the arching small of her petite back, keeping her pinned against him as he drove his hips downward and into her.

When the tip of his huge, invading member met strongly with her cervix, his cock sprouted tiny, threadlike appendages which probed inside of her womb to tickle and caress while he continued to grow in power from her sexual energy and appetite. Under his pale skin, the sinews of his muscles redoubled and his torso began to swell, deepening the chasms around his defined muscles and increasing the ferocity with which he drove in again.

As the tendrils extended from his cock lashed at the inside of her womb, he lifted her up from her place on the backs of statues and held her aloft with one arm without trouble. He lifted her, and dropped her again, lifted and dropped. Again and again until her voice raised to echo off of the vaulted ceilings overhead. She was his, he could feel it, and her possession made him mightier. He no longer felt strained, existing on the plane of the waking, instead he felt as though she made him belong there. He felt her yielding, knew she would return, yet still did not want this blissful union to end, even as he felt his own climax building from low in his loins.

Call me Master, and let me hear you cry out!

Climax with me and know that you belong to me!

Her ears were filled by her own voice rebounding from the cavernous ballroom, his voice filled her mind with his overwhelming powerful presence and struck the fiery ball of need that had coiled deep in her womb. The explosion of ecstasy driven storm drenched over his massive ram tunneling inside her frail human body. Yuki threw her head back to wail out her agonizingly amazing orgasm that rolled rapidly over one into another and pressed her loins tightly against his. She shuddered and cried as her nails raked long furrows into the shadow man's muscular biceps.

Yuki's entire body clenched, born aloft by his turgid manhood and arms. She convulsed harshly in rapid succession of full body explosions and as the strongest eruption of sheer pleasure overcame her, Yuki screamed, "MASTER! Master---"

At her exquisite screams, her calling his name, the Master rose his own ethereal baritone to join hers in a wordless and plaintive howl. His swollen rod jammed itself back inside, the soft tendrils holding open the entrance to her womb as a glut of thick and molten hot fluid gushed from him, into her. It filled her up and soon overflowed before the gush had even ceased, only to be followed by another and another, as he panted deeply, still clinging to her naked body, holding her tightly as though he would never let go, even as he felt her begin to slip away.

Spikey, thick lashes wrenched open to a familiar darkness as she screamed for the Master and the feel of sensual silk clinging to her sweat drenched form touched the edges of her awareness. Helplessly, Yuki shuddered from rolling orgasms as her sore body wept copious juices of need and a hollow ache thrummed from her empty passage.

She was alone in her bed and still reeling from the most traumatic and violent series of orgasms that she has ever had in her life. She laid a trembling hand on her belly and pressed down as the shudders became shivers and the shivers faded into weak tremors. Tremors that still chased her nerve endings as she fell into exhausted sleep.

A few hours later, she rose faintly from her deep slumber to tell Lydia that she wasn't feeling well and would have to push back the shoot for a day or two until she regained her strength. She didn't even remember taking a sip of water before passing out again. Just to sleep.

No dreams to tempt her, no Master to cull explosive release from her and no feelings of anything but silence and healing.
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Lydia Favor's dream

((Collaboration between LitShark & Vailyn))

Still overwrought with power, from his encounter with Yuki the beautiful and powerful Earth archon, the Master felt an overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness, the like of which he hadn’t known for millennia. She had only just departed from his arms and he wanted her back, the cruel hand of fate which granted him unlimited power, but deprived him of the waking world where the mortals spent the majority of their time was once more frustrating his wishes and desires. Nonetheless, he still felt the power he had acquired from his liaison with his cherished one; he was still there on Earth, sharing the plane of waking mortals.

Finding Yuki still in bed was a bewildering surprise for the Lydia. Her boss was the kind of person who was always together. She never had a hair out of place, schedules ran on time and, while there was plenty of room for creativity, anything Yuki organized was very well planned out. It was odd to find her twisted up in her silk sheets and sleeping deeply. If she didn't know any better, it seemed as if she may have been drugged.

No frakkin' way!

It only took a few hours to change plans and reschedule the shoots to take place a few days later. Then it took another few hours to scoot the late comers out of the studio. Though, Lydia made sure to take a little quality time with some of her favorites. Models are sooooo delicious!

Once everything was rearranged and Lydia had a put another set of sexual adventures into her memory banks, she decided to stick around and stay there, just in case Yuki needed her.

Munching on leftover Chinese takeout, Lydia browsed a few erotic story sites and watched a couple of enlightening bondage videos on her laptop. She fell into the stories and videos and brought herself to grunting orgasm before she climbed into the guest bedroom to sleep. She licked her juices from her fingers with a lusty sigh. "Masturbating is okay but it’s just not as good as fucking someone else."

Lydia pulled her clothes off and let them fall wherever, as she stalked to the guest bed and jumped in naked. She rolled around on the soft cotton covers with a laughing squeal and stretched her buxom body across the bed. She fell asleep with one hand tucked in her swollen pink lips and the other one cradling a pillow to her chest.

Who are you, to invade this sacred space? How have you come to be here?

Caught in a dream, forest green locks of hair fell across Lydia's face. She pushed the disordered strands back with a swipe of her arm that had been tucked between her legs.

The plush, luxurious loft had begun to transform, darken and become sinister. Every object, every scrap of clothing, every piece of furniture reminded him of what had just transpired between him and the one mortal in all the world whom he desired. The beautiful statuettes had begun melting, their dainty features dripping- their lean, smooth bodies becoming irregular and jagged. The vibrant blues which colored many of the fixtures withered and faded to black. The stars faded out, one by one, like a countdown to total darkness. Until the windows resembled a glass tank full of ink. Even the Master himself, feeling lonely for the first time in ages, wrapped himself up in a tempest of shadows so deep and swirling that only his fierce, silver eyes cut through the darkness rising in coils from his body like toxic smoke. The statuettes, now melted, deformed demons, hissed and crawled forward when the intruder arrived, lashing out with brutally strong, metallic fingers.

Swimming in layers of shadow that only gave glancing glimpses out of the corners of her eyes, Lydia grew restless in her sleep. A kernel of anxious excitement and fear trickled over her. Something's here. Something's watching.

He would not waste this opportunity.

This intruder was another, not an archon of dreams like his beloved, but one who knew Yuki well- who shared her waking hours. He would possess her- use her as an instrument to draw his beloved closer to him. This one called Lydia. She would become his bait.

Sharing in a weaker subconscious than Yuki’s was a new experience for the Master, who had not had cause or opportunity to meddle in the affairs of common mortals often. His shrouded palm touched the dusky, carpeted ground below him and from the clay of her subconscious raised a massive and ominous dungeon around himself, letting the statuettes take hold of Lydia’s extremities.

Give yourself to me, Lydia. The Master has come to make you his own.

With a burst of light that shined around her, Yuki’s visage appeared out of the uneasy darkness and hope lit inside Lydia. She remembered that dreams were always more vivid and strong when she slept at the studio. She was about to smile, to call out to her friend.

Lydia screamed!

Like angry serpents, the white belts from Yuki’s bodice leapt from their place on the ground, striking and lashing at Lydia’s body, leaving welts on her pale skin. Her dreams were weaker, unremarkable. She was helpless to resist the shining leather belts as they suddenly latched themselves around her wrists, arms and legs, pinning her tightly to the misshapen bodies which cradled her limbs.

As though Yuki's appearance gave life to the dream, Lydia could now see that she was in a dark and imposing dungeon. Her eyes darkened with excitement despite the lingering thrum of fear.

Holy frakkin' shit! I'm in a frakkin' dungeon! I--

A pass of the Master’s shadowy hand left her completely nude, he approached without ever seeming to take a step or even touch the ground. All of him obscured by swirling, smoky shadow except for his piercing silver eyes.

The sight of the most gorgeous and dangerous man she has ever seen short circuited Lydia's brain. Her large hazel eyes dilated, her large breasts seemed to tremble with her quickened breaths and an inexplicable need made her always needy body more wet.

The Dreamlord approached, the shadow swiping away from his naked form gradually, like one walking into the light. A smirk crossed his lips, reaching out to place his fingertips gently onto Lydia's throat, just drifting down her body with such delicate precision that it seemed he could have caressed sand in such a way without misplacing a single grain. As the soft pads of his fingers delved in between the luscious breasts, his face descended as well, reading her subconscious desires as easily as if they had been tattooed along her ribcage. His face descended, capturing one stiff nipple between forceful but careful teeth, while his tongue writhed against the shallow dip at the center.

The green of her hazel eyes seem to grow stronger as all her senses warred between watching this dark god of men drink from her heavy teat and feeling how the bite of his teeth marked her even as his tongue stoked the heat between her legs higher. Instantly, a sheen of sweat rose from her skin. The air filled with her the scent of her arousal.

She forgot to breathe.

While his mouth worked on her chest, the Master's fingers moved lower still, trailing cool fire down the delicate line that delineated the hemisphere's of Lydia's enticing body. He moved down in a smooth flourish, slipping between her thighs and penetrating her with his two middle digits, spreading them as soon as her lips slid flush against his knuckles, curling them lightly back toward himself like each finger was beckoning her closer, even as the straps held her to the golden bodies tangled below her.

A whistling gasp tore air into her lungs as she tried helplessly to push the stranger's hand in deeper. The walls of her taught flesh tightened with demanding need around his thick digits that stroked inside. She wanted to tug his head closer to her by gripping his long hair in her hands. She wanted him to take her without wasting another moment. She's always wanted to belong. To be taken body and soul. Deep in her gut, she knew that this man could be the one. The one she can lose herself in and belong to body and soul.

Instinctively reading her desires, her wanton cries of yielding pleasure, her desire to become His. So malleable, so desperate, so easy. In spite of her willingness, the Master desired to leave nothing to chance. He buried his face into Lydia's breast, letting it bulge around his face until his nose was pressing against the outline of her ribcage, his neck cracked, swelled and bloomed another head, thrashing back and forth impatiently until it was large enough to mimic the actions of its brother on the other side. At the same moment, He shoved an index and middle finger into Lydia's ass, spreading them as well and trying to play Cat's Cradle with the sensitive barrier of flesh that separated his hands.

Before her salivating green-brown eyes, Lydia watched as another head formed from the stranger. The Dark Lord's new head latched onto her other breast and feasted on her flesh as though it has never known a delicacy like hers. A grunt forced itself out from deep within as she felt her rosebud pierced and stretched without warning. The tensing burn, the automatic resistance to his forceful invasion and feeling how little her response stopped him made a gush of wetness drip from her core and soaked his hand. The wet sounds of mouths suckling and fingers squelch-squishing in her hungry passage joined Lydia's ragged gasps of pain edged want.

Her grunting, quivering and yearning stoked the sadistic fire that was the Dreamlord. He forced another finger inside of Lydia's clenching, drooling sex. His fingers were frictionless, only until he desired them to be rough, slipping and grinding at intervals, still playing peek-a-boo with their twins in the back.

Another finger forced its way into her cunt, followed by the thumb and a mighty shove that moved methodically from shoulder, to elbow, to forearm. His entire hand wrestled its way inside, completely frictionless in this moment, until he buried himself to the wrist, then his hand began to open, spreading out, blooming inside of Lydia's womb and raising five distinct points from her otherwise flat stomach. All the while his fingers in her ass ran along his knuckles.

There was no thinking involved. As soon as the Dark Lord touched her, all thoughts ran out the window and slammed shut as sensations rippled and ripped throughout her body. He stretched her beyond logic and experience. She could feel each individual finger as it shoved into her slick wetness. She could feel the fingers of his hands play, tap, push and rub each other inside her. She could only strain against her bonds, a gasping trill singing from her throat and the anxious thunder of heart as his thumb plowed into her and his hand flared from within.

Silent in a painful small arch, a tunneling release burst around her confined form and she came hard on his hands that dug into her. Locks of her meadow green hair plastered to her steaming, glaze face. Her head shaking, not in denial, but in the restless need to move despite her white manacles.

His teeth bit down harder, fiercer than before, pointed teeth sinking through flesh, breaking skin and touching on the other side through her nipples. When the mouths opened and moved back, twin piercings were left behind, each dangling gold crescent moons that glittered brighter than anything else in the highrise dungeon. The twin head from the Dreamlord's neck wasn't an identical twin, it was Yuki's face, familiar and smiling at Lydia.

When his teeth bit down harder, fiercer than before, pointed teeth sinking through. Another flare of release shuddered and crashed on top of the one before, as two mouths bit into her tortured nubs. She danced in the furious arousal the Dark Lord played with her body. Tumbling down from the peak, the evidence of her desires dripped down his arm and covered the insides of her thighs. Lydia didn't even know when she had closed her eyes until she opened the heavy lids with some effort. First she noticed the golden half rings, piercing her nipples and as she raised her head from her chest, the faces of the Dark Lord focused. The two heads were not just of the stranger who she has given herself to willingly despite her capture. The second was the face of her beloved boss and friend. The one she had secretly yearned to make love to for as long as she could remember.

"Yuki.." she hoarsely called.

The Master laughed at Lydia's heartfelt and urgent climax. When she was done writhing and arching, he pulled back, extracting his hands and devouring Yuki's head back into her neck. The carrot had been offered, it was time to let the jackass plow. Taking a step back, the Master passed his hand through the air, letting the straps all abruptly release her, sending her falling to the dusty, black carpet.

By now, his cock was rigid, standing up hard and long and impossibly thick, bobbing in the air, beckoning her to come and worship at the base of such a shaft. To make her mind subject to his body.

The fall from the cluster of metallic bodies made a startling impact as she fell without grace and landed on her shins, knees and elbows with jarring impact. She barely saved her face from crashing down onto the dark floor. Lydia felt out of place and control. Her mind in shock from the physical, sensual torment of the Dark Lord. She was free, but she did not wish to be free. She yearned to be his. To be owned by Him.

Crawl to me whore, beg to be mine for the rest of your pathetic and undeserving existence.

He heard her secret wish.
He heard her most hidden desires.
He knew what she needed.

Lydia found strength to drag herself up onto her hands and knees and began to crawl to the Dark Lord. The rough floor scrapped and cut into her city soft skin. Spots of her blood left faint trails on the floor as she crept slowly to her new Lord and Master.

When she crawled near enough to meet his mighty erection with her face, the Master took hold of the back of her head, gripping her by her soft, green hair. His thick cock pressed against her face roughly, making her smell his turgid arousal as his heavy balls pressed against her lips. With his other hand, he shoved the heavy sack past those parted, rose-petal lips, force feeding her with his body.

This is who you were born to be, the role you have been destined to play. You will be my meat puppet for the struggle to come, you will be my plaything, my tool for bending humanity to my will. Be grateful, whore. You have earned a blessed and remarkable role.

Using Lydia’s head like a toy for self-gratification, he pulled her upward, dragging her eager lips and tongue along the underside of his shaft. When he mouth was dragged to the tip, he shoved forward with his hips, pulling her face into his lap and burying himself to the hilt in her throat. He sighed, enjoying the sensation of her throat, jerking her head up and down without regard for her breath or gag reflex, he stared deeply into her hazel eyes for the first time.

You are mine now, and your only purpose in life is to please me and further my interests. Nothing else exists for you anymore.
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Lydia Favor's Dream Continued

Collaboration with LitShark

The Master's voice filled her to the brim. His words surrounded her and became a part of her. Thrumming from within and bursting in shivers on her skin. She could see nothing but him and feel him. The full immense length of his cock burst into her mouth and tore into her throat but she did not care. The aching and stretching pain paled against the extreme pleasure she felt in taking him and being used for his pleasure. She stared into his swirling silver eyes and let her devotion for him shine.

The silver pools of His eyes looked back at her, affectionately but also faintly sympathetic, like he felt sorry for her futile attempts at bringing him pleasure. He decided that she deserved to recieve him, that he would allow her- unworthy as she was- to accept him deep inside. With a gesture, he lifted her back to her feet, bringing her face to his hand as though suddenly magnetic and kissed her deeply.

Lydia cried out and tried to draw his cock back into her mouth but the Master's immeasurable strength drew her up and branded her with a devouring kiss that stole her air and any resistance she had left.

When he was finished with her mouth, a dismissive shove of her face turned her around. He took hold of her long, green hair and roughly thrust himself inside of her, pressing his chest against her back and capturing her earlobe between his lips.

"Now you shall become mine, thank me for the privilege. Beg to earn my favor and make yourself worthy."

It felt as if the dark Lord's cock was splitting her tender insides in two as he thrust into her drenched pussy. Even as her body fought his invasion, it thrummed and convulsed in eager spasms. She resisted the pull of her hair and a fierce grin widened her lips as he yanked her harder.

Gasping as he bit her ear, she followed his command. "I am yours, Master! Thank you for claiming me! It is all I have ever wanted and desired. I have searched to belong to someone and be used however they wanted me. Please use me, Master! I am yours to do with as you wish. I will do anything you desire. You make me complete. All I ever wish for is to have you in me, Master."

The Master smiled at Lydia's dutiful reply, rewarding her with a slow and deep push of himself inside and pulling her back against him as he leaned away from her and forced her back into a deep arch. The hand in her hair opened, seeming to release her only to have her head fall short and his hand spread open, her hair splitting into five distinct points that spread out to his fingertips her hair seeming to sprout from below his fingertips. He wiggled his fingers, making Lydia's head bob up and down in the affirmative like a marionette. He slapped his hips against the taunt cheeks of her ass, again and again, coaxing the climax he demanded from her roughly and quickly. He reached around her body to grasp one of her full and heaving breasts in his large, powerful hand. He squeezed roughly, while his index finger hooked on the freshly hung loop piercing in her nipple and extended outward, pulling her nipple through the space in his fingers left by the extended index finger.

Grunting with each fierce thrust as the Master plowed into her willing vessel, her grin grew when she felt his hold change on her head to hold her hair in separate locks. She revealed in his taking and his control over her. Though she loved being a strong and independent woman, she had always wanted to meet someone who would be stronger than her and make her bend to their strength. One of his large hands grabbed her large breast and tugged on the circular hoop that pierced her nipple. A crescent moon rested at the end of tiny links that hung from the loop. It beat against her tender skin as her body shuddered from her Master's powerful lunges.

"Yes, whore! This is your true purpose, your true self. Cum for your Master and soak his cock in your gratitude."

And she did! As soon as the word cum sounded from the dark Lord, Lydia's body exploded in wild convulsions that shattered her senses and she strained in silent agonizing pleasure. Her muscles stroked and tightened greedily on the Master's cock. Her thighs and his groin wet from all of her effusive creamy white juices.

He threw his head back and laughed, she was already attune to his commands, compliant and enamored with his power.

"Good, Toy." He resonated into her mind. Raising his arm and slowing down to deliver a solid, piercing thrust into her still clenching pussy. "Every part of you is mine, exists only to please me. You are my toy, my fuck puppet, my slave. You will be the instrument of my greater desires, and exist only to please me from this day forward.

"You will watch Yuki, keep her safe, keep her chaste. You will urge her back to me and allow none other to lay hand upon her. Tell me it shall be done."

From the haze of her climax, the Master's words and will reverberated within and about her. There was no denial. Only acceptance. "Yes, Master. Whatever you wish is my desire."

"That's my good toy. Accept my gift and become my vessel." The Dreamlord's finger closed back around Lydia's breast, squeezing until the soft flesh bulged out between his fingers, he tugged her head back hard, making her body arch and strain like he was stringing a bow. He slammed his shaft back inside of her and pulled her back against him, dumping jet after jet of molten cum inside of her, filling her to overflowing with his influence. His hand eventually relented, moving gently down her stomach to come to rest just above her cleft. His hand radiating heat over the place where his cum was still pooled inside her.

The fading waves of her climax surged and flooded her to cum again as the dark Lord spilled his seed into her. An intense, tingling sensation crawled all over her skin as she convulsed over the Master's cock. An invasive change spread throughout her soul and the mark of her Master set in stone.

Her screams echoed off the dungeon walls. "I am yours, Master! I am your Toy!"


Lydia woke with a start and found herself creaming all over her hand that was thrusting into her sopping wet pussy. She moaned and memories of her dreams shredded all of her self control. Growling in needy mewls, she pushed three fingers of her hand deep inside and pinched her nipples as she rocked her body into a mild orgasm.

It wasn't enough. She needed more. She needed to feel the way the Master had made her feel in the dream. She has been claimed and she needed to show the world of her claiming.

Playing her body with all of her varied experience, Lydia planned for a way to make her status of being owned a fact. The perfect plan came together as the fourth orgasm rolled and pulsed over her passion bruised muscles. She looked at the clock on the wall. The luminescent digits told her that it was only 10 pm. She's only been asleep for an hour. Climbing out of the comfortable bed, she licks and sucks her cream off her sticky fingers.

You're mine. My beautiful fuck toy.

Lydia shuddered as the Master's voice sounded in her mind. She felt a glow of utter contentment at the knowledge that she now has a Master. What she had always secretly wished for. She pulled on her clothes with the ease of familiarity and went to check on Yuki. Peeking into the room, she found her still sleeping deeply. She somehow knew that she will be fine.

Several hours later, Lydia purred happily at her friend Axes handiwork in the guest bathroom mirror. Her fingers played with the dark pink areolas and admired her newly pierced nipples. A golden hoop with a dangling crescent moon decorated her sensitive reddened nubs. Each pull of her fingers reminded her of the Master's touch.

Over her bare plump mound is an ornate M tattooed in black and blue ink with a hint of red. She belongs to him now and forever. Her Master's brand is inked into her skin over her treasured womanhood. She turned around and twisted her torso to look at her large round ass and the tattoo of the dark Lord's name for her on her lower back:


You please me, Toy, with your actions.

His words sent sharp darts of need down into her still aching and swollen pussy. She didn't even try to stop herself from plunging her fingers into her grasping heat as she cupped a breast in her hand, brought it up to meet her lips and suckled on her pierced nipple. She went back to bed and played with herself as she listened to her Master's growling approval in her mind. Hours later, she fell asleep on the covers wet from her juices with her hand tucked between her legs.
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Ben Kane grit his teeth and dug his fingers into his palms as the loudly rattling needle passed over his spine once again, but he didn’t change any feature of his outward appearance, staring at the curtain behind which the woman of his dreams had sauntered, her sexy hips swaying, green hair trailing lightly on air behind her. He knew that hair, knew her face, knew it as clearly as he knew that his back couldn’t go another moment without being adorned by the shrouded figure with exquisite black wings who had haunted his dreams all night.

The needle rattled over Ben’s spine again, this time in a downward motion, but his face remained intractable. He was trying to listen to the sound of the green haired girl’s artist’s needle, even above the sound of his own. Trying to imagine what brought her here, in this hour between night and dawn. How focused she had seen, sequestering the lead artist Axle behind that damnable curtain. That bitch, that fucking artist… Them and their private secrets. Ben hated them, hated it all, hated the goddamn needle.

He sat for hours, watching that curtain, seeming to briefly get visions, divine gifts it seemed—of the girl behind the curtain, nude from the waist down, getting an elaborate M inked above her shaven mound. Each time the needle passed over his spine again, he could see her clearly each time the pain became almost too intense to stand. He felt closer to Him, to the one in his dreams who’d made the earth and everything in it seem so small and insignificant. That being which demanded only devotion and could wield the fabric of dreams as though they were curtains before him, it was because of Him that Ben was able to see these miraculous visions.

Just as the artist was finishing up on Ben’s back, he saw her come out from behind the curtain, giving attention to the artist who had inked her skin and pierced her nipple, the luckiest man alive. Ben watched her go, suddenly rising instinctively to follow, as the artist was still in the process of laying down protective plastic around his work.

“Hey! Settle down, I’m not done back here. You want to look at it don’t you.”

“No, I don’t need to. It’s perfect, I can feel it! Worth every penny. I have to go.”

“Hey, wait! Your shirt!”

There was no time for anything as trivial as a shirt, not now—with bloody black wings upon his back, Ben flew. He raced through the city, trying to smell that emerald hair on the wind. In a few blocks, he found himself on the outskirts, near a studio. He was close, he could feel her! Someone here knew something. Something about her, something about him or something about his dreams, there was no way to know—but Ben knew that he was close.

Before he’d even made up his mind to ask around, his fist was beating loudly against the door of the nearest studio. He’d never been so bold in his life! Every cell of his body was alive with the hunt, the air sweet ecstasy against his bleeding back. Somehow, today was different from every other day of Ben’s past. It was like the demons and addictions from his past had been shed from his back as soon as the ink was injected in. It was like someone other than himself was swinging that fist.

Ben would have stopped, after four, five, sixteen or so hard knuckle slams against the metal door. If he’d been in his right mind, he surely would have stopped after his knuckles opened up and started bleeding. Yet somehow, he couldn’t stop himself, couldn’t keep his fist from bashing into the metal door, over and over like a magnetic speed bag that his fist was drawn to. A moth to the flame.

Over and over he beat that door. They knew something, he was close. He hoped they came before he broke any of the increasingly sore bones in his hand. The repetition of his own knocking brought back the sound of the needle to his mind. He could feel that half-remembered voice from his dreams.
She can be yours…
Strong fingers tangled in her lustrous dark mane and pulled to draw her face up to meet a fierce, heated kiss. Muscled limbs pushed apart her legs and wrapped around her flushed, unadorned body. Delicate caresses along her sides sent shivers tingling down her body and settled like a warm coal in her middle.

Darkness surrounded them. A turning, darkness that seemed fathomless and yet oddly intimate. As though she was bound in a place of infinite possibilities and held in a spacious cocoon.

A hungry growl tickled her lower lip before teeth nibbled down her jawline, she tossed her head back to open the way and gave a husky giggle of delight as he filled his hands with her firm breasts as he continued his oral teasing down her neck.

A flash of shining gold eyes and a dark noble face of a panther flickered across her mind. A rush of slumbering need awoke with lazy strum. Vivid recollections of a powerful stranger vied with her lover's touch. The two tangled in her mind as her body flushed with tantalizing hunger.

His fingers caught the tight furled buds and pinched hard as his teeth sank into her shoulder. Her startled cry grew into a panting moan dotted with staccato bursts of breath. Silken bonds gathered around her and became tighter with each plea filled moan. One by one, all of her limbs were caught and bound until she could barely move. A prisoner of silk. A captive of her need.

Fingers grasped for purchase and finding only more of the silky material that bunched helplessly in her hands. Her body danced a beguiling prayer for succor.


The sound of her voice calling out broke the veils of dreams, and Yuki found herself bound within the silken sheets of her bed. The restful silence turned upside down as her ears filled with the internal rampage of her heart. Short draws of breath running counter to the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her lower abdomen tight with coiling need and making her wish keenly for a lover to take her ragged arousal to a piercing release.

Though her mind felt clear and aware, a languid exhaustion filled her body. She stretched slowly and several aches let themselves be known. She felt especially tender between her legs. If she didn't know any better, it seemed as though her vivid dreams have made a large impact on her waking self.

Curiosity and tempting satisfaction ambled into her mind as memories of the dreams replayed. Questions about the new stranger, the gorgeous, fantasy dreamland and sardonic delight at the extraordinary sex. It was the most action she's seen in a long time. Her hectic schedule did not leave a lot of room for Yuki to date and that made it difficult to find a lover. Doubly difficult since she's banned herself from casual flings.

A glance at the alarm clock showed that she's been awake for an hour and spent it in ambling contemplation. A soft gurgling from her tummy pushed her out of bed. Yuki picked up a colorfully embroidered Chinese silk robe from the cream brocade covered rosewood divan, sighed happily as she pulled the dragons robe on and knotted the belt.

She could hear Lydia talking shop from the office as made her way into the kitchen. After putting a pot of water on the stove to boil, she pulled out ingredients for a veggie omelet. The one that calls himself the Master. The things he said struck strong cords in her.

All of this and more do I rule. You could rule by my side, if you dare. The world of sleep and nighttime visions could be your very own. The dreams of all, yours to treasure or destroy. You need only stay with me.

"What did he mean? What does he rule? The dreams seemed so real." Yuki contemplated aloud. "Stay with him? If I had a choice and I could live in a magical realm like the dream--would I?" She laughed softly at her fanciful ideas.

Give yourself to me, that we may become one.

A telling blush colored her face as she recalled the ways she gave herself to him. The memories sending phantom caresses and desire flickering over her nerves. Yuki had vibrant dreams all of her life and any caution she would use in her waking life does not apply. She's much more reckless and precariously daring in her dreams.

Call me Master, and let me hear you cry out! Climax with me and know that you belong to me!

And she did. Boy did she! Just the memories of what had happened in the dreams were enough to awaken her quiescent desires.

The hearty meal and pot of green tea filled her nicely. She felt more alert and human but weaker than she should. Deciding to take it easy and rest, Yuki stopped by the office to listen to Lydia work. She smiled gratefully. Lydia's more of a partner than assistant and it sounded like she had everything under control. Yuki made a note to do something fun with her. She padded into the studio to pick up her laptop and made her way back upstairs.


Music teased her senses. The gradual crescendo of an electric guitar wailing a mournful blues melody. Her lips moved to mouth the lyrics before the female vocalist's haunting voice wrapped her soul in the words. Yuki fell as she turned towards her side and landed on her cheek with a faint ompfh! She had fallen asleep while propped up against the pillows and working on her laptop.

Sleep encrusted eyes opened with some effort and found a twilight touched room. The bright moonlight shined down through the skylights and painted the large room in shades of blue-grey. Sapphire silk sheets tangled around her lower body and the laptop rested unscathed on her legs. Not counting the sleep goo sticking to her lashes or the minor soreness from falling asleep upright and not moving for hours, she felt pretty good. The lethargic weakness she felt earlier was gone and she felt more like herself. Stretching her arms high up over her head, Yuki exhaled a happy sound of contentment.

She placed the laptop on the side table, slipped off the robe and threw it on the divan. Clearing her mind of all thoughts and emotions, Yuki's breathing settled into a sedate pattern and the next hour passed in quiet concentration as she practiced one of the long forms. To wrap up the session, she focused her will towards good intentions and expelled the tangles of negativity.

The cleansing exhale reminded her that it's been a while since she's brushed her teeth. Chuckling at her own thoughts and reactions, Yuki took a piping hot shower to wash her body and cleanse her mouth. The odd soreness in her lower abdomen and legs turned her thoughts to the amazingly erotic dreams she's had. Will the Shadow Man be a reoccurring character in her dreams?

Her lustrously long black hair wrapped up in a white towel and twisted into place on top of her head, Yuki pulled on a funky tank top, plain cotton undies, her favorite white tiger t-shirt and black leggings. The laptop went with her as she returned downstairs to raid the kitchen for a snack. Soon, the coffeemaker sang it's coughing-gurgles as it prepared fresh Ethiopian brew and Yuki was seated at the counter with a bowl of rice and roasted seaweed.

A loud banging interrupted the simple meal and pulled her towards the front door. Yuki checked the entry way camera and saw a shirtless man beating on the door. His movements seem almost frantic with a need to get in. Her first response was to ignore him and hope that he went away, but what she saw next made her hesitate. His shoulders twisted hard with the last few punishing blows on the door and showed his back. It was covered by an elaborate tattoo of black wings. It was bleeding. The stranger's back was bleeding and his hands were also damaged from the blows landing on the door.

Yuki pushed the intercom button, "I don't know who you are but it looks like you need help. I'll call the EMT's for you. If you'll wait right there, they should be with you soon."

The man froze at the sound of her voice and seemed to solidify into stone. She could sense how intently he was listening to her voice. Troubled by the stranger but feeling a need to help him, she went to the office to grab the cordless phone and returned to the front to watch over the man while she called. Except, there was no one there.
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